BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC. Comey remarks in new letter to Congress about Clinton investigation.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.

An FBI investigation into newly discovered emails potentially pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private email server will not result in any new charges, the bureau announced on Sunday.

In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey said that he was not going to revisit his prior conclusion that Clinton acted legally ― albeit carelessly ― in using a private account while she was secretary of state.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton. I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.

The announcement comes a bit more than a week after Comey upended the presidential campaign by announcing that the FBI had discovered additional emails that were potentially pertinent to Clinton’s server.

The letter Comey sent to Congress on Oct. 28 was vague. But subsequent reports revealed that the emails had been discovered on the computer of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Agents began poring through the newly discovered emails, which were believed to number roughly 650,000. Without knowing the results, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates have asserted that there would undoubtedly be confidential communications found among the emails. They have also argued that an indictment against Clinton was surely coming, and put out television advertisements based on the new discoveries

Sunday’s announcement suggests, quite strongly, that is not the case. It was met with muted celebration from the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post

It's over!!!!! Comey clears Clinton!!!!!
Looks like time for another fake Assassination attempt by John Reich Stag.
Now that Comey came up with nothing, he needs to resign for his irresponsible actions
If the director of the FBI, who has been found to be trying to help Trump win an election says she is not guilty, I should believe you, who doesn't even know they can scan e-mails pretty fast?

So you think he was trying to help Trump?
Ex Attorney General remarked that Comey made a huge mistake releasing a letter that only insinuated wrong doing without any evidence or relative information. And he is a Republican, so you can't even claim he is biased. It is also a well known fact that there are FBI agents that don't like Hillary. I would say that their reason for leaking information that would damage Clinton would in itself prove that they were trying to help Trump.

Ex-GOP attorney general: FBI director "made an error in judgment" - CBS News

So, uh, I think that little remark answers this question:

I was singing that same tune? Why don't you quote me?

Nice try. You are trying to insinuate that I am basing my accusations on my opinion when I have given you reasons why I believe that some in the FBI were trying to help Trump. Guiliani even bragged about it.

You are the one that is making your accusations based on your opinion. You have not given any links or information as to why Hillary is guilty, just your opinion, which isn't worth much in a debate.
I am not into edited (or out of context) pictures and cartoons like the uneducated Trump voters are. I prefer facts and logic.
You wouldn't know a "fact" if it was chewing on your're a sucker-fish for criminals who care nothing about you or your hopes and dreams....WAKEY WAKEY
What criminals?
Apparently, you do not know facts when it comes time to analyzing who is a criminal or plain old LIAR.

New record: Donald Trump said 40 false things on final Saturday.

Donald Trump had a whirlwind Saturday, Nov. 5, with four rallies — in Florida, North Carolina, Nevada and Colorado. He set a new record for false claims: 40, not including ones he repeated, breaking hisprevious record of 37.
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A few days ago most of you Hillarybots were demanding that James Comey resign or even be arrested, now you want to lick his buttocks.

Shhhh they think we don't notice LOL

A week ago the Hillarybots were screaming that Comey was attempting to help Trump, Lakhota even had a thread demanding that Comey resign for helping Trump.

Now of course he's not attempting to help Hillary and he's almost within minutes become a Saint of some type.
I'm a Hillarybot like you want to call it and I'm on record throughout this week to let the FBI do it's job. I had this position when the news was bad and didn't change my view. I also asked this entire week whenever I discussed this with any Trump supporter if they would accept the FBI findings. Nobody wanted to. This tells me all of these anti Hilary people are hypocrites. You all want justice but none of you cares about due process. To you Hilary is guilty, of what most of you can't say just that's she's guilty.
Dear forkup do you support the argument that any outside access to classified emails should have been enough to penalize Clinton by law, and that the fact the content of emails was found to contain classified information which authorities acknowledged should never have been on a personal server is enough to take appropriate action?

No, because the various departments are still arguing over what the hell should be retroactively classified.
Dear Lakhota but the authorities did confirm the existence and content of enough emails consisting of classified materials that should not have been transmitted through private media and thus violated rules and security standards.

