Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

His parents were almost certainly racists too. They raised him to do this and gave him the fucking gun. His friends heard him say he was going to it. They all need to be held accountable for their part in this.

witch hunt?

No. I'm not suggesting anyone should be considered guilty until proven innocent. But we need to start holding parents accountable when they release these dangerous animals into society.

If someone trained a vicious attack dog, let it loose in the neighborhood, and it killed innocent people, you can bet they'd be up on charges. If the parents did have any role, if they knew of his violent threats, if they goaded him on with their own hateful racism, if they gave him the gun knowing of his violent fantasies, they should be facing charges alongside him.

dogs aren't adult humans.

i see a lot of very subjective words in your posts.

Fair enough. I'm not saying they're equivalent. But I do see parents getting off with very little accountability, and maybe they shouldn't be. Especially in the case of genuine legal minors, parents need to be held more accountable for the damage their children inflict on the world.

And communities in general need to take some responsibility for passively supporting the kind of hatred and anger that foments this kind of tragedy.
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?
His parents were almost certainly racists too. They raised him to do this and gave him the fucking gun. His friends heard him say he was going to it. They all need to be held accountable for their part in this.

witch hunt?

No. I'm not suggesting anyone should be considered guilty until proven innocent. But we need to start holding parents accountable when they release these dangerous animals into society.

If someone trained a vicious attack dog, let it loose in the neighborhood, and it killed innocent people, you can bet they'd be up on charges. If the parents did have any role, if they knew of his violent threats, if they goaded him on with their own hateful racism, if they gave him the gun knowing of his violent fantasies, they should be facing charges alongside him.

dogs aren't adult humans.

i see a lot of very subjective words in your posts.

Fair enough. I'm not saying they're equivalent. But I do see parents getting off with very little accountability, and maybe they shouldn't be. Especially in the case of genuine legal minors, parents need to be held more accountable for the damage their children inflict on the world.

And communities in general need to take some responsibility for passively supporting the kind of hatred and anger that foments this kind of tragedy.

"passively supporting"?

how does s.c. "passively support" hatred and anger?

btw, does this go for all communities, or just white southern ones?
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?

interesting. you changed the topic from mass murders to mass shootings.

why is that?

wow. that is dishonest.

the one photo is taken hours, days? after the arrest when the criminal is not resisting and is being led around quietly.

the other is of a suspect resisting arrest and fighting.

You have zero familiarity with a wing nut...

‘I know where he got his news': Bill Maher links Charleston terrorist to right-wing media
“We can never know why somebody snaps — but I bet you I know where he got his news.”

so i point out that the two photos you post do not make the point you imply they do, and that you were dishonest to imply that they did,

and your response is to show me a comedian making a guess about what tv news show a killer might have watched?

so i point out that the two photos you post do not make the point you imply they do, and that you were dishonest to imply that they did,

and your response is to show me a comedian making a guess about what tv news show a killer might have watched?


They make the point and you lied and said the Black was resisting and fighting he was not... you are a flake ...the kind that argues that it was justifiable homicide to kill the Blacks because "Blacks kill whites"...that is the type of arguments being made by wing are a wing nut are you not ?

Law enforcement goes after Blacks with a vengeance after whites not so much...that is a fking fact

Rep. Luis Gonzalez (D-IL) compared a statement attributed to Roof — that he committed the attack because he was angry that black men were “raping” white women — to the Tea Party’s anger against President Barack Obama.

“There was this fear that somebody took away their country,” Gutierrez said, adding, “Donald Trump and that young man had one thing in common one week: Donald Trump said that Mexicans come to this country not to work, but to rape women, and he repeated it,” Gutierrez argued. “There is a correlation between what you say and what people do.”
I know where he got his news Bill Maher links Charleston terrorist to right-wing media

You do realize the black thug fought when they tried to put handcuffs on him...and had he simply allowed them to cuff him and let his tax payer financed lawyer do the talking for him he would have died of heart disease on his own time......right?
so i point out that the two photos you post do not make the point you imply they do, and that you were dishonest to imply that they did,

and your response is to show me a comedian making a guess about what tv news show a killer might have watched?


They make the point and you lied and said the Black was resisting and fighting he was not... you are a flake ...the kind that argues that it was justifiable homicide to kill the Blacks because "Blacks kill whites"...that is the type of arguments being made by wing are a wing nut are you not ?

Law enforcement goes after Blacks with a vengeance after whites not so much...that is a fking fact

Rep. Luis Gonzalez (D-IL) compared a statement attributed to Roof — that he committed the attack because he was angry that black men were “raping” white women — to the Tea Party’s anger against President Barack Obama.

“There was this fear that somebody took away their country,” Gutierrez said, adding, “Donald Trump and that young man had one thing in common one week: Donald Trump said that Mexicans come to this country not to work, but to rape women, and he repeated it,” Gutierrez argued. “There is a correlation between what you say and what people do.”
I know where he got his news Bill Maher links Charleston terrorist to right-wing media

No, the fact is more whites are killed by cops than blacks, and that white on black crime is far less than black on white, asian and hispanic crime. you guys are vile....
so i point out that the two photos you post do not make the point you imply they do, and that you were dishonest to imply that they did,

and your response is to show me a comedian making a guess about what tv news show a killer might have watched?


