BREAKING: Commies apologize for “intel gathering” balloon entering air space.

China is not our enemy.

If they were, thousands of American companies wouldn't be so keep to do business there. It's not Biden who is getting rich off of China, it is American Corporations, including the Trump Organization. Even his MAGA hats are made in China, and if that isn't irony, I don't know what is.

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If you are so concerned about Fentanyl, then support drug rehabilitation programs. Don't come whining that we have people on drugs (often initially getting hooked on prescription medications) when you refuse to help the ones who have begged for help.
So you say China isn't our enemy? Why then did they force a EP3 flying in international airspace to land at a Chinese Air Force Base and then strip it of anything valuable a few years ago? Why did they refuse to cooperate with the rest of the world to investigate the origins of COVID? Why do they steal intellectual properties and refuse to compensate the patent and copywrite owners? Why do they embed intelligence agents in our politicians lives?
Taiwaan is a sovereign state, and an ally!

It's actually neither.

We do not recognize the government of Taiwan as a state, we recognize it as part of China. It does not have a Seat on the UN, the US does not have an ambassador to Taiwan.
America favored the Vietnamese people who wanted a Democracy in Vietnam. It was a shock to hear that Jane Fonda was fucking the North Vietnamese dictator who was thinking up ways to kill my brother and cousins who served during those years. I've friended a lot of Vietnam vets. What Democrats did to them when they came home was a disgrace. It's funny how you consider anyone with an opinion that shines a light on the secrecy and card-carrying communist leaders in the feminazi, baby-killing left is "crazy." Stick to wearing flowers in your hair, dear. Love, beautress.

If the Vietnamese wanted "Democracy", then the wouldn't have fallen as easily as they did.

The reality of the Vietnam war was Ho Chi Mihn was considered a hero who fought against the French and the Japanese for Vietnamese independence, while Ky and Thuei and the other clowns we supported were French Quislings who were pretty much robbing the country blind.

I feel bad for the "Moron Brigades" who got sent over there to fight, because everyone who had a job or a chance at college found a way to avoid military service, including Quayle, Bush, Trump, Limbaugh, Gingrich, Cheney... Meanwhile, to their credit, Kerry and Gore DID serve over there.

But nobody did anything "bad" to the Vietnam vets... that's just a lie. The ones who were well adjusted just went back to civilian life. The ones who had issues were probably these guys.

Project 100,000, also known as McNamara's 100,000, McNamara's Folly, McNamara's Morons, and McNamara's Misfits,[1][2] was a controversial 1960s program by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to recruit soldiers who would previously have been below military mental or medical standards. Project 100,000 was initiated by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara in October 1966 to meet the escalating manpower requirements of the American government's involvement in the Vietnam War. According to Hamilton Gregory, author of the book McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War, inductees of the project died at triple the rate[1] of other Americans serving in Vietnam and following their service had lower incomes and higher rates of divorce than their non-veteran counterparts. The project was ended in December 1971[3] and has been the subject of controversy, especially during the manpower shortages of the Iraq War.

You see, I have my great idea for "Peace in our Time". You go back to national service, everyone has to serve, no exceptions. No exemptions for religion or college or any other reason other than an actual disability.

Then you take the children of the politicians and the rich, and put them in an extra elite brigade that gets the best equipment and the best training, but they will be the first deployed to any hot zone.

Peace in our time.
It's actually neither.

We do not recognize the government of Taiwan as a state, we recognize it as part of China. It does not have a Seat on the UN, the US does not have an ambassador to Taiwan.
That policy was established in 1949 when the anti communist Chang Kai-Shek was defeated by Mao and fled to Taiwan

He insisted that he was still the rightful ruler of mainland china and the US supported that claim

Over time the people of Taiwan threw off the Chang’s party the Kuomintang and replaced it with a party dedicated to Independence and self rule

They want nothing to do with communist china
Stop spreading disinformation and propaganda.

Biden knowingly unleashed a deadly manufactured pandemic on the world that killed millions while trying to hide it.

