BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

Speaking for the "American people", are you?
LOLROTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your typical Clinton voter ^^^^^^^^ every picture tells a story don't it?
I am not into edited (or out of context) pictures and cartoons like the uneducated Trump voters are. I prefer facts and logic.

One of most disgusting pictures I've ever seen...political pornography. We'll see who laughs last...the coon and the criminal or the American people.

Coon? Damn, you're really showing your true colors.

And later he will claim that he is not racist. Geez, not only are so many of them racist, they are despicable, hateful and evil. And now they are pissed because it looks like they are going to lose again.
One of those hacking countries should release a few Top Secret for sheets and giggles. Offer the rest to highest bidder.
If the director of the FBI, who has been found to be trying to help Trump win an election says she is not guilty, I should believe you, who doesn't even know they can scan e-mails pretty fast?

So you think he was trying to help Trump?

Well, I think that little remark answers this question:

I was singing that same tune? Why don't you quote me?
You are just pissed because you were hoping that all the lies that Trump has been sputtering were going to come to fruition, and now your dreams have been dashed.

Actually not. I'm upset because there is real evidence out there that she broke the law. Something you can't help but deny.

Sure sounds like it. You are claiming that Comey is lying now, and holding back information that shows she broke the law? Bwahahaha!

One of most disgusting pictures I've ever seen...political pornography. We'll see who laughs last...the coon and the criminal or the American people.

Coon? Damn, you're really showing your true colors.

My colors are RED WHITE AND BLUE motherfucker.

Actually, I think your colors are shades of homegrown terrorist shit brown.

Much like your nose after eight years of sticking it up Obama
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I am not into edited (or out of context) pictures and cartoons like the uneducated Trump voters are. I prefer facts and logic.

You wouldn't know a "fact" if it was chewing on your're a sucker-fish for criminals who care nothing about you or your hopes and dreams....WAKEY WAKEY
She did break the Law. She did not mean to, lol! She only meant to hide the real law-breaking CF stuff and that darn meaningless work stuff got mixed in?

It ain't over till it's over. Wiki could still Leak. Or other hackers. Mr. Assange, paging Julian.....
You are just pissed because you were hoping that all the lies that Trump has been sputtering were going to come to fruition, and now your dreams have been dashed.

Actually not. I'm upset because there is real evidence out there that she broke the law. Something you can't help but deny.

So YOU know better than the FBI? Totally laughable!
My colors are like my dreams
red gold and green

Red gold and Green

Investigators reviewing the material found that the emails were either duplicates of correspondence they had reviewed earlier or personal e-mails that did not pertain to State Department business, a government official said. The official said Comey’s letter was not an “interim report” but rather represented a conclusion of the investigation.
Just saw it on MSNBC BREAKING NEWS - July conclusion is unchanged says Comey. Trump won't get the news till Wednesday.
how will Trump not get the news till Wednesday when we already evidently have it now.
Is he being kept in solitary confinement or something?
Dear Maryland Patriot I think the joke is Trump has his head up his ass, he won't get that he's lost until the election results hand him his ass.
(Either that, or I missed the point too and I'm the Democrat with my head in the sand, scared to see what happens next)
Is this about the 650,000 emails that's been in the news recently?

No it's not.

...yes it is fool, Hillary related emails out of those 650,000 were reviewed and summer recommendation not to persecute stands.
If he's only looking for classified documents, then what would finding a few more indicate? Nothing.

However, you douche bags keep forgetting that Comey didn't let Hillary off the hook in the 4 Clinton Foundation investigations.

Yea, just like we are forgetting 30 years of investigations (+1 today) that haven't found jack shit on Hillary.

THIS TIME it will be different you always plead, and every time you eat another shoe.
Course we can't find it. She bleached it the fuck away!
Still have the deletion of many thousands AFTER supenoa issued. Keep smugging up, it can bite you in the butt......

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