Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Sometimes I take the rantings of shitlibs seriously, then I remember stuff like this. Their narrative is so full of holes anyone who isn't completely brainwashed can see their anti-white agenda.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.
let's say a guy gets mad at another driver and shoots him. that's not a hate crime and that murder might get a 20 year sentence. but if the person is a known racist and goes out and kills a black person the circumstances are different. that person should get more years in jail because it's a hate crime.

in this situation it doesn't matter because hate crime or not this guy is going to get life in prison for the death penalty he will never see freedom again. Hate crimes are most important when determining whether the killer should get 20 years or more. do you understand this? Do you understand why we have hate crime laws? Because not all murders are equal
Not all murders are equal? That's just stupid on the face of it. What about assault's? Over 70 Whites were attacked during the "knockout game" and none of the Black perpetrators were prosecuted. Clearly these were racially motivated. But, when a White kid in Katy, Texas did the same to a Black man...Holder Justice Department pursued Civil Rights violation and possible hate crime offense. Therefore this makes "hate crime" laws racist and in my opinion %100 unconstitutional.
What makes hate crime law racist, is the laws attempt to set the interest of one race above the interests of others.

FYI: such is the nature of Relativism.

But this does prove the foolish nature of subjectivism ... And why it can never serve justice.
not true because if a group of white guys beat up a black guy that could be a hate crime just like if a bunch of black guys beat up a white guy because he's white that's a hate crime - also
Yes and no. Of course we need to keep guns out of the hands of mentally and criminally ill people such as Adam Lanza in Newtown and now Dylann Roof in this case.

The problem is that you cannot tell whether someone is criminally or mentally ill until they commit a crime such as this.

President Obama is very correct when he said that this kind of mass murder does not happen in other advanced countries. Why doesn't anyone see the obvious staring them in the face?
YIKES! Noomi
No, that is like saying you cannot tell if someone has terminal cancer until they are dying of it?
No! Medically YES you can determine if someone is so delusional they cannot be left unsupervised, or has such DEMONIC voices such as Andrea Yates or Coral Eugene Watts they are destroying themselves with drugs or harming other people. Even Jeffrey Daumer tortured animals before he started stalking people. Yes you can tell in most cases.

There are always cases of cancer and other disease where there was no warning sign.
So of course there are Ted Bundies out there who show no signs of sickness. That happens with cancer, too, but that doesn't mean we don't try to improve means of advance screening that are reliable and don't deprive people of rights, but rather help people to save lives from tragic disasters if deadly diseases go untreated and unchecked.

For the most part YES this is not a secret if someone is so sick they pose a danger to themselves and others. We can encourage either treatment, or if necessary, hold people legally responsible if they know someone is a danger and allows that person access to guns or drugs etc to harm themselves or others.

if you don't want that responsibility, then someone should have to sign for legal responsibility, like a guardian, so the person is compelled to get treatment if they are not in control of their own mental health where it becomes an issue of public health and safety.

It's like diagnosing if someone has HIV or AIDS, where it is a crime for that person to go have sex with someone as a form of assault to harm or kill them. Severe cases of criminal illness can be detected and determined to require detention and treatment. You don't have to wait until someone dies.

That's the point of pushing the medical research, so there are objective ways of determining
if someone is recovering from a dangerous addiction, or what stage they are in, and whether this is stable or not.

You wouldn't let someone who is recovering from a stroke drive in traffic, as that is endangering life.
There are medical means of monitoring someone's condition. We can set up agreed procedures
so nobody's rights are violated, but this is established science and medical process in cases of severe illness.

Noomi if you ever read testimonies of people recovering from pedophile addictions,
even the ones who are not fully rehabed but are still relapsing have at least restored their
ability to check and stop themselves when they know they are vulnerable. So even if they
are not fully healed and operating normally, they have enough control to go and get help when
they feel they are having a relapse and don't need to be around other people. This can be managed,
you can tell the difference when people are sick, in denial, and rejecting help because of the addiction.
You can tell the people in transition, who know when to ask for help and can tell when they are in danger
of getting out of control; and the ones who are fully recovered, they know when they are safe. These
stages can be monitored and measured by developing the right means, just like recognizing phases of cancer.
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So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

wow, that is such a dumb thing to say.
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

wow, that is such a dumb thing to say.
And why is that pray tell? They are made up of their members.
Yes and no. Of course we need to keep guns out of the hands of mentally and criminally ill people such as Adam Lanza in Newtown and now Dylann Roof in this case.

The problem is that you cannot tell whether someone is criminally or mentally ill until they commit a crime such as this.

