BREAKING: Commies apologize for “intel gathering” balloon entering air space.

Yes, because America has never murdered anyone.. unless you are Native American. Or Filipino. Or Vietnamese. Or Iraqi.

We've stated our intention to intervene if China exercises its sovereign rights over Taiwan. How do you NOT get ready for that if you are a general?

So Trump had the tags removed on his. My Nephew bought me an official MAGA hat as a joke for Christmas in 2016. It didn't have any tag saying where it was made. Hmmmm...
Taiwaan is a sovereign state, and an ally!
China is not our enemy.

Stop spreading disinformation and propaganda.

Biden knowingly unleashed a deadly manufactured pandemic on the world that killed millions while trying to hide it.

Under Trump an initiative he created resulted in numerous arrests and convictions of high-profile Chinese indistrial / technological espionage cases (until Biden killed the program).
- Chinese espionage against the US continues

China is growing, is challenging the US, and continues to demonstrate it is not IF they decide to take Taiwan militarily but WHEN

- After China did this, why in the hell have our politicians not worked on bringing the manufacturing of these drugs back to the US?

China is buying up everything tbey can in the US - from egg/food production to land right beside our militaty bases to POLITICIANS

A US General just recently predicted we will be at war with China in 2 years...

...but you want people to believe China is NOT our enemy?!
i seriously doubt that Joe

look at their dealings in the fiscal world stage Beaut, that's where they know how to conqueror anyone the wish w/out firing a single shot

Dear Sparky,
I read about their dealings in WWII. Mao murdered ONE HUNDRED MILLION CHINESE PEOPLE IN THE MOST HORRIFIC MANNER IMAGINABLE in WWII, by China taking every advantage imaginable for (1) mass murdering dissidents while the Western world was trying to deal with Adolph Hitler's Nazis who were also murdering Jews in an even more horrific way than Chinese were killing their own civilians. They did it because it was EXPEDIENT. Now, look at that word, "expedient." When you scare the bejammers out of people with mass murder, it's usually because one of the requirements of Communism is easy peasy OBEDIENCE. Making agreeable speech a life or death requirement, it's easy to get something fast and easy, or EXPEDIENT. For no listening, Communists can then foist reality of their wishes against a scared to death mass that is left after they murder half the population of a country to get what they want right now, no waiting, no patience, no caring. It's a do or die abuse of other people's human rights such as the freedom and right to say what they think. Saying what you think brings on an instantaneous bullet in the brain from the Gestapo. Communism sucks, but the Alinsky method expedites expedience to get what you want out of people with no respect for their right to life, right to speak their mind, right to pray, freedom of religion, and freedom to choose your own way. In WWII, all China had to do to convert itself from a traditional country that counted back thousands of years, was to kill off an entire town on account of only one dissident voice or a voice that did not please the sole leader, Mao, for any reason, considered real or imagined by him.

Communists in America have the heart of murderous, hateful Mao. They think they have to have total control or destroy the person who doesn't let them have their way 100% of the time. The Democrat secret society headed by House Speaker Madam Medusi, I mean Nance Pelosi the Cruel who was anal about her total control of every little thing that came down the pike, particularly if she could hamstring President Trump, who was obstructing her crimes against humanity of arranging EXPEDIENCE to deep state and demonic "leaders" if you could call a communist a leader. I can't. The Republican US Senators and Representatives I know personally are caring, thoughtful people and had their DC office doors open to all state citizens. Since the state I lived in at the time was conservative and persevered to keep takes on the people of the USA low to non-existent taxes, which, while not convenient to other states, the Equality State hated tax hikes with such distaste that if anybody they voted for in the last election voted to raise taxes, that was the end of their political career in that conservative state. They had people influence, not fiscal greed. I'm sorry whatever state you live in is not so honest and kindly to taxpayers. When we moved to a different state, I've found the representatives and senators in favor of people, not fiscal matters. While fiscally wise, the conservative politicians I know are good family people, love their children and spouses, stand by them, and stand by the people of the state and their fiscal needs of not having to pay more taxes than a reasonable country would shun.
Republicans do not organize secrecy as their credo. And they do all they can do to prosper people into enjoying the American dream. They also do not hold grudges against the opposition party. IOW, they're the salt of the earth. I hope you see that some day when the truth comes out. Love, beautress.