Under Trump an initiative he created resulted in numerous arrests and convictions of high-profile Chinese indistrial / technological espionage cases (until Biden killed the program).
- Chinese espionage against the US continues

Oh, Biden did this? Really?

So let's review, shall we.

A disease breaks out in China. China informs the WHO and other agencies about it. Trump has months to take action and he doesn't. While other countries that took precautions limit the damage, the US accounts for one out of six deaths world wide from Covid even though we are only 4% of the world's population. (that number was 1 in four on Trumps watch) But this is China's fault somehow.

China is growing, is challenging the US, and continues to demonstrate it is not IF they decide to take Taiwan militarily but WHEN

First, Taiwan is part of China, as recognized by international treaty and the United Nations. China has every legal right to take Taiwan just like we have every legal right to continue to hold on to Puerto Rico. In fact, China's claim on Taiwan is probably better than our claim on Puerto Rico. Chinese settlers first settle Taiwan in the 12th century. In fact, Taiwan's official name is "The Republic of China".

Secondly- China has plenty of their own problems. Because of decades of the misguided "one child" policy, they have a demographic problem of too many old people and not enough young people, including a shortage of available females for marriage.

- After China did this, why in the hell have our politicians not worked on bringing the manufacturing of these drugs back to the US?

Um, private enterprise? Talk to your boys in Big Pharma. Sure, we could make medicines here... but no one could afford them.

China is buying up everything tbey can in the US - from egg/food production to land right beside our militaty bases to POLITICIANS

Oh, noes, really? Hey, I remember when there was a big panic in the 1970's when Arabs started buying up land and assets.. most of which they sold back to Americans in the 1980's.

Then there was a huge panic in the 1980's about the Japanese "buying up everything". Today, Japan's economy is kind of a basket case.

Now it's the Chinese buying up some assets, but the reality is, American Agriculture is dependent on the Chinese market, because we have more food than we know what to do with and they have 1 billion hungry people. When Trump started fucking with trade with China, he had to divert billions of your tax dollars to farmers in Jesusland because they couldn't sell their products.

A US General just recently predicted we will be at war with China in 2 years...

...but you want people to believe China is NOT our enemy?!
Okay, we need to sack that general because he's a reckless asshole who wants to get people killed.

China isn't my enemy. They haven't done anything bad to me. I'm not willing to start world war III over Taiwan or some crappy little Island in the South CHINA Sea.

Look, man, the problem is that we buy everything from China from electronics to MAGA hats, because for decades, China was a place to get cheap labor.

Now, the Chinese labor market has tightened as China's standard of living has risen, and those same companies are now moving their production to Vietnam (!), Malaysia, India and other points east.

Ebb and flow.

Clueless liberal globalists are not china’s enemy, but America is clearly a target of a hostile CCP

Yeah, whenever you clowns talk about "Globalist", you are talking about your own insecurities, not anything real.

We live in a global world. Technology has made the world a smaller place, and frankly, we are better off for it. I'd rather have peaceful trade than war, wouldn't you?

That policy was established in 1949 when the anti communist Chang Kai-Shek was defeated by Mao and fled to Taiwan

He insisted that he was still the rightful ruler of mainland china and the US supported that claim

Over time the people of Taiwan threw off the Chang’s party the Kuomintang and replaced it with a party dedicated to Independence and self rule

They want nothing to do with communist china

We stopped pretending to support that claim with Richard Nixon going to China.

The KMT is still an active party in Taiwan, BTW. it even occasionally wins elections.

None of which is any of our business. If the Chinese on the mainland and the Chinese on Taiwan want to fight, how is that our problem?

The real problem is all you ignorant fucks know fuck all about Chinese history. We see Taiwan, Tibet, Hong Kong, the Uyghurs in terms of "Freedom" (even though most of them aren't really "Free"). China sees them in terms of their national sovereignty. These are places that are part of China which have had outside powers interfere with them.
So you say China isn't our enemy? Why then did they force a EP3 flying in international airspace to land at a Chinese Air Force Base and then strip it of anything valuable a few years ago?

You mean the EP3 SPY PLANE that was flying too close to their territory and spying on them, and collided with one of their jets? That EP3.

