Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Guys clearly he was fearing for his life. The church was full of thugs. Hurry let's investigate every single minutia of the lives of the church members to slander them!

These are most likely innocent people that didn't do a thing wrong. The killer is the thug and sad to say they come in all races...
Was it hard faking that Matty?
I agree with Old School...

of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers.... have to understand the left....the fact that he killed 9 people is less of a problem for them than that he bought a gun........notice what the nut job focuses on in his posts....the left does't like people, their belief system does not respect the individual human but promotes the "Collective" and therefore individuals are the fact that a member of the collective bought a gun is the real problem for the lefties....

You have to understand the dishonesty of such a claim....but then if you were able to do such you would not be a wing nut ...sadly a wing nut...
Mass murders do happen in other "advanced countries". Maybe not as often as in the US, but you cannot attribute that to just a few select laws they have. Europe for example doesn't have millions of disgruntled blacks. They have much better immigration enforcement than the US.

Then how is it that all "Mass Murders" are committed by white males?

ALL mass murderers are white males, because JoeB says so? lol.

DC snipers, both black men.
Aaron Alexis, navy yard shooter.
Seung-hui Cho, Virgina Tech shooter.

Don't let the facts hit you on your ass on the way out.

colin feruson the Long Island Shooter
More second amendment remedies

Yes...the 2nd Amendment did help blacks fight off the democrats and their kkk terrorist wing. And of course the democrats tried to keep guns out of the hands of blacks throughout our history.
No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....

Taking the subject of the thread all the way from murderous racist wing nut fellow traveler to mythological Leftist killings ...guess a wing nut...
Yes...the 2nd Amendment did help blacks fight off the democrats and their kkk terrorist wing. And of course the democrats tried to keep guns out of the hands of blacks throughout our history.
and now changing the thread from how a fellow traveler on the road of racist hatred killed nine Blacks Democrats who lost the South for backing Civil Rights for Blacks...guess what a wing nut have to understand the left....the fact that he killed 9 people is less of a problem for them than that he bought a gun........notice what the nut job focuses on in his posts....the left does't like people, their belief system does not respect the individual human but promotes the "Collective" and therefore individuals are the fact that a member of the collective bought a gun is the real problem for the lefties....

You have to understand the dishonesty of such a claim....but then if you were able to do such you would not be a wing nut ...sadly a wing nut...

Tell us of your concern for nine people.

We can only judge that by the zero time which you've taken to eulogize those nine people, to speak to their humanity, their Love of Christ and their fellow man.

In truth, because of the love they possessed for the Father and the only begotten son he gave to save YOU from the certain consequences of your life of sin.... you and the Cult spoke to them ONLY where you've advised them that their "Religion should be kept in your church" or other far worse criticisms set for them, where they stood out against the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality and the horrific "Right to Murder Pre-born Children".

So spare yourself the humiliation in the claim that you have any compassion for those people who were murdered in cold blood by a product of Left-think.
Let's Review:

Just another pharmaceutical drugged murdering idiot...but Obama and other foolish pols claim the problem is guns and millions of Americans are blind to the truth.

The elephant in the room is Big Pharma and yet many can't see the elephant.

This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them with guns.

Guns are the problem.

Let's review and see if we can isolate THE PROBLEM!

"This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them..."

Seems like THE PROBLEM is isolated to THE 21 YEAR OLD DRUG ADDLED MALE of Low moral character, who had no respect for his responsibilities that sustained HIS RIGHTS, thus he had no responsibility for THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.


Now of the two competing set of Ideas:

1- The Ideological Left which rejects the objectivity that recognizes the RIGHT SUSTAINING INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES... which must be present for a sustanable right to actually exist.


2- The Philosophical Right, which fully recognizes, respects, defends and adhere TO the Laws of Nature that set the individual with responsibilities that sustain their God-given Rights...

Which do you suppose the 21 year old drug addled male who murdered those people who were sitting in fellowship with one another and with the Father... as they studied the Scriptures in a house of God, was operating upon?

I ask, because it is in THAT, where we will find "THE PROBLEM!"
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals
Mass murders do happen in other "advanced countries". Maybe not as often as in the US, but you cannot attribute that to just a few select laws they have. Europe for example doesn't have millions of disgruntled blacks. They have much better immigration enforcement than the US.

Then how is it that all "Mass Murders" are committed by white males?

ALL mass murderers are white males, because JoeB says so? lol.

