BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

Yeah, sure....most Republicans don't want to admit they watch Faux News since they've been exposed for their many lies.

Ahem. I spend most of my time watching Anime or gaming.

And I'm not a registered Republican.

Care to make any more assumptions about me?

For someone that isn't a registered Republican, you sure are going to bat against Hillary. If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

But, to be fair, I didn't say you were a Republican. Most Republicans don't want to admit they watch Faux News.
Comey says there is no crime, but you believe that there is "real evidence out there that she broke the law" - isn't that the same as claiming he is lying?

No. The agents that actually conducted the investigation knew they had evidence to put her away. Comey didn't lie, he simply overruled them because he didn't find "intent."

So, I never said he lied. He just used a flawed legal basis by which he "exonerated" her.
For someone that isn't a registered Republican, you sure are going to bat against Hillary.

Yeah, ever hear of an independent before?

Anyone with half a brain and a modicum of legal knowledge would know she broke the law. You don't need to be a member of any party to recognize that.
Comey says there is no crime, but you believe that there is "real evidence out there that she broke the law" - isn't that the same as claiming he is lying?

No. The agents that actually conducted the investigation knew they had evidence to put her away. Comey didn't lie, he simply overruled them because he didn't find "intent."
And, you have proof of this? Is this another of your "intelligent self-based opinions"? Where is the proof that Comey over-ruled them? Post it, if you have it.

So, I never said he lied. He just used a flawed legal basis by which he "exonerated" her.
You can put all the lipstick you want on it, it isn't going to change anything. Your claim that he over-ruled them is just another way of saying that he lied, because if he had gone with their ruling she would have been charged with a crime. Nice try, again.
Dear Mertex if it is true that knowledge or rumors of existence of private server emails on the third party laptop had already leaked out, this could explain the pressure on Comey he cited for not wanting to appear to withhold information from the public before the election, so he announced it to save face and order, as opposed to rumors leaking out and causing worse chaos and accusations.
If the director of the FBI, who has been found to be trying to help Trump win an election says she is not guilty, I should believe you, who doesn't even know they can scan e-mails pretty fast?

So you think he was trying to help Trump?
Ex Attorney General remarked that Comey made a huge mistake releasing a letter that only insinuated wrong doing without any evidence or relative information. And he is a Republican, so you can't even claim he is biased. It is also a well known fact that there are FBI agents that don't like Hillary. I would say that their reason for leaking information that would damage Clinton would in itself prove that they were trying to help Trump.

Ex-GOP attorney general: FBI director "made an error in judgment" - CBS News

So, uh, I think that little remark answers this question:

I was singing that same tune? Why don't you quote me?

Nice try. You are trying to insinuate that I am basing my accusations on my opinion when I have given you reasons why I believe that some in the FBI were trying to help Trump. Guiliani even bragged about it.

You are the one that is making your accusations based on your opinion. You have not given any links or information as to why Hillary is guilty, just your opinion, which isn't worth much in a debate.
Your claim that he over-ruled them is just another way of saying that he lied, because if he had gone with their ruling she would have been charged with a crime. Nice try, again.

Uh, what? Had he gone with their ruling, YOU WOULD BE THE ONE CALLING HIM A LIAR.

Excuse me.
Again for the 50th time. Here is how it went down. They arrested Weiner popping Weenie guy on sexting to a minor charges in NYC. They confiscated his computer, he shared that computer with huma, the NYC FBI found concerning emails on that confiscated computer and notified the FBI in DC. Comey announced in light of these events they needed to open the investigation again. The corrupt left went nuts accusing him of trying to throw an election for Trump. As if it was Trump's idea foe Weenie guy to whip out his shortcomings and sext them all over the place. So now Comey has decided for whatever reason not to go further and the corrupt Hillary and her minions are as happy as dead pigs in the sunshine.
BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC. Comey remarks in new letter to Congress about Clinton investigation.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.

An FBI investigation into newly discovered emails potentially pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private email server will not result in any new charges, the bureau announced on Sunday.

In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey said that he was not going to revisit his prior conclusion that Clinton acted legally ― albeit carelessly ― in using a private account while she was secretary of state.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton. I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.

The announcement comes a bit more than a week after Comey upended the presidential campaign by announcing that the FBI had discovered additional emails that were potentially pertinent to Clinton’s server.

The letter Comey sent to Congress on Oct. 28 was vague. But subsequent reports revealed that the emails had been discovered on the computer of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Agents began poring through the newly discovered emails, which were believed to number roughly 650,000. Without knowing the results, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates have asserted that there would undoubtedly be confidential communications found among the emails. They have also argued that an indictment against Clinton was surely coming, and put out television advertisements based on the new discoveries

Sunday’s announcement suggests, quite strongly, that is not the case. It was met with muted celebration from the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post

It's over!!!!! Comey clears Clinton!!!!!

More CRIMES exposed.

The Criminal and Chief openly advocating and encouraging illeagals voting and the theft of the Presidency.

Welcome to Fidel Obama's Banana Republic!
Congress also has the emails, apparently. That means Comey can't sweep it under the rug. There's also the NYPD to consider.

Then there are the FBI agents who have been livid that their findings haven't been taken seriously.
(Libetals are so 'fickle'....One week Comey is their hero, next week they are calling for him to be fired, and now he is their hero again. If you aid and abet their criminal machine you are praised. If you threaten their criminals / crime syndicate they call for your destruction.)
you mean like how the clinton foundationn money paid for Chelseas wedding? asshole

No, I mean like Trump taking out money from the Trump Foundation to pay his legal bills, asswipe.
you mean like when the clintonS spent foundation money to pay for Chelsea"s wedding? asshole??
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

Quit altering my posts, asswipe. It is against the rules.
I did not alter your post asshole.

Didn't you post this post, asswipe?

BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

It shows you posted but there is no comment for your post, you just inserted your stupid comment into my comment. Go check the rules, it is against the rules, idiot.

It's against the rules, but I don't think that was the intent here - it was inadvertent. I repaired the quote.

These tards actually think Hillary will win because of this...


This is about 5% of why she is tanking and the Donald is surging...'ll be here Tues nite for the big celebration?
you mean like how the clinton foundationn money paid for Chelseas wedding? asshole

No, I mean like Trump taking out money from the Trump Foundation to pay his legal bills, asswipe.
you mean like when the clintonS spent foundation money to pay for Chelsea"s wedding? asshole??
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

Quit altering my posts, asswipe. It is against the rules.
I did not alter your post asshole.

Didn't you post this post, asswipe?

BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

It shows you posted but there is no comment for your post, you just inserted your stupid comment into my comment. Go check the rules, it is against the rules, idiot.

It's against the rules, but I don't think that was the intent here - it was inadvertent. I repaired the quote.
Thank You!

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