BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

A snap decision? It has been over a week

It took the FBI 16 months to review 33,000 emails.

But 650,000? Oh that only takes 8 days.

Please, stop being stupid.

Most were duplicates and they used a advanced computer program to search the emails. Looking for key words is an easy way to filter out the Hillary related emails.

What program is that? Who wrote it? Is it commercially available?

Ask Comey...
You ask him. You're the one making the claim. Now support it.

Just grab some good booze and sit in the corner.
I'm curious as to if the NYPD or Wikileaks still have a copy of what was on Huma and Wiener's devices.

I remember the NYPD threatening to go public.

I guess something must have changed. Perhaps Hillary's men in black got to them. :ack-1:
Hillary has been totally and absolutely cleared of any wrong doing...this needs to be shouted out by all news organization and talking heads all day Monday....Hillary needs to spend all she has publicizing that she has been totally absolved of even any suspicion of any wrong doing what soever

Yeah except the Clinton Foundation is still under investigation.
Sorry but no. Your Fox News reporter admitted he lied. This is no such FBI investigation.

You live in la la land, dude and you lie alot and switch gears when confronted...altered emails? good grief
The e-mails on Huma's were not Hillary's.

Uh... I'm going to pull a Carbine and ask...

How do you know that? Do you have direct access to her computer?

It doesn't take rocket science. It was Huma's computer. There may have been some e-mails that Huma copied so she could print them out. But, it wasn't Hillary's computer. All they had to do was scan for Hillary's e-mail username and it wouldn't take the computer that long.

Geez, it's not that complicated.

Do you have access to her computer? You seem to think you know more about it than Comey.
FBI: Oops......Never mind, sorry for fucking up the election
It doesn't take rocket science. It was Huma's computer. There may have been some e-mails that Huma copied so she could print them out. But, it wasn't Hillary's computer.

Of course it doesn't.

Just how can you manage not to have any classified emails on your computer out of 650,000, this, the same computer she used to regularly correspond with a sitting SecState using a private non-sanctioned e-mail server?

What are the odds that none of the 650,000 have no classified information?
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Obama needs to address the Nation tomorrow in prime time to inform all Americans that Hillary Clinton has been totally cleared of any E mail wrong doing and the FBI is apologizing for creating problems for her ...
I'm curious as to if the NYPD or Wikileaks still have a copy of what was on Huma and Wiener's devices.

I remember the NYPD threatening to go public.

I guess something must have changed. Perhaps Hillary's men in black got to them. :ack-1:

Or it was just another lie like the "A Bomb" and "Hillary is going to be Indicted."

Has Trump gone off the wagon again yet. Poor Kelleyanne will never keep him down.
Okay, let's assume the duplication software eliminates 90% of the 650,000 emails. That leaves 65,000 emails that aren't duplicates. That's roughly twice what they found on Hillary's server. It took the FBI nearly 16 months to review half of that.

If it were as simple as one of my friends tell me it is, by having 65 people read 1,000 of remaining emails in an 8 hour period, why didn't they take that approach last year with the 33,000 emails?

If they had, that investigation would have ended last year. And if any of the emails were duplicates, there should (I assume) be only 33,000 of them, or 5% of the total which were exact duplicates of what was on Hillary's private server. So what was/is the other 95% about?

You can say I'm just upset that Hillary wasn't charged. I am, but I've seen the wikileaks emails. I've researched the pertinent federal statutes and legal precedent. The evidence is there plain as day. She. Broke. The. Law.
You. Are. A. Brainwashed. Functional. MORON. Total. Dupe.

Only a brainwashed moron calls others "dupes."

Piss off.

normal people would be convinced she did nothing criminal.

a week ago you freaks loved comey.

I still respect Comey. It's hard to even imagine the intense pressure he has been under from all sides.

I can't fathom how he came to the conclusion that Clinton's actions aren't worthy of prosecution but he knows the law better than I do.

I seriously doubt that this is over. It will drag on for years, and forever be a black mark on American politics.

Comey still has to answer for what he has done!

I agree that this has probably crushed his career. But I have little doubt that he made the best decisions possible in very difficult situations, in accordance to his principles.

Nothing about this is black and white, everything is gray, with opposing special circumstances.

Personally I would charge Clinton for her negligence. Intent doesn't cancel that out, even giving her the benefit of the doubt doesn't cancel it out. She was careless in handling documents that should have been protected. (Edit- prosecuted, stupid spell check) Anyone else would have been given severe sanctions.
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Cleared of wrongdoing on Benghazi.

Cleared of wrongdoing with the e-mails.

Now what?

Bullshit! Comey can't get an indictment....wait until January and you'll see what she's "cleared of"...not a goddamn thing.
I have news. Having a private e-mail server is NOT illegal. Using it was NOT illegal.

There was zero classified e-mails that were properly marked.

Give it the f*ck up. You asshats have been investigating Hillasy for nearly 8 years & got NOTHING.

The only thing you did was spend money & waste time instead of working to solve America's pressing issues.
How long can James Comey keep his job, I wonder.
Who would care? 16 mo the first time? That was a sham, you can build a city in 16 mo. Now this sham, 7 days? Do the Weiners get their property back? Is huma back to carry the Coach purse?
It's corrupt to call them innocent when they are clearly guilty.
You forgot that innocent until proven guilty is how our laws work in the USA.
Are you a commie?
How many times do I have to explain this to dumbasses like you: That rule applies only to juries. It doesn't apply to me or the public or the press.
You must be an avid reader of the National Enquirer.
Talk about a real dumbass. LOL.
Please quote that statute that says I'm required to presume Hillary is innocent. Otherwise, shut the fuck up, dumbass.
If you do not know how the law works, then you're the "dumbass" dumbass.
Outside of the law, it's obvious that you can think any stupid thoughts you want.
Obama needs to address the Nation tomorrow in prime time to inform all Americans that Hillary Clinton has been totally cleared of any E mail wrong doing and the FBI is apologizing for creating problems for her ...

Why? anyone with an ounce of sense stopped listening to that big eared jackass long ago
This coming from a supported of Mr Orange groper man? That's quite funny.
You seem to think you know more about it than Comey.

You were singing that same tune when he made that announcement 8 days ago. You're still doing it now, claiming to know what he knows, therefore Hillary is innocent. Because you know the inner workings of his mind better than the rest of us do.
How many years did the FBI investigate the few thousand emails they recovered from Hillary’s deleted ones? And now they go through 650,000 emails in three weeks? Not buying it!

Stevie, the majority of them were duplicates. You filter for names, dates and size and you quickly figure out that they are duplicates. I do it all the time.
Cleared of wrongdoing on Benghazi.

Cleared of wrongdoing with the e-mails.

Now what?

Bullshit! Comey can't get an indictment....wait until January and you'll see what she's "cleared of"...not a goddamn thing.
I have news. Having a private e-mail server is NOT illegal. Using it was NOT illegal.

There was zero classified e-mails that were properly marked.

Give it the f*ck up. You asshats have been investigating Hillasy for nearly 8 years & got NOTHING.

The only thing you did was spend money & waste time instead of working to solve America's pressing issues.

You should remove your nose from Hill's rectum, you can't breath and are not thinking clearly

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