I have to go crochet another 2 rows on my half-finished dish rag. Be back tomorrow or this afternoon, depending on how my planting bulb project goes. See ya. :)
Threatened to nuke us if we got involved in their internal affairs? Um. Yeah.

That actually sounds like a corporate problem. A true artist just wants his art distributed.

Except they really aren't doing that. Again, the problem is, we are trying to have it both ways. We conceded that Taiwan is part of China and then we arm it.

How would we feel if a foreign country started arming a whacky governor who was defying the authority of Washington?

So Americans get on planes owned by international airlines, and go back to America after they had been warned about Covid, and this is China's fault somehow.

I think the Chinese need to attach a Drag Queen to the next balloon they send over. The levels or right wing panic would be hysterical.

Wow, seriously? Uh, we spy on them, they spy on us using satellites. this was a weather balloon.

And then you went full crazy.


Okay, first, "Inner Mongolia" is a province of China. "Outer Mongolia" (Or just the country known as Mongolia) was split off from China in 1911 and backed by the Bolsheviks in 1921.) China actually has a pretty good claim on Mongolia, as it had been part of China for centuries.

For North Korea, China is the only reason why they aren't eating Grass right now.

Tibet- Has been part of China since the Yuan Dynasty. (That would be the 13th century.) So they overthrew a nasty theocracy that had been oppressing the peasents, but it's okay, the Dalai Llama got out and he hangs with Richard Gere and the Gerbils now.

Now, let's look at American Aggression.
We have bombed, invaded or occupied 14 countries in the Middle East since 1980.
We waged a decades long war in Vietnam
America favored the Vietnamese people who wanted a Democracy in Vietnam. It was a shock to hear that Jane Fonda was fucking the North Vietnamese dictator who was thinking up ways to kill my brother and cousins who served during those years. I've friended a lot of Vietnam vets. What Democrats did to them when they came home was a disgrace. It's funny how you consider anyone with an opinion that shines a light on the secrecy and card-carrying communist leaders in the feminazi, baby-killing left is "crazy." Stick to wearing flowers in your hair, dear. Love, beautress.
Threatened to nuke us if we got involved in their internal affairs? Um. Yeah.

That actually sounds like a corporate problem. A true artist just wants his art distributed.

Except they really aren't doing that. Again, the problem is, we are trying to have it both ways. We conceded that Taiwan is part of China and then we arm it.

How would we feel if a foreign country started arming a whacky governor who was defying the authority of Washington?

So Americans get on planes owned by international airlines, and go back to America after they had been warned about Covid, and this is China's fault somehow.

I think the Chinese need to attach a Drag Queen to the next balloon they send over. The levels or right wing panic would be hysterical.

Wow, seriously? Uh, we spy on them, they spy on us using satellites. this was a weather balloon.

And then you went full crazy.


Okay, first, "Inner Mongolia" is a province of China. "Outer Mongolia" (Or just the country known as Mongolia) was split off from China in 1911 and backed by the Bolsheviks in 1921.) China actually has a pretty good claim on Mongolia, as it had been part of China for centuries.

For North Korea, China is the only reason why they aren't eating Grass right now.

Tibet- Has been part of China since the Yuan Dynasty. (That would be the 13th century.) So they overthrew a nasty theocracy that had been oppressing the peasents, but it's okay, the Dalai Llama got out and he hangs with Richard Gere and the Gerbils now.

Now, let's look at American Aggression.
We have bombed, invaded or occupied 14 countries in the Middle East since 1980.
We waged a decades long war in Vietnam
You concentrate your stalking of 7 posts someone else wrote and you accuse her of being someone who is "full crazy"? Oh, wait. I get it. You're one of Maxine Waters' sycophants. Did she give you one of Nancy's "Gold Pens" handed out to celebrate two fake impeachments against President Trump based on a pack of lies distributed by... Nancy Pelosi? :rolleyes-41:
You concentrate your stalking of 7 posts someone else wrote and you accuse her of being someone who is "full crazy"? Oh, wait. I get it. You're one of Maxine Waters' sycophants. Did she give you one of Nancy's "Gold Pens" handed out to celebrate two fake impeachments against President Trump based on a pack of lies distributed by... Nancy Pelosi? :rolleyes-41:
Ever wonder if kevin is envious of the power Nancy Pelosi had.

