Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Mass murders do happen in other "advanced countries". Maybe not as often as in the US, but you cannot attribute that to just a few select laws they have. Europe for example doesn't have millions of disgruntled blacks. They have much better immigration enforcement than the US.

Then how is it that all "Mass Murders" are committed by white males?

ALL mass murderers are white males, because JoeB says so? lol.

DC snipers, both black men.
Aaron Alexis, navy yard shooter.
Seung-hui Cho, Virgina Tech shooter.

Don't let the facts hit you on your ass on the way out.
Does it matter? That is what the flag represents.

says you.

Correll what do you think a national poll result would be on>>>> Do you see the
confederate flag as a positive symbol for
the people of the USA? or for the people
of the SOUTH USA?

after decades of lib propaganda? i don't know.

i do know that the america i grew up in, in the north, would not have a problem with it, as demonstrated by the great success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

some southern guy, in 1980 driving into my rust belt city with a confederate flag on his pickup truck, would not be commented on.

today? i don't know if he would make it out alive.

so, who is the haters? who is intolerant?
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South
No he should get life in prison with no possibility of parole....he is a vicious remorseless gun nut ....

life in prison for being a gun nut?

i personally, am more focused on him being a mass murder, but i guess you have different priorities.

btw, note how i do not dishonestly use you resistance to the death penalty to accuse you of coddling this criminal.

i know you are incapable of learning. but think about that for a moment and see if anything happens in your brain.
I prefer no death in prison will be rough....nasty ...whatever you say I smirk and sneer at ..because a wing nut...
says you.

Correll what do you think a national poll result would be on>>>> Do you see the
confederate flag as a positive symbol for
the people of the USA? or for the people
of the SOUTH USA?

after decades of lib propaganda? i don't know.

i do know that the america i grew up in, in the north, would not have a problem with it, as demonstrated by the great success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

some southern guy, in 1980 driving into my rust belt city with a confederate flag on his pickup truck, would not be commented on.

today? i don't know if he would make it out alive.

so, who is the haters? who is intolerant?
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?
what has changed since the 1980s?
Ronald Reagan and Lee Atwater and the southern strategy made racism acceptable again...Ronald Reagan's staff referred to Martin Luther King as Martin Lucifer coon...then there is the rise of hate speech controlled by wing nuts of the most rancid and toxic types...Bill Maher knows what he is saying ....
I prefer no death in prison will be rough....nasty ...whatever you say I smirk and sneer at ..because a wing nut...

but you don't deny the crime in your mind is being a "gun nut".

the crime is being a wing nut who murdered nine people you are just pretending I am focused on gun nut because "you a wig nut" shameless asshole for sure....
The wing nut media

Hate speech...stoking white fears is a Billion dollar industry...there will be causalities as a result of the toxic messages sent to whites to blame blacks and minorities for the machinations of the 1 percent that is the cause of whites feeling alienated....
Correll what do you think a national poll result would be on>>>> Do you see the
confederate flag as a positive symbol for
the people of the USA? or for the people
of the SOUTH USA?

after decades of lib propaganda? i don't know.

i do know that the america i grew up in, in the north, would not have a problem with it, as demonstrated by the great success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

some southern guy, in 1980 driving into my rust belt city with a confederate flag on his pickup truck, would not be commented on.

today? i don't know if he would make it out alive.

so, who is the haters? who is intolerant?
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?

And another thing....Europe is importing people from cultures far more violent than European culture. That is going to make the crime rate in these countries sky rocket...which it already is. Just like deblasio is turning New York into the violent cesspit it was before Guilliani....
And, of course, the crime rate in NYC is lowere under De Blasio than it ever was under Rudy. Also dropping in Europe. Liars lie.

Indeed they DO... . And what a striking Irony, given that Murder is up under Deblasio, as are all crimes.

What's more, The decline in the NYC "Assault" rate went from 44,122 from data in 2000, the year prior to Giuliani taking power, to 34,302 in 95, four years after Giuliani came to power; nearly 10,000 fewer Assaults PER YEAR. Five years later, in 2000, Asaults fell ANOTHER nearly ten thousand to 25,924. Bloomberg came to power in 2001 and by 2005 while Assualts came in fewer, the decline in Assaults had slowed, falling to just under 17,750 and in 2010... it had only fallen to just under 17,000.

The same is true for Murder Rates: Just prior to Giuliani 1990 there were 2262 Murders in NYC. 1995 four years after Giuliani, a thousand fewer murders, at 1162, by 2000 that was nearly cut in half at 670... Giulian serves another two years, Bloomberg comes in in 02, by 05 Murder was again down, but to only 539... by 2010 the rate had remained roughly the same... at 536. New York City s 20 Years of Declining Crime - Scientific American

So... While crime fell, it hasn't fallen like it did under Giuliani and increases in crime rates begin, by a slowing of decline the rate of decline.
after decades of lib propaganda? i don't know.

i do know that the america i grew up in, in the north, would not have a problem with it, as demonstrated by the great success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

some southern guy, in 1980 driving into my rust belt city with a confederate flag on his pickup truck, would not be commented on.

today? i don't know if he would make it out alive.

so, who is the haters? who is intolerant?
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Mass murders do happen in other "advanced countries". Maybe not as often as in the US, but you cannot attribute that to just a few select laws they have. Europe for example doesn't have millions of disgruntled blacks. They have much better immigration enforcement than the US.