DC snipers, both black men.
Aaron Alexis, navy yard shooter.
Seung-hui Cho, Virgina Tech shooter.

Don't let the facts hit you on your ass on the way out.

colin feruson the Long Island Shooter
More second amendment remedies

Yes...the 2nd Amendment did help blacks fight off the democrats and their kkk terrorist wing. And of course the democrats tried to keep guns out of the hands of blacks throughout our history.
If blacks had sunken to using second amendment remedies for their civil rights, they would still be riding the back of the bus

MLK fought for his rights using his first amendment rights
nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....
Then how is it that all "Mass Murders" are committed by white males?

ALL mass murderers are white males, because JoeB says so? lol.

DC snipers, both black men.
Aaron Alexis, navy yard shooter.
Seung-hui Cho, Virgina Tech shooter.

Don't let the facts hit you on your ass on the way out.

colin feruson the Long Island Shooter
More second amendment remedies

Yes...the 2nd Amendment did help blacks fight off the democrats and their kkk terrorist wing. And of course the democrats tried to keep guns out of the hands of blacks throughout our history.
If blacks had sunken to using second amendment remedies for their civil rights, they would still be riding the back of the bus

MLK fought for his rights using his first amendment rights

You do realize that MLK applied of concealed carry permit and the democrats denied him...right?
The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....


There were Democrats in the north.....

Your ridiculous attempt to turn a North/South issue into a Democrat/Republican issue does not cut it

Why do you keep trying?
the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....


There were Democrats in the north.....

Your ridiculous attempt to turn a North/South issue into a Democrat/Republican issue does not cut it

Why do you keep trying?

Because it is the truth. There were democrats in the north, but the democrats who supported slavery and used the kkk to kill blacks were in the south.
after decades of lib propaganda? i don't know.

i do know that the america i grew up in, in the north, would not have a problem with it, as demonstrated by the great success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

some southern guy, in 1980 driving into my rust belt city with a confederate flag on his pickup truck, would not be commented on.

today? i don't know if he would make it out alive.

so, who is the haters? who is intolerant?
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

affirmative action started back under kennedy in the 1960s

your pretense that the 80s were some sort of dark age of racial repression is nonsense.

blacks had just as many rights then as now and a similar amount of political power.

as did libs.

if the rebel flag meant "lynching, bombing and terrorism" the tv audience and us population of the 80s would not have put up with a major network presenting it as a harmless symbol of southern pride.

what has changed is increasing intolerance of the libs for any viewpoint that opposes their own.

you cannot just say that those that oppose you are wrong, you have to demonize them as racist, or some other form of

Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

affirmative action started back under kennedy in the 1960s

your pretense that the 80s were some sort of dark age of racial repression is nonsense.

blacks had just as many rights then as now and a similar amount of political power.

as did libs.

if the rebel flag meant "lynching, bombing and terrorism" the tv audience and us population of the 80s would not have put up with a major network presenting it as a harmless symbol of southern pride.

what has changed is increasing intolerance of the libs for any viewpoint that opposes their own.

you cannot just say that those that oppose you are wrong, you have to demonize them as racist, or some other form of


As Charles Krauthammer just pointed out Rebulicans see democrats as dumb, and democrats see Republicans as evil..that is why they are so rude and vicious when they attack us. have to understand the left....the fact that he killed 9 people is less of a problem for them than that he bought a gun........notice what the nut job focuses on in his posts....the left does't like people, their belief system does not respect the individual human but promotes the "Collective" and therefore individuals are the fact that a member of the collective bought a gun is the real problem for the lefties....

You have to understand the dishonesty of such a claim....but then if you were able to do such you would not be a wing nut ...sadly a wing nut...

you're the one that keeps calling him a gun nut.

often to the exclusion of mentioning that he is a mass murderer.

can't you see how odd that is?
The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....

Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.
As Charles Krauthammer just pointed out Rebulicans see democrats as dumb, and democrats see Republicans as evil..that is why they are so rude and vicious when they attack us.

Made all the more ironic, by the certainty that it is the unprincipled cult of the Ideological Left that is founded upon Evil. Rejecting the very objectivity essential to that which is OKA: "Good".
The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....

indeed liberals today will argue with you till the end of time that there are no inherent rights.

directly in contradiction to the abolitionists. or the founding fathers. or the un charter.

the are reactionary to the point of turning the clock back past the enlightenment.

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