BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

Okay, let's assume the duplication software eliminates 90% of the 650,000 emails. That leaves 65,000 emails that aren't duplicates. That's roughly twice what they found on Hillary's server. It took the FBI nearly 16 months to review half of that.

If it were as simple as one of my friends tell me it is, by having 65 people read 1,000 of remaining emails in an 8 hour period, why didn't they take that approach last year with the 33,000 emails?

If they had, that investigation would have ended last year. And if any of the emails were duplicates, there should (I assume) be only 33,000 of them, or 5% of the total which were exact duplicates of what was on Hillary's private server. So what was/is the other 95% about?

You can say I'm just upset that Hillary wasn't charged. I am, but I've seen the wikileaks emails. I've researched the pertinent federal statutes and legal precedent. The evidence is there plain as day. She. Broke. The. Law.
You. Are. A. Brainwashed. Functional. MORON. Total. Dupe.

Only a brainwashed moron calls others "dupes."

Piss off.
Poor little Hill, those mean Republicans who did this to her!!!!!!


Hillary is worth $30 million. Can you explain how she "made" that money?


Start with cattle futures, Whitewater, and Castle Grande....

She is worth about $200 million dollars....all the money in the clinton foundation belongs to her too....and she uses it for herself and her family...

Well, it is obvious that most Republicans are as good liars as Trump. If any foundation is crooked, it would have to be Trump's. He hasn't put any money into it but sure uses what other people put in for "charity" to pay his bills. Crooked Trump.

Any comment on Clinton having her housekeeper print out classified material? Any at all? Or is that OK with you loons? Of course it, party first eh, Fraulein Mertex?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1
Breaking: Just when you thought maybe at least the FBI isn't rotten clear to the core. They remove all doubt.

There is something very shady about all this. The FBI wouldn't have reopened the investigation unless they had something concrete. Now we find out it was nothing at all?
yeah, lol. very shady was the timing and the way comey spread this rumor about new emails.
Good thing is the damage is done to your hitlery....:lol:
exactly. that is the shade provided.
Is this about the 650,000 emails that's been in the news recently?

No it's not.

...yes it is fool, Hillary related emails out of those 650,000 were reviewed and summer recommendation not to persecute stands.
If he's only looking for classified documents, then what would finding a few more indicate? Nothing.

However, you douche bags keep forgetting that Comey didn't let Hillary off the hook in the 4 Clinton Foundation investigations.

Yea, just like we are forgetting 30 years of investigations (+1 today) that haven't found jack shit on Hillary.

THIS TIME it will be different, you always plead. and every time you eat you eat another shoe.

So long as Democrats are in power, any evidence against the Clintons will get stuffed. All investigations will be stone-walled.
Breaking: Just when you thought maybe at least the FBI isn't rotten clear to the core. They remove all doubt.

There is something very shady about all this. The FBI wouldn't have reopened the investigation unless they had something concrete. Now we find out it was nothing at all?
This smells like a huge pile of shit and reeks of Comey being forced to close in the hopes Hillary will win.. This reeks of a Top Down shit roll.
just be thankful the left loves Comey again.
She is worth about $200 million dollars....all the money in the clinton foundation belongs to her too....and she uses it for herself and her family...

Well, it is obvious that most Republicans are as good liars as Trump. If any foundation is crooked, it would have to be Trump's. He hasn't put any money into it but sure uses what other people put in for "charity" to pay his bills. Crooked Trump.

Any comment on Clinton having her housekeeper print out classified material? Any at all? Or is that OK with you loons? Of course it, party first eh, Fraulein Mertex?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

The democrat party is the party of racism, crime and rape......and the members of the party proudly support all of it.....they are truly vile.....
I hope every last agent who worked that case resigns effective immediately.
And then dumps the information in the public purview.

Of course. They had their work dragged through the mud and buried.

Ya know ... you could get a job with Drumpf. He's always got room for more gullible, whining dupes, willing to lie to take down their own country.

Oh wait - you're a career leach. Never mind.


Simple as that.
Have you followed the news cycle Ray? Comey was covering his ass. He probably felt that if it would have come out after the election that they found more E-mails that might belong to Clinton, Congress would demand his head. By immediately reporting it he felt he could preempt being called biased. In the end he still got that label but I genuinely feel he thought he was acting in the best interest of the bureau and his career. No other motivation makes sense since he has pissed of both sides.

I don't think so. If his agents approached him saying there was something about those emails, I think Comey would have had to see something before reopening the investigation. He could have done it behind closed doors, and if he found something, announced it today.
She is worth about $200 million dollars....all the money in the clinton foundation belongs to her too....and she uses it for herself and her family...

Well, it is obvious that most Republicans are as good liars as Trump. If any foundation is crooked, it would have to be Trump's. He hasn't put any money into it but sure uses what other people put in for "charity" to pay his bills. Crooked Trump.

Any comment on Clinton having her housekeeper print out classified material? Any at all? Or is that OK with you loons? Of course it, party first eh, Fraulein Mertex?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Ha,ha, says the fool who supports the orange buffoon who has been exposed as the most corrupt candidate to ever run for the office of the President. He takes money from his charitable organization to pay his bills, he fleeces his workers, he makes up fake universities to scam millions from innocent people, he lies every time he opens his mouth. Oh, and he gropes women and treats them like dirt.

I say the despicable ones are you and the rest of the deplorables in the basket.
Interesting. Big story tomorrow, day before election. Wipes out Trump's supposed gains from when the rumor was started?

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