BREAKING: Commies apologize for “intel gathering” balloon entering air space.

All of it, along a basic knowledge of chinese history

It is impossible to condense all those sources into an easy peasy smart pill that you can pop into your mouth and suddenly be up to speed

Taiwan is a very important island that leads the world in microchip design and production

Apple products could not be manufactured without Taiwan and neither could chinese automobiles
Just post one then.

BTW US companies lead in chip technology.
So you say China isn't our enemy? Why then did they force a EP3 flying in international airspace to land at a Chinese Air Force Base and then strip it of anything valuable a few years ago? Why did they refuse to cooperate with the rest of the world to investigate the origins of COVID? Why do they steal intellectual properties and refuse to compensate the patent and copywrite owners? Why do they embed intelligence agents in our politicians lives?
Pigs Squealing on Scapegoats

Why are we stalking China?

Why did we establish a totalitarian "public-health" tyranny here, pretending to be a response to a non-contagious virus that only kills those with defective or weakened immune systems?

Why do corporations, which stole those patents from their creative employees in the first place, continue to outsource to these cheap-labor dictatorships? It's pretty hypocritical for those who stole our jobs and freeloaded off our talent to complain about foreign thieves. Chickenhawk warmongers want every real American young man to be proud to die taking a richkid's place.

Why do you imply that we don't have our own spies over there, doing even more than the Chinese do here? Every country does that; it's always been the way foreign policy works in the real world. It's called "intelligence" because it's a lot smarter and more effective than babbling diplomacy, which is same nonsensical squawking we hear over the brain-dead bickering media.
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Frankly, I've never heard anything good about China from the Fox. Yeah, kinda odd & unusual. But now I know why the Fox keeps attacking China.

The Murdoch family hates CCP! Because they failed to control the Chinese media. But Murdoch himself married a Chinese woman. He had no fear of anything about Chinese spies. Funny! lol. 😁

If USMB is sponsored by the Murdochs, I may finally stop hanging around here on the board. Now I don't like the Murdochs! Hypocrites! :(


1. Murdoch and his press empire fuel anti-China feelings using media as a political weapon - Global Times –
2. Rupert Murdoch's Chinese dreams never became a reality - BBC News –
That policy was established in 1949 when the anti communist Chang Kai-Shek was defeated by Mao and fled to Taiwan

He insisted that he was still the rightful ruler of mainland china and the US supported that claim

Over time the people of Taiwan threw off the Chang’s party the Kuomintang and replaced it with a party dedicated to Independence and self rule

They want nothing to do with communist china
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

The gutless Kai-Shreks wouldn't fight the Communist Empire in Korea or Vietnam and refuse to fight to keep their independence now, or at least to form a strong and expensive alliance with all the other threatened nations in China's natural sphere of influence.

Let them all fall apart if they won't stand together. We can deal with an expanded China, in Fair Trade only. The Free-Traders are traitors and got us into this mess.
We do when it comes to designing chips

But Taiwan is the world leader in building them

And china is nowhere when it comes to advanced chipmaking

Aw Phooey on Chip Suey!

The Mainlanders can conquer that island without damaging the chip factories. After they take them over, they will sell the chips at a lower price than the Islanders are asking for now. There won't even be a serious delay in production. So why should we pay the price of their war, too, just like we did with the Kuwaiti price-gougers?

Cheap-labor Scrooges is the only reason we let unreliable or dangerous foreigners do the jobs the Globalist rulers took away from Americans.
Actually its commnist china that depends on trade with Taiwan

Because all those exports to the mainland are high tech components that the mainland cannot make and needs to keep its industry going

Um, not really.

Let me help you out here, because you are kind of dopey.

GDP of the People's Republic of China - $17,300,000,000,000.00

GDP of Taiwan (AKA The Republic of China) - $774,000,000,000

Taiwan's economy is only 4% of China's... it's barely a bug on it's windshield.
Aw Phooey on Chip Suey!