Then how is it that all "Mass Murders" are committed by white males?

ALL mass murderers are white males, because JoeB says so? lol.

DC snipers, both black men.
Aaron Alexis, navy yard shooter.
Seung-hui Cho, Virgina Tech shooter.

Don't let the facts hit you on your ass on the way out.

colin feruson the Long Island Shooter
Just another pharmaceutical drugged murdering idiot...but Obama and other foolish pols claim the problem is guns and millions of Americans are blind to the truth.

The elephant in the room is Big Pharma and yet many can't see the elephant.

This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them with guns.

Guns are the problem.

Let's review and see if we can isolate THE PROBLEM!

"This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them..."

Seems like THE PROBLEM is isolated to THE 21 YEAR OLD DRUG ADDLED MALE of Low moral character, who had no respect for his responsibilities that sustained HIS RIGHTS, thus he had no responsibility for THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.


Now of the two competing set of Ideas:

1- The Ideological Left which rejects the objectivity that recognizes the RIGHT SUSTAINING INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES... which must be present for a sustanable right to actually exist.


2- The Philosophical Right, which fully recognizes, respects, defends and adhere TO the Laws of Nature that set the individual with responsibilities that sustain their God-given Rights...

Which do you suppose the 21 year old drug addled male who murdered those people who were sitting in fellowship with one another and with the Father... as they studied the Scriptures in a house of God, was operating upon?

I ask, because it is in THAT, where we will find "THE PROBLEM!"
what has changed since the 1980s?
Ronald Reagan and Lee Atwater and the southern strategy made racism acceptable again...Ronald Reagan's staff referred to Martin Luther King as Martin Lucifer coon...then there is the rise of hate speech controlled by wing nuts of the most rancid and toxic types...Bill Maher knows what he is saying ....

The southern strategy is a lie.
Just another pharmaceutical drugged murdering idiot...but Obama and other foolish pols claim the problem is guns and millions of Americans are blind to the truth.

The elephant in the room is Big Pharma and yet many can't see the elephant.

This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them with guns.

Guns are the problem.

Let's review and see if we can isolate THE PROBLEM!

"This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them..."

Seems like THE PROBLEM is isolated to THE 21 YEAR OLD DRUG ADDLED MALE of Low moral character, who had no respect for his responsibilities that sustained HIS RIGHTS, thus he had no responsibility for THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.


Now of the two competing set of Ideas:

1- The Ideological Left which rejects the objectivity that recognizes the RIGHT SUSTAINING INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES... which must be present for a sustanable right to actually exist.


2- The Philosophical Right, which fully recognizes, respects, defends and adhere TO the Laws of Nature that set the individual with responsibilities that sustain their God-given Rights...

Which do you suppose the 21 year old drug addled male who murdered those people who were sitting in fellowship with one another and with the Father... as they studied the Scriptures in a house of God, was operating upon?

I ask, because it is in THAT, where we will find "THE PROBLEM!"

Now there you go...showing the left that their beliefs were behind this are going to make them all pissy and it is the start of the weekend....nice job....
No he should get life in prison with no possibility of parole....he is a vicious remorseless gun nut ....

life in prison for being a gun nut?

i personally, am more focused on him being a mass murder, but i guess you have different priorities.

btw, note how i do not dishonestly use you resistance to the death penalty to accuse you of coddling this criminal.

i know you are incapable of learning. but think about that for a moment and see if anything happens in your brain. have to understand the left....the fact that he killed 9 people is less of a problem for them than that he bought a gun........notice what the nut job focuses on in his posts....the left does't like people, their belief system does not respect the individual human but promotes the "Collective" and therefore individuals are the fact that a member of the collective bought a gun is the real problem for the lefties....
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?
You missed the scenes that were edited out

The ones where the Duke boys burned crosses on the lawns of darkies and beat up negroes who looked at Daisy

You know...the real South

nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels
Mass murders do happen in other "advanced countries". Maybe not as often as in the US, but you cannot attribute that to just a few select laws they have. Europe for example doesn't have millions of disgruntled blacks. They have much better immigration enforcement than the US.

Then how is it that all "Mass Murders" are committed by white males?

ALL mass murderers are white males, because JoeB says so? lol.

DC snipers, both black men.
Aaron Alexis, navy yard shooter.
Seung-hui Cho, Virgina Tech shooter.

Don't let the facts hit you on your ass on the way out.

colin feruson the Long Island Shooter
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