They make the point and you lied and said the Black was resisting and fighting he was not... you are a flake ...the kind that argues that it was justifiable homicide to kill the Blacks because "Blacks kill whites"...that is the type of arguments being made by wing are a wing nut are you not ?

Law enforcement goes after Blacks with a vengeance after whites not so much...that is a fking fact

Rep. Luis Gonzalez (D-IL) compared a statement attributed to Roof — that he committed the attack because he was angry that black men were “raping” white women — to the Tea Party’s anger against President Barack Obama.

“There was this fear that somebody took away their country,” Gutierrez said, adding, “Donald Trump and that young man had one thing in common one week: Donald Trump said that Mexicans come to this country not to work, but to rape women, and he repeated it,” Gutierrez argued. “There is a correlation between what you say and what people do.”
I know where he got his news Bill Maher links Charleston terrorist to right-wing media

similar arguments were made by the right in comparing the unibomber manifesto to al gores book.

i did not hold al gore responsible for the actions of the unibomber and i do not hold donald trump responsible for the shootings of the church goers.

i prefer to discuss issue such as the environment on their merits, not by dishonestly smearing people like al.

would you prefer to discuss immigration issue honestly, or do you want to smear those with concerns dishonestly?

You do realize the black thug fought when they tried to put handcuffs on him...and had he simply allowed them to cuff him and let his tax payer financed lawyer do the talking for him he would have died of heart disease on his own time......right?
lets stick to the racist white criminal bigot white know your folks...the ones you support...admit it lets not go to the lie the Black cigarette seller was violent.... understand the reasons why the white thug shot down fine people...people far better than you are or can hope to a wing nut so you understand
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?

Europe has a national pacifism that extends to their criminals. They can, however, get weapons easily when the want them even with their extreme gun control laws. The weapon of choice for french criminals and terrorists seems to be fully automatic military rifles with 30 round magazines. Those are illegal across Europe but that fact never stops their criminals from getting them.

wow. that is dishonest.

the one photo is taken hours, days? after the arrest when the criminal is not resisting and is being led around quietly.

the other is of a suspect resisting arrest and fighting.

All they have is lies. Without lying they would have nothing to say.
You all are wing nuts who believe the killing of the Black folks in Church was justifiable homicide but you will not say so you will only hint at it...
so i point out that the two photos you post do not make the point you imply they do, and that you were dishonest to imply that they did,

and your response is to show me a comedian making a guess about what tv news show a killer might have watched?


They make the point and you lied and said the Black was resisting and fighting he was not... you are a flake ...the kind that argues that it was justifiable homicide to kill the Blacks because "Blacks kill whites"...that is the type of arguments being made by wing are a wing nut are you not ?

Law enforcement goes after Blacks with a vengeance after whites not so much...that is a fking fact

Rep. Luis Gonzalez (D-IL) compared a statement attributed to Roof — that he committed the attack because he was angry that black men were “raping” white women — to the Tea Party’s anger against President Barack Obama.

“There was this fear that somebody took away their country,” Gutierrez said, adding, “Donald Trump and that young man had one thing in common one week: Donald Trump said that Mexicans come to this country not to work, but to rape women, and he repeated it,” Gutierrez argued. “There is a correlation between what you say and what people do.”
I know where he got his news Bill Maher links Charleston terrorist to right-wing media

similar arguments were made by the right in comparing the unibomber manifesto to al gores book.

i did not hold al gore responsible for the actions of the unibomber and i do not hold donald trump responsible for the shootings of the church goers.

i prefer to discuss issue such as the environment on their merits, not by dishonestly smearing people like al.

would you prefer to discuss immigration issue honestly, or do you want to smear those with concerns dishonestly?

Actually the truth is when the unibomber was caught and he had al gores book, that fact was brought up to contrast it to the left whenever they tried to blame conservative talk radio or Fox news for violence...which as you can see here the left is blaming Fox news again.

You do realize the black thug fought when they tried to put handcuffs on him...and had he simply allowed them to cuff him and let his tax payer financed lawyer do the talking for him he would have died of heart disease on his own time......right?
lets stick to the racist white criminal bigot white know your folks...the ones you support...admit it lets not go to the lie the Black cigarette seller was violent.... understand the reasons why the white thug shot down fine people...people far better than you are or can hope to a wing nut so you understand

no one here is supporting the shooter. try to be less insane.

are your high right now?

wow. that is dishonest.

the one photo is taken hours, days? after the arrest when the criminal is not resisting and is being led around quietly.

the other is of a suspect resisting arrest and fighting.

All they have is lies. Without lying they would have nothing to say.
You all are wing nuts who believe the killing of the Black folks in Church was justifiable homicide but you will not say so you will only hint at it...

you are raving. seek medial attention.

You do realize the black thug fought when they tried to put handcuffs on him...and had he simply allowed them to cuff him and let his tax payer financed lawyer do the talking for him he would have died of heart disease on his own time......right?
lets stick to the racist white criminal bigot white know your folks...the ones you support...admit it lets not go to the lie the Black cigarette seller was violent.... understand the reasons why the white thug shot down fine people...people far better than you are or can hope to a wing nut so you understand

Moron....the thug would not let the police hand cuff him....resisting arrest is against the law and he was going to be arrested. You are a liar and a moron.

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