I bet he's a bedwetter over it.
The plumes of white smoke that came out of the balloon when it was popped sent a chill up my spine about how easy it would be for an enemy of America to spread a pandemic of epic proportions to this hemisphere. President Biden must be keeping himself wealthy from foreign countries who have bought him before, including those that harbor fentanyl to be put in the swill their coyotes to get rich from their distribution contributions to the death of our young who are foolish enough to start taking drugs, not doing good deeds, to feel good about themselves. The upcoming war is likely to be rather bloody. Communists must kill half their population off to make Communism acceptable to a fearful mass of people. May we be blessed by renewing our Home of the Brave pledge to each other, not divisive experiments pushed by the Communist Party pushing the Alinsky method down our once free throats. :(
Wow, how much did you pay for this ^^^ brainwash?
“The top uniformed soldier in China, chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, stated that war with the United States is inevitable,” Coffman said. “That is the first time China has made that statement publicly.”

Right China isn't the enemy :auiqs.jpg:
Democrat supporters have been conditioned to think Trump and his supporters are the enemy and China is just a trading partner. They could care less about our non-existent border and the human and chemical attack on our country. But give them a quote from Trump and they go berserk.
Stop spreading disinformation and propaganda.

Biden knowingly unleashed a deadly manufactured pandemic on the world that killed millions while trying to hide it.

Under Trump an initiative he created resulted in numerous arrests and convictions of high-profile Chinese indistrial / technological espionage cases (until Biden killed the program).
- Chinese espionage against the US continues

China is growing, is challenging the US, and continues to demonstrate it is not IF they decide to take Taiwan militarily but WHEN

- After China did this, why in the hell have our politicians not worked on bringing the manufacturing of these drugs back to the US?

China is buying up everything tbey can in the US - from egg/food production to land right beside our militaty bases to POLITICIANS

A US General just recently predicted we will be at war with China in 2 years...

...but you want people to believe China is NOT our enemy?!
Your biases are both ludicrous and ridiculous. Your lead in, "Biden knowingly unleashed a deadly manufactured pandemic on the world that killed millions while trying to hide it" goes beyond an idiot-gram. The idiot-gram wouldn't be so absurd if you deleted Biden and added in Trump.
Your biases are both ludicrous and ridiculous. Your lead in, "Biden knowingly unleashed a deadly manufactured pandemic on the world that killed millions while trying to hide it" goes beyond an idiot-gram. The idiot-gram wouldn't be so absurd if you deleted Biden and added in Trump.
laughing hilariously.jpg

Thank you for proving, again, you have no sense of humor. Do you feel better after your raving tantrum? It must suck to be a liberal, walking around every day hating everything and everyone, attacking anyone who says something you disagree with or exposes the left's continous scandals.

China is not our enemy.

If they were, thousands of American companies wouldn't be so keep to do business there. It's not Biden who is getting rich off of China, it is American Corporations, including the Trump Organization. Even his MAGA hats are made in China, and if that isn't irony, I don't know what is.

View attachment 754685

If you are so concerned about Fentanyl, then support drug rehabilitation programs. Don't come whining that we have people on drugs (often initially getting hooked on prescription medications) when you refuse to help the ones who have begged for help.

Official Trump MAGA hats are made in the US​

Dear Sparky,
I read about their dealings in WWII. Mao murdered ONE HUNDRED MILLION CHINESE PEOPLE IN THE MOST HORRIFIC MANNER IMAGINABLE in WWII, by China taking every advantage imaginable for (1) mass murdering dissidents while the Western world was trying to deal with Adolph Hitler's Nazis who were also murdering Jews in an even more horrific way than Chinese were killing their own civilians. They did it because it was EXPEDIENT. Now, look at that word, "expedient." When you scare the bejammers out of people with mass murder, it's usually because one of the requirements of Communism is easy peasy OBEDIENCE. Making agreeable speech a life or death requirement, it's easy to get something fast and easy, or EXPEDIENT. For no listening, Communists can then foist reality of their wishes against a scared to death mass that is left after they murder half the population of a country to get what they want right now, no waiting, no patience, no caring. It's a do or die abuse of other people's human rights such as the freedom and right to say what they think. Saying what you think brings on an instantaneous bullet in the brain from the Gestapo. Communism sucks, but the Alinsky method expedites expedience to get what you want out of people with no respect for their right to life, right to speak their mind, right to pray, freedom of religion, and freedom to choose your own way. In WWII, all China had to do to convert itself from a traditional country that counted back thousands of years, was to kill off an entire town on account of only one dissident voice or a voice that did not please the sole leader, Mao, for any reason, considered real or imagined by him.