President Obama is very correct when he said that this kind of mass murder does not happen in other advanced countries. Why doesn't anyone see the obvious staring them in the face?

Mass murders do happen in other "advanced countries". Maybe not as often as in the US, but you cannot attribute that to just a few select laws they have. Europe for example doesn't have millions of disgruntled blacks. They have much better immigration enforcement than the US.

The reality is that the US's "gun violence" problem is mainly with inner-city negros and hispanics. Remove them from our national gun statistics and the US's crime numbers are just as low as any Euro country.

We have a thug problem in the US, not a gun problem. Most of the thugs are career criminals that keep being put back out on the streets by our liberal "justice" system. Then there are also the batshit crazy people being put on psych meds instead of being put into supervised mental homes or locked up in mental hospitals.
Just another pharmaceutical drugged murdering idiot...but Obama and other foolish pols claim the problem is guns and millions of Americans are blind to the truth.

The elephant in the room is Big Pharma and yet many can't see the elephant.

This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them with guns.

Guns are the problem.
Mass murders do happen in other "advanced countries". Maybe not as often as in the US, but you cannot attribute that to just a few select laws they have. Europe for example doesn't have millions of disgruntled blacks. They have much better immigration enforcement than the US.

Then how is it that all "Mass Murders" are committed by white males?
says you.

Correll what do you think a national poll result would be on>>>> Do you see the
confederate flag as a positive symbol for
the people of the USA? or for the people
of the SOUTH USA?

after decades of lib propaganda? i don't know.

i do know that the america i grew up in, in the north, would not have a problem with it, as demonstrated by the great success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

some southern guy, in 1980 driving into my rust belt city with a confederate flag on his pickup truck, would not be commented on.

today? i don't know if he would make it out alive.

so, who is the haters? who is intolerant?
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?

The rise of people like David Duke.

The story of the Klu Klux Klan in pictures racism civil rights and murder - Flashbak

The sharp rise in hate groups in the last 25 years.

Hate and Extremism Southern Poverty Law Center

Where have you been watching reruns of the Duke boys?

david duke didn't rise. he was a flash in the pan based on hiding his past. once it came out he was disgraced.

do you know what his support was in that presidential election he ran? look it up, it will make you feel better.

sharp rise in hate groups?

a big increase is a trivial number is nothing to be impressed with.

what has really changed is that libs have grown increasingly intolerant of viewpoints that don't agree with theirs.

thus, you no longer just disagree with them, you have to be a bad person, and be marginalized.

you have become bigots.
You guys are being ridiculous.

What is ridiculous is Nikki Haley (who made a great speech by the way) decrying racism while her state is one of the last remaining bastions of the Confederate Flag. South Carolina is also one of fivew states that does not have hate crime legislation

it is only ridiculous if you reject all other views of the confederate flag not only as wrong, but as not existing at all.

which is disproven by the dukes of hazzard great nationwide popularity in the 80s.

The nation (the world?) sees the confederate flag as a symbol of racism. But you claim because there were no protests about it being painted on a redneck car in a redneck sitcom, that it was accepted in the late 70s?? lmao

That is some kinda stretching for facts.

BTW, did you know that the swastika has also been called a gammadion cross? And that it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and Jainism?

Does that change the swastika from a symbol of hate and racism? No.

the nation did not see the flag as a symbol of racism in the late 70s/ early to mid 80s, as demonstrated by the success of the dukes of hazzard.

that disproves you claim that the flag has always been seen as a symbol of racism.

so, why not?

and what has changed since then?

No, it proves that the people who watched the tv show didn't raise a fuss about the ctonfederate flag being painted on a redneck car. That is all it actually proves.

the libs of today, based on their insistence that the flag is a symbol of racism and hatred and treason raise a fuss about it ever time it is mentioned.

in 1979 through 1980 this was not the case.

why not?

and what has changed since then?
nothing in those posts contradicts my statements.

if you have a point to make, use words.

Do you honestly believe the Dukes of Hazard defense for the flag being flown at the statehouse is adequate given it's other uses?
You are ridiculous.

you are ridiculous. the south is bigger than the klan. the south gets to define the flag, not the klan.

Yours thankfully, is a minority opinion.

why? what would happen if modern 2015 america had the same view of the flag as 1979 america?