The issue is not that.

The only issue was whether to pursue action against Clinton or not.

So you are saying given that there was classified materials confirmed to be in the emails that should not have been transmitted by private server, and which did violate rules, you agree if the authorities do not pursue action?
You are just pissed because you were hoping that all the lies that Trump has been sputtering were going to come to fruition, and now your dreams have been dashed.

Actually not. I'm upset because there is real evidence out there that she broke the law. Something you can't help but deny.

So YOU know better than the FBI? Totally laughable!

They heard it on Faux News, so it must be true.
Literally thousands of e-mails to examine and yet Comey comes out and says Hillary won't be charged? He has zero integrity (as we said in July).

FBI will not change decision regarding Hillary Clinton's emails | Daily Mail Online

You guys need to make up your mind.

First, he's a villain.
Then, he's a hero.
Now, he's a villain.

What he did - bringing this out one week before the election, without having EVEN read or reviewed the emails - was way wrong. The fact that Clinton was vindicated changes nothing in terms of what he did and the timing of it. There was nothing in those emails to change anything. And nothing in there to reopen anything. Nothing meriting conviction has now been twice established. What's also established is the impression that you don't care what the justice system determines - your mind is made up. No facts please.
You are just pissed because you were hoping that all the lies that Trump has been sputtering were going to come to fruition, and now your dreams have been dashed.

Actually not. I'm upset because there is real evidence out there that she broke the law. Something you can't help but deny.

So YOU know better than the FBI? Totally laughable!

They heard it on Faux News, so it must be true.

Actually, I don't watch Fox News. And the only person I can stand watching on there is Megyn Kelly, and that's rare.

So, what was that again? Hey, perhaps you can go back to watching the Clinton News Network, or BSNBC.
You are just pissed because you were hoping that all the lies that Trump has been sputtering were going to come to fruition, and now your dreams have been dashed.

Actually not. I'm upset because there is real evidence out there that she broke the law. Something you can't help but deny.

So YOU know better than the FBI? Totally laughable!

They heard it on Faux News, so it must be true.

Actually, I don't watch Fox News. And the only person I can stand watching on there is Megyn Kelly, and that's rare.

So, what was that again? Hey, perhaps you can go back to watching the Clinton News Network, or BSNBC.

Yeah, sure....most Republicans don't want to admit they watch Faux News since they've been exposed for their many lies.
The Wing Nut Says :

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the chair of the Judiciary Committee,
said the “vague” announcement by the FBI failed to provide context, and he was unsure even if the review was over.

The FBI Official says

Investigators reviewing the material found that the emails were either duplicates of correspondence they had reviewed earlier or personal e-mails that did not pertain to State Department business, a government official said. The official said Comey’s letter was not an “interim report” but rather represented a conclusion of the investigation.

Nice try. You are trying to insinuate that I am basing my accusations on my opinion when I have given you reasons why I believe that some in the FBI were trying to help Trump. Guiliani even bragged about it.

You are the one that is making your accusations based on your opinion. You have not given any links or information as to why Hillary is guilty, just your opinion, which isn't worth much in a debate.

You're mad.

Thing is, I could care less what Giuliani says. My "opinion" is substantiated by evidence which you conveniently dismiss as "altered."

Conspiracy theories don't mean much in a debate. They make you sound like an idiot.
You are claiming that Comey is lying now, and holding back information that shows she broke the law?

Did I say he was lying? Dare to quote me? I never once in this thread said he lied.

Didn't you say this " I'm upset because there is real evidence out there that she broke the law. Something you can't help but deny." in Post 401?

Comey says there is no crime, but you believe that there is "real evidence out there that she broke the law" - isn't that the same as claiming he is lying?

Oh, you must be related to Trump. He utters lies and then claims he doesn't. Nice try.
Yeah, sure....most Republicans don't want to admit they watch Faux News since they've been exposed for their many lies.

Ahem. I spend most of my time watching Anime or gaming.

And I'm not a registered Republican.

Care to make any more assumptions about me?

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