BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary


EARLIER: Kaine Says Some FBI Agents ‘Actively Working’ To Help Trump... ‘Absolutely Staggering’... Franken: Comey Should Face Senate Hearings... Fear Of Rogue Element...

Obama needs to address the Nation tomorrow in prime time to inform all Americans that Hillary Clinton has been totally cleared of any E mail wrong doing and the FBI is apologizing for creating problems for her ...
I'm sure it will be the lead story on Fox News
Obama needs to address the Nation tomorrow in prime time to inform all Americans that Hillary Clinton has been totally cleared of any E mail wrong doing and the FBI is apologizing for creating problems for her ...

Why? anyone with an ounce of sense stopped listening to that big eared jackass long ago
This coming from a supported of Mr Orange groper man? That's quite funny.

You're a shill....that and you haven't backed any of your garbage up. Nobody takes a Cankle's shill serious. Now run along
Hillary has been totally and absolutely cleared of any wrong doing...this needs to be shouted out by all news organization and talking heads all day Monday....Hillary needs to spend all she has publicizing that she has been totally absolved of even any suspicion of any wrong doing what soever

Simply wrong. She was guilty of recklessness but Comey decided not to prosecute.

That is a far cry from exoneration.
How many years did the FBI investigate the few thousand emails they recovered from Hillary’s deleted ones? And now they go through 650,000 emails in three weeks? Not buying it!

Stevie, the majority of them were duplicates. You filter for names, dates and size and you quickly figure out that they are duplicates. I do it all the time.

You're the 650K, only 100K were duplicates. My guess is Comey pulled his boys off the Clinturd case to stop an expected al-qaida attack tomorrow.
A snap decision? It has been over a week

It took the FBI 16 months to review 33,000 emails.

But 650,000? Oh that only takes 8 days.

Please, stop being stupid.

Most were duplicates and they used a advanced computer program to search the emails. Looking for key words is an easy way to filter out the Hillary related emails.

What program is that? Who wrote it? Is it commercially available?

Geez, you must be really outdated. I'm sure the FBI has all types of programs, written by their own programmers or by computer software companies. And, yes, you can probably buy any kind of program you want as long as you're willing to pay for it. If they can scan for facial recognition, scanning for username or names is a piece of cake.

FBI Facial Recognition Software To Automatically Check Driver's License Applicants Against Criminal Database

Carnivore, later renamed DCS1000, was a system implemented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that was designed to monitor email and electronic communications. It used a customizable packet sniffer that can monitor all of a target user's Internet traffic. Carnivore was implemented in October 1997. By 2005 it had been replaced with improved commercial software such as NarusInsight.[1]
One of most disgusting pictures I've ever seen...political pornography. We'll see who laughs last...the coon and the criminal or the American people.
Speaking for the "American people", are you?
LOLROTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The important thing is the elite not have their thanksgiving vacations on private planes messed up. Y'all go back to work. pay your taxes!
Watch the polls now move back into Hillary's direction. Can't wait to hear what Comrade Trump now says about Comey. He will go off the rail again...

A few days ago most of you Hillarybots were demanding that James Comey resign or even be arrested, now you want to lick his buttocks.

Shhhh they think we don't notice LOL

A week ago the Hillarybots were screaming that Comey was attempting to help Trump, Lakhota even had a thread demanding that Comey resign for helping Trump.

Now of course he's not attempting to help Hillary and he's almost within minutes become a Saint of some type.
I'm a Hillarybot like you want to call it and I'm on record throughout this week to let the FBI do it's job. I had this position when the news was bad and didn't change my view. I also asked this entire week whenever I discussed this with any Trump supporter if they would accept the FBI findings. Nobody wanted to. This tells me all of these anti Hilary people are hypocrites. You all want justice but none of you cares about due process. To you Hilary is guilty, of what most of you can't say just that's she's guilty.
Dear forkup do you support the argument that any outside access to classified emails should have been enough to penalize Clinton by law, and that the fact the content of emails was found to contain classified information which authorities acknowledged should never have been on a personal server is enough to take appropriate action?
You seem to think you know more about it than Comey.

You were singing that same tune when he made that announcement 8 days ago. You're still doing it now, claiming to know what he knows, therefore Hillary is innocent. Because you know the inner workings of his mind better than the rest of us do.

I was singing that same tune? Why don't you quote me?

You are now grasping at straws. I only claim to know what Comey has released. If the director of the FBI, who has been found to be trying to help Trump win an election says she is not guilty, I should believe you, who doesn't even know they can scan e-mails pretty fast?

You are now just rattling gibberish. I have never claimed to know the workings of his mind, just what he says. You are just pissed because you were hoping that all the lies that Trump has been sputtering were going to come to fruition, and now your dreams have been dashed.
Watch the polls now move back into Hillary's direction. Can't wait to hear what Comrade Trump now says about Comey. He will go off the rail again...

A few days ago most of you Hillarybots were demanding that James Comey resign or even be arrested, now you want to lick his buttocks.

Shhhh they think we don't notice LOL

A week ago the Hillarybots were screaming that Comey was attempting to help Trump, Lakhota even had a thread demanding that Comey resign for helping Trump.

Now of course he's not attempting to help Hillary and he's almost within minutes become a Saint of some type.
I'm a Hillarybot like you want to call it and I'm on record throughout this week to let the FBI do it's job. I had this position when the news was bad and didn't change my view. I also asked this entire week whenever I discussed this with any Trump supporter if they would accept the FBI findings. Nobody wanted to. This tells me all of these anti Hilary people are hypocrites. You all want justice but none of you cares about due process. To you Hilary is guilty, of what most of you can't say just that's she's guilty.
Dear forkup do you support the argument that any outside access to classified emails should have been enough to penalize Clinton by law, and that the fact the content of emails was found to contain classified information which authorities acknowledged should never have been on a personal server is enough to take appropriate action?

No, because the various departments are still arguing over what the hell should be retroactively classified.

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