Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

The home of racism has been and always will be the democrat party....the President of the Confederate states, jefferson first grand wizard of the kkk, nathan beford

modern day democrats are the repository of race hate....from la raza, hispanic racists, to the NAACP, the southern poverty law center, the congressional black caucus, jesse jackson, al sharpton and barak obama (who acrtually attended an openly racist church for 20 years and had the racist pastor, jeremiah wright marry him and michelle and baptize their kids) jeremiah wright, the black racists, and bill clinton, the serial sexual predator had a political mentor j. william fulbright an old school segregationist, and the kkk member robert byrd....the white racists.......

Must be hard being you.

Let me see he has a gun by his testicles and he has a Red neck flag must be a Liberal waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Only a week ago, that picture would make him a rightwing hero
He still is a teaper hero....they are just pussies and wont admit it

View attachment 42855
What are you talking about...I wouldn't let you put that nasty teaper mouth anywhere near my ball sack

The only people who keep using that phrase are Prog Loons such as yourself. You are obsessed with this particular sexual practice.

View attachment 42856 used that term...not me you idiot teaper. And cannot livk my balls. Teaper mouths are venemous.
Only a week ago, that picture would make him a rightwing hero
He still is a teaper hero....they are just pussies and wont admit it

View attachment 42855
What are you talking about...I wouldn't let you put that nasty teaper mouth anywhere near my ball sack

The only people who keep using that phrase are Prog Loons such as yourself. You are obsessed with this particular sexual practice.

View attachment 42856 used that term...not me you idiot teaper. And cannot livk my balls. Teaper mouths are venemous.

No. I've never used that term. But you leftwing loons babble it so much that you must really Want It.
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

The home of racism has been and always will be the democrat party....the President of the Confederate states, jefferson first grand wizard of the kkk, nathan beford

modern day democrats are the repository of race hate....from la raza, hispanic racists, to the NAACP, the southern poverty law center, the congressional black caucus, jesse jackson, al sharpton and barak obama (who acrtually attended an openly racist church for 20 years and had the racist pastor, jeremiah wright marry him and michelle and baptize their kids) jeremiah wright, the black racists, and bill clinton, the serial sexual predator had a political mentor j. william fulbright an old school segregationist, and the kkk member robert byrd....the white racists.......

Must be hard being you. is quite easy....I believe in freedom and individual liberty and a color blind society based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the founding document the Declaration of Independence.....I believe in respecting the lives of all human beings without regard to race, religion or national origin, and in free market Capitalism, the free exchange of goods and services.......easy to live with those beliefs......
He still is a teaper hero....they are just pussies and wont admit it

View attachment 42855
What are you talking about...I wouldn't let you put that nasty teaper mouth anywhere near my ball sack

The only people who keep using that phrase are Prog Loons such as yourself. You are obsessed with this particular sexual practice.

View attachment 42856 used that term...not me you idiot teaper. And cannot livk my balls. Teaper mouths are venemous.

No. I've never used that term. But you leftwing loons babble it so much that you must really Want It.View attachment 42857
Ummm...everytime you post your silly use that term. Lmao....teapers.are pathetic
There are now photos of him burning US flags and stomping on US flags. W ill this mean liberals will like him a little more?
What are you talking about...I wouldn't let you put that nasty teaper mouth anywhere near my ball sack

The only people who keep using that phrase are Prog Loons such as yourself. You are obsessed with this particular sexual practice.

View attachment 42856 used that term...not me you idiot teaper. And cannot livk my balls. Teaper mouths are venemous.

No. I've never used that term. But you leftwing loons babble it so much that you must really Want It.View attachment 42857
Ummm...everytime you post your silly use that term. Lmao....teapers.are pathetic

What are you talking about...I wouldn't let you put that nasty teaper mouth anywhere near my ball sack

The only people who keep using that phrase are Prog Loons such as yourself. You are obsessed with this particular sexual practice.

View attachment 42856 used that term...not me you idiot teaper. And cannot livk my balls. Teaper mouths are venemous.

No. I've never used that term. But you leftwing loons babble it so much that you must really Want It.View attachment 42857
Ummm...everytime you post your silly use that term. Lmao....teapers.are pathetic

View attachment 42858
You sure are a horny teaper.
There are now photos of him burning US flags and stomping on US flags. W ill this mean liberals will like him a little more?

And as I pointed out.....what modern American Conservative/tea party/libertarian, is going to stomp on or burn the American flag......who actually does that....people who vote for the democrats and other who is he closer to?
This young man has to have his trial and then be sentenced for I am quite sure he'll be convicted. I just hope he is in a prison atmosphere that is mostly black. I usually do not wish ill for people, but he has lessons to learn. Of the prison population that targets him, may there be one black that will talk to him and show him he is exactly what he is calling the racist, terrorist and stupid. Everything he has said about blacks is true for him. He didn't know that when he points his finger, three are pointing directly at himself.
There are now photos of him burning US flags and stomping on US flags. W ill this mean liberals will like him a little more?
he is one of your nut bags ...

Dylann Roof s Manifesto Appears To Have Surfaced

A manifesto appearing to belong to Dylann Roof, the 21-year-old arrested for Wednesday’s deadly church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, has surfaced online. The site detailing the writer's racist stances, especially concerning his views on African-Americans, was created by someone with Roof's name and media reports surfaced Saturday morning after Twitter users @HenryKrinkle and @EMQuangel discovered the site.

The site details a number of racist stances. The text reads, "The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case,"
There is no need to respect a symbol that is as evil and vicious to African Americans as the Nazi swastika flag is to Jews. In fact, it is important to actively disrespect the banner that represents a pure form of human evil.The display of the Confederate flag — anywhere — is a nonverbal statement of race hate. Its burning would be a nonverbal response to its crude attitude. You're sure not going to change their attitudes with sweet reason. Fight their figurative fire with the real thing.

Read the whole op-ed at the Detroit Free Press.
Now...the socialists in Germany, let's put the number of people they murdered at 12 million.....could be more.

They started the killings in 1939.

that was 74 years ago......

12 million divided by 74 is......162,162 people a year for Europe.....on top of those killed by regular criminals.....I'd say we are far more peaceful...they just rest longer between periods of mass murder....

Wow.....just wow. SMH.

Yes, that someone would be perverted enough to think that this kind of math makes any sense in any universe.... well, it just screams RWNJ.

Let me see he has a gun by his testicles and he has a Red neck flag must be a Liberal waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Only a week ago, that picture would make him a rightwing hero
He still is a teaper hero....they are just pussies and wont admit it

So, it bothers you that those on the right reject his violence and his motivations? Perhaps that has more to do with your incorrect hate filled partisan viewpoint than any inconsistency on their parts.

Uh, very, very few Righties here have rejected it. In fact, most of them have deflected and baited and moaned and groaned since the thread started.

Try again, this time with talent.

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