The one where Dubya issued a sincere apology?

(Shit, the scary thing is that we are remembering Dubya as being relatively sane!)

Why did they refuse to cooperate with the rest of the world to investigate the origins of COVID?

Funny, what I remember is that it was Trump who withdrew the US from WHO and international cooperation on Covid, not China.

Why do they steal intellectual properties and refuse to compensate the patent and copywrite owners?

Why not? Intellectual property is kind of meaningless in a digital age, isn't it?

Why do they embed intelligence agents in our politicians lives?

Oh, I don't know... because she's hot! Hey, baby, you can have all of my secrets.
The KMT is still an active party in Taiwan, BTW. it even occasionally wins elections.
It has not ruled Taiwan since it lost its grip on power through free and fair elections

The KMT dream of ruling manland china is a foolish thought that the Taiwanese people want nothing to do with

As to why a free Taiwan is in our best interests anyone who understands geopolitics knows that communist china wants total hegemony over east asia to include S Korea and Japan

We must not let that happen
It's actually neither.

We do not recognize the government of Taiwan as a state, we recognize it as part of China. It does not have a Seat on the UN, the US does not have an ambassador to Taiwan.
More defending the Chicoms
It has not ruled Taiwan since it lost its grip on power through free and fair elections

The KMT dream of ruling manland china is a foolish thought that the Taiwanese people want nothing to do with

As to why a free Taiwan is in our best interests anyone who understands geopolitics knows that communist china wants total hegemony over east asia to include S Korea and Japan

We must not let that happen

Actually, they could wipe Taiwan off the map and I would give Zero Fucks.

Not worth ONE American life.

The problem with Taiwan is that they are already deep in bed with the mainland. If China cut off economic ties with Taiwan, their economy would collapse in a year. 42% of Taiwan's exports are to mainland China and Hong Kong.

  • Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for 42% of Taiwan’s exports last year, while the U.S. had a 15% share, according to official Taiwan data accessed through Wind Information.
  • About 22% of Taiwan’s imports last year came from mainland China and Hong Kong, versus 10% from the U.S., official data showed.
  • Many Taiwan-based companies operate factories in mainland China. In 2021, Taiwan businesses received $200.1 billion in U.S. export orders, according to the U.S. Congressional Research Service.
Actually, they could wipe Taiwan off the map and I would give Zero Fucks.

Not worth ONE American life.

The problem with Taiwan is that they are already deep in bed with the mainland. If China cut off economic ties with Taiwan, their economy would collapse in a year. 42% of Taiwan's exports are to mainland China and Hong Kong.

  • Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for 42% of Taiwan’s exports last year, while the U.S. had a 15% share, according to official Taiwan data accessed through Wind Information.
  • About 22% of Taiwan’s imports last year came from mainland China and Hong Kong, versus 10% from the U.S., official data showed.
  • Many Taiwan-based companies operate factories in mainland China. In 2021, Taiwan businesses received $200.1 billion in U.S. export orders, according to the U.S. Congressional Research Service.
Actually its commnist china that depends on trade with Taiwan

Because all those exports to the mainland are high tech components that the mainland cannot make and needs to keep its industry going
Actually its commnist china that depends on trade with Taiwan

Because all those exports to the mainland are high tech components that the mainland cannot make and needs to keep its industry going
Your source of information is?
Your source of information is?
Its all over the internet

China has not been able to master the most advanced microchips that it needs to supply its industry

In order to get a complete picture you would have to follow a hundred reports as I have

Then you could not be fooled into thinking that communist china is invulnerable and secure
Its all over the internet

China has not been able to master the most advanced microchips that it needs to supply its industry

In order to get a complete picture you would have to follow a hundred reports as I have

Then you could not be fooled into thinking that communist china is invulnerable and secure
What part of the internet?
What part of the internet?
All of it, along a basic knowledge of chinese history

It is impossible to condense all those sources into an easy peasy smart pill that you can pop into your mouth and suddenly be up to speed

Taiwan is a very important island that leads the world in microchip design and production

Apple products could not be manufactured without Taiwan and neither could chinese automobiles

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