The Mainlanders can conquer that island without damaging the chip factories. After they take them over, they will sell the chips at a lower price than the Islanders are asking for now. There won't even be a serious delay in production. So why should we pay the price of their war, too, just like we did with the Kuwaiti price-gougers?

Cheap-labor Scrooges is the only reason we let unreliable or dangerous foreigners do the jobs the Globalist rulers took away from Americans.
Ok Sage

The US - even under a dottering old fool like Joe Biden - is not going to let china take over Taiwan

Because chip production is not the only reason Taiwan matters

Its strategic importance is incalculable
Um, not really.

Let me help you out here, because you are kind of dopey.

GDP of the People's Republic of China - $17,300,000,000,000.00

GDP of Taiwan (AKA The Republic of China) - $774,000,000,000

Taiwan's economy is only 4% of China's... it's barely a bug on it's windshield.
If you only knew what you obviously dont know

Taiwan has expertise that china cannot copy or steal nit needs to keep its economy afloat
China works very hard to project an image of invincibility

The idea is to encourage people like you to give up without resistance

They do? Because frankly, they have a weak navy and their military technology is about 20 years behind ours. I mean, sweet Evil Jesus, man, you are freaking out about a balloon, the cutting edge technology of 1783.

China has a WHOLE lot of problems.

They have an aging demographic in their population, they have sold their people housing they can't provide. They have a lot of credit problems.

As manufacturing is moving to cheaper venues, they are going to have to transition to a service-based economy like the US has.

Now, because I am currently dating a recent immigrant from China, I actually do get to watch a lot of Chinese media and entertainment. (I am still trying to pick up the language, but the translator apps help.) Hey, this funny thing. The Chinese aren't freaking out about us nearly as much as we are freaking out about them.


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They do? Because frankly, they have a weak navy and their military technology is about 20 years behind ours. I mean, sweet Evil Jesus, man, you are freaking out about a balloon, the cutting edge technology of 1783.

China has a WHOLE lot of problems.

They have an aging demographic in their population, they have sold their people housing they can't provide. They have a lot of credit problems.

As manufacturing is moving to cheaper venues, they are going to have to transition to a service-based economy like the US has.

Now, because I am currently dating a recent immigrant from China, I actually do get to watch a lot of Chinese media and entertainment. (I am still trying to pick up the language, but the translator apps help.) Hey, this funny thing. The Chinese aren't freaking out about us nearly as much as we are freaking out about them.

Oh my

You have the yellow fever

I’v had it myself for MANY years and it can be sweet bliss

But your chinese girlfriend is unlikely to know anymore about whats wrong with her country than you do because the state run media is carefully controlled by the CCP

But you do have a more balanced view than I previously gave you credit for

Yet you still think the CCP is a cuddly panda bear that is no threat to America and the free nations on china’s borders?

If so you still have a ways to go

Here is a link to a more critical view of communist china

But your chinese girlfriend is unlikely to know anymore about whats wrong with her country than you do because the state run media is carefully controlled by the CCP
You mean other than living there for most of her adult life?

Oh my

You have the yellow fever

I’v had it myself for MANY years and it can be sweet bliss
So you are a racist, then? We knew that, buddy. we knew that.

But you do have a more balanced view than I previously gave you credit for

Yet you still think the CCP is a cuddly panda bear that is no threat to America and the free nations on china’s borders?
No, I think they are just like the Democrats and Republicans... interested in their own power and privilege. Which doesn't mean that they don't reflect the will of their people.

Again- China's viewpoint - the viewpoint of her people, not just their leaders - is one of national sovereignty. We ignore that at our own peril.

If so you still have a ways to go

Here is a link to a more critical view of communist china
Yawn, not interested in a bunch of bircher propaganda.
Ok Sage

The US - even under a dottering old fool like Joe Biden - is not going to let china take over Taiwan

Because chip production is not the only reason Taiwan matters

Its strategic importance is incalculable
NIMBY Even Sounds Chinese

By the same megalomania, China could say that taking over Cuba is "of incalculable strategic importance."

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