Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Now they are really squirming to avoid the subject of the white thug with similar beliefs as they have who murdered nine they are bringing in the Unibomber :dance::dance::dance: and saying Al Gore put him up to bombings...Unnnnnbelievable ...and then they go "oh liberals are dishonest" what a bunch of freaks ...
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?

And another thing....Europe is importing people from cultures far more violent than European culture. That is going to make the crime rate in these countries sky rocket...which it already is. Just like deblasio is turning New York into the violent cesspit it was before Guilliani....

You do realize the black thug fought when they tried to put handcuffs on him...and had he simply allowed them to cuff him and let his tax payer financed lawyer do the talking for him he would have died of heart disease on his own time......right?
lets stick to the racist white criminal bigot white know your folks...the ones you support...admit it lets not go to the lie the Black cigarette seller was violent.... understand the reasons why the white thug shot down fine people...people far better than you are or can hope to a wing nut so you understand
Fk you smegma breath about they have him sign a notice to appear in court you know a ticket like they would do for a white the way Fk you

Moron....the thug would not let the police hand cuff him....resisting arrest is against the law and he was going to be arrested. You are a liar and a moron.
Now they are really squirming to avoid the subject of the white thug with similar beliefs as they have who murdered nine they are bringing in the Unibomber :dance::dance::dance: and saying Al Gore put him up to bombings...Unnnnnbelievable ...and then they go "oh liberals are dishonest" what a bunch of freaks ...

i brought up the unibomber to state that i did NOT blame al gore for his actions, despite the similarities of their words.

you either have the reading comprehension of a monkey (and not one of the smarter monkeys)

or you are lying.
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?

And another thing....Europe is importing people from cultures far more violent than European culture. That is going to make the crime rate in these countries sky rocket...which it already is. Just like deblasio is turning New York into the violent cesspit it was before Guilliani....
And, of course, the crime rate in NYC is lowere under De Blasio than it ever was under Rudy. Also dropping in Europe. Liars lie.
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.
let's say a guy gets mad at another driver and shoots him. that's not a hate crime and that murder might get a 20 year sentence. but if the person is a known racist and goes out and kills a black person the circumstances are different. that person should get more years in jail because it's a hate crime.

in this situation it doesn't matter because hate crime or not this guy is going to get life in prison for the death penalty he will never see freedom again. Hate crimes are most important when determining whether the killer should get 20 years or more. do you understand this? Do you understand why we have hate crime laws? Because not all murders are equal
Not all murders are equal? That's just stupid on the face of it. What about assault's? Over 70 Whites were attacked during the "knockout game" and none of the Black perpetrators were prosecuted. Clearly these were racially motivated. But, when a White kid in Katy, Texas did the same to a Black man...Holder Justice Department pursued Civil Rights violation and possible hate crime offense. Therefore this makes "hate crime" laws racist and in my opinion %100 unconstitutional.
What makes hate crime law racist, is the laws attempt to set the interest of one race above the interests of others.

FYI: such is the nature of Relativism.

But this does prove the foolish nature of subjectivism ... And why it can never serve justice.
not true because if a group of white guys beat up a black guy that could be a hate crime just like if a bunch of black guys beat up a white guy because he's white that's a hate crime - also

Well, Crime is by its nature, hateful... That's why we call it crime and not "Rufus didn't pay for those shoes'.

It's a crime because Rufus stole property from Mr. Penney, who was selling those shoes to feed his family and the families of those he hired to sell his goods. When one steals the property of others they are disrespecting that persons humanity; he is showing that he has no regard for the rights of Mr.Penney; rights which were a gift to Mr. Penney, from God. Thus Rufus was demonstrating a disrespect for; or an offense against, or a sin against God; OKA: Hate.

So, there's no reason to reframe the issue as "Hateful", when the word Crime already does that.

Now, with that said; and as I pointed out above and as I have pointed out hundreds of times throughout this board, Hate Crimes are SUBJECTIVE... and it is a RARE day when a "Hate" crime is set against a black person for a crime against a white person, or where a Hate-crime is declared where a homosexual person murders a straight person. And where subjectivism enters the law, the law fails to serve justice.

Simple stuff... Law only works where it remains OBJECTIVE.
It would be something from outer space from the twilight zone from wing nut bull shit Mountain to link Al Gore to the of course the wing nut does that generously affirming he is not linking ...LOL what a wing nut ...he linked but did not link LOL...he had it both ways ...LOL
you either have the reading comprehension of a monkey (and not one of the smarter monkeys)

or you are lying.
You brought up Al Gore for a false equivalency..,.the murderer the white thug white culture of violence and guns belongs to your a wing nut....

i brought up al gore to hold up a mirror to your actions.

look into the mirror.

do you blame al gore for the unibomber? i don't.
actually i do have some medical training, and if one of my patients had been as delusional as you are being i would have been careful not to leave him alone, as i sent someone to get the doctor.
Anyone listening to anything you have to say would have to be nuts or be another wing a wing nut
It would be something from outer space from the twilight zone from wing nut bull shit Mountain to link Al Gore to the of course the wing nut does that generously affirming he is not linking ...LOL what a wing nut ...he linked but did not link LOL...he had it both ways ...LOL

maybe you should read my post again, more slowly.
actually i do have some medical training, and if one of my patients had been as delusional as you are being i would have been careful not to leave him alone, as i sent someone to get the doctor.
Anyone listening to anything you have to say would have to be nuts or be another wing a wing nut

you never answered whether you were high. are you high right now?
i brought up al gore to hold up a mirror to your actions.

look into the mirror.

do you blame al gore for the unibomber? i don't.

You brought up Al Gore because you do not have anything real to say but you have to say a wing nut...

my point was spot on. if you don't understand it, i can't help you. it was pretty simply and clearly stated.

if you are lying, as i suspect you are, well, nothing i can do about that.

if you are high, you might want to read this when you are sober. if that ever happens.

btw, you are a dick.
You must have shoved a balsa dildo up you ass and it broke off making you a wing nut

Its so freakish...some of the wing nuts are arguing that "Black folks kill white folks" in their attempts to deflect from what their fellow traveler did in murdering 9 Blacks in doing that they are echoing the killers justification for the slaughter...they are raping our women...these wing nuts have no insight they are so eaten up by their fears......
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?

And another thing....Europe is importing people from cultures far more violent than European culture. That is going to make the crime rate in these countries sky rocket...which it already is. Just like deblasio is turning New York into the violent cesspit it was before Guilliani....
And, of course, the crime rate in NYC is lowere under De Blasio than it ever was under Rudy. Also dropping in Europe. Liars lie.

Sorry, gun crime is up in New York and they are now asking the ATF to help them prosecute gun criminals to try to get a handle on it moron. And the Europeans are experiencing more crime not less, they are hiding their numbers.
You must have shoved a balsa dildo up you ass and it broke off making you a wing nut

Its so freakish...some of the wing nuts are arguing that "Black folks kill white folks" in their attempts to deflect from what their fellow traveler did in murdering 9 Blacks in doing that they are echoing the killers justification for the slaughter...they are raping our women...these wing nuts have no insight they are so eaten up by their fears......

this thread has wandered all over the place.

no one is making excuses for or minimizing or deflecting for this murderer.

that is a game you libs play.

my knee jerk response to this is to execute the guy. i would recommend firing squad.

do you agree that this guy should be executed for his crimes?

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