They don't. That's the point.

you said "thankfully" that mine is a minority opinion.

so, i asked you why, what would happen if modern 2015 america had the same view of the flag as 1979 america?

you seem to be thankful about something, so what it is that you are thankful that we are avoiding?

you know what i think the difference would be?

i think it would deprive you libs of a tool to bash the south with.

and that that would be the only difference.

you would still bash them based on other excuses, of coures
Ronald "Racist in Chief" Reagan went to Philadelphia Mississippi to start his campaign in 1980...16 years earlier 3 civil Rights workers were vile murdered by recalcitrant racist bigots and bastards in that city ...Ronnie Reagan was celebrating that connection to racial murder 16 years previous as part of the Southern Strategy a Big dog whistle ... He made Racism mainstream again ...

Just another pharmaceutical drugged murdering idiot...but Obama and other foolish pols claim the problem is guns and millions of Americans are blind to the truth.

The elephant in the room is Big Pharma and yet many can't see the elephant.

This kid didn't kill people with drugs. He killed them with guns.

Guns are the problem.
No Joe... You are the s problem.
His parents were almost certainly racists too. They raised him to do this and gave him the fucking gun. His friends heard him say he was going to it. They all need to be held accountable for their part in this.

witch hunt?

No. I'm not suggesting anyone should be considered guilty until proven innocent. But we need to start holding parents accountable when they release these dangerous animals into society.

If someone trained a vicious attack dog, let it loose in the neighborhood, and it killed innocent people, you can bet they'd be up on charges. If the parents did have any role, if they knew of his violent threats, if they goaded him on with their own hateful racism, if they gave him the gun knowing of his violent fantasies, they should be facing charges alongside him.

dogs aren't adult humans.

i see a lot of very subjective words in your posts.
Well, after more than 1,400 postings, we see the following pattern:

Lefties have a heart and some empathy. They also know a racist when they see one.

Righties have no heart, no soul, nix empathy. Fuggedaboudit. And to them, it's only a racist if it's Sharpton, Obummer and Co. And, and if that negero pastor had just had a gun, then he wouldn't have died, so it's all his fault and fuck all of you! Oh, and the Dukes of Hazzard was a cool show and since the confedrayte flaayg flew there, it's not raycizt!

Yin is divorcing Yang, I hear...

yep, that's a real open mind you have there lib.

those that disagree with you have "no heart, no soul".:rofl:

so much for diversity.
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Pointing out that the black community or at least black leaders have a tendency to support black criminals is just the truth.

As the white community and "white leaders" do not do that, it is not a double standard, but different behavior being judged differently.

But even discussing the actions of black leaders and/or the black community does not blame all blacks.

Dear Correll

Excuse me but yes, the 'white' and the "wealthy" people will forgive, overlook and enable crimes, abuses and corruption of people they relate to and do not see as a threat. I have friends who believe the freedom of businesses and benefits to the economy are more important to preserve, even at the cost of abuses of this freedom.

Does that mean they coddle and enable crooks? yes, the lack of oversight and regulation does mean allowing corruption to go unchecked. Like the Republicans who won't question war spending or corporate tax breaks, but yell about social welfare.

The same way you might see this with black leaders excusing and coddling black criminals,
the same can be said of people who forgive the wealthy corporate leaders for abusing tax money and govt
to their financial benefit and living off taxpayers by "corporate welfare" while everyone complains about "social welfare"

I've had friends completely overlook abuses by corporate crooks, because they assume the system will take care of it.
So this seems like coddling crooks, because they'd rather err on the side of too much freedom, even at the cost of abuses by criminals, rather than too much govt regulation. So they look the other way, and appear to enable corporate corruption.

imo, there is so much demonization of the rich, corporations, and ceos, by the left, that us on the right do have to watch to avoid a boy calls wolf dismissal in the cases of real abuse, this point of your i agree with.

but this kid was white, and no whites on the right are for coddling him. i've seen many say fry him, and i have not noticed anyone saying not to.
Yes and no. Of course we need to keep guns out of the hands of mentally and criminally ill people such as Adam Lanza in Newtown and now Dylann Roof in this case.

The problem is that you cannot tell whether someone is criminally or mentally ill until they commit a crime such as this.

President Obama is very correct when he said that this kind of mass murder does not happen in other advanced countries. Why doesn't anyone see the obvious staring them in the face?

actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.
Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

wow, that is such a dumb thing to say.
Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

wow, that is such a dumb thing to say.
And why is that pray tell? They are made up of their members.

i am a member of a shopping club.

if i commit a crime, by myself without any direction from, or involvement of the shopping club, it would be ridiculous to say the shopping club committed that crime.

but one could point out, if the shopping club happened to have a lot of members like me, committing crimes, that the members of that shopping club commit a lot of crimes.

if the numbers were bad enough, it would be valid to ask, what's going on with that shopping club, that seems to attract criminals.

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