Communists in America have the heart of murderous, hateful Mao. They think they have to have total control or destroy the person who doesn't let them have their way 100% of the time. The Democrat secret society headed by House Speaker Madam Medusi, I mean Nance Pelosi the Cruel who was anal about her total control of every little thing that came down the pike, particularly if she could hamstring President Trump, who was obstructing her crimes against humanity of arranging EXPEDIENCE to deep state and demonic "leaders" if you could call a communist a leader. I can't. The Republican US Senators and Representatives I know personally are caring, thoughtful people and had their DC office doors open to all state citizens. Since the state I lived in at the time was conservative and persevered to keep takes on the people of the USA low to non-existent taxes, which, while not convenient to other states, the Equality State hated tax hikes with such distaste that if anybody they voted for in the last election voted to raise taxes, that was the end of their political career in that conservative state. They had people influence, not fiscal greed. I'm sorry whatever state you live in is not so honest and kindly to taxpayers. When we moved to a different state, I've found the representatives and senators in favor of people, not fiscal matters. While fiscally wise, the conservative politicians I know are good family people, love their children and spouses, stand by them, and stand by the people of the state and their fiscal needs of not having to pay more taxes than a reasonable country would shun.
Republicans do not organize secrecy as their credo. And they do all they can do to prosper people into enjoying the American dream. They also do not hold grudges against the opposition party. IOW, they're the salt of the earth. I hope you see that some day when the truth comes out. Love, beautress.

I have to go crochet another 2 rows on my half-finished dish rag. Be back tomorrow or this afternoon, depending on how my planting bulb project goes. See ya. :)
I won't debate the history we both know Beaut, i'm only asking to rise above the politics , and focus on the underlying economics of all conflict on this rock objectively.

All of it orbits some basic economic goal(s) cloaked in the guise of protecting us from some boogey man

Check out the Asian consortium looking for special drawing rights (SRD's) from the world bank for starters

Want to really hurt any given country? Devalue their fiat, and they'll roll over like stray dogs beggin' for a handout

But heaven forbid stopping the drugs from coming across the border illegally, huh?

Kick yourself for me, you stupid fuck! Right in the ass.
Never Negotiate Out of Fear; Always Force Your Enemies to Negotiate Out of Fear

Anyone who doesn't advocate bombing the cartels' hideouts is just as ineffective as the open-borders crowd. Civilians are human shields and we shouldn't even try to avoid collateral damage.

Besides, there shouldn't be open borders on the H-1Bs the Republican economic traitors let steal our jobs.
Never Negotiate Out of Fear; Always Force Your Enemies to Negotiate Out of Fear

Anyone who doesn't advocate bombing the cartels' hideouts is just as ineffective as the open-borders crowd. Civilians are human shields and we shouldn't even try to avoid collateral damage.

Besides, there shouldn't be open borders on the H-1Bs the Republican economic traitors let steal our jobs.
You're an idiot.

So, you have no regard for other nations borders, yet claim ours are sacred.
Stop spreading disinformation and propaganda.

Biden knowingly unleashed a deadly manufactured pandemic on the world that killed millions while trying to hide it.

Under Trump an initiative he created resulted in numerous arrests and convictions of high-profile Chinese indistrial / technological espionage cases (until Biden killed the program).
- Chinese espionage against the US continues

China is growing, is challenging the US, and continues to demonstrate it is not IF they decide to take Taiwan militarily but WHEN

- After China did this, why in the hell have our politicians not worked on bringing the manufacturing of these drugs back to the US?

China is buying up everything they can in the US - from egg/food production to land right beside our military bases to POLITICIANS

A US General just recently predicted we will be at war with China in 2 years...

...but you want people to believe China is NOT our enemy?!
Globalists On the Payroll

China gets the wealth to do all that from the American outsourcing traitors and the retailers who sell that shoddy merchandise. Outlaw all that and China will again be too poor to be a viable threat.

The other countries over there are empowered by the same economic treason and they won't even use the money they won't even use that transferred theft for their own defense. Our M-I Complex can make even more money by selling to that independent alliance, from Japan to Indonesia, than they can make off funding our unnecessary defense against China asserting its own Monroe Doctrine. So it will only be the sweatshopping corporations to bribe the government and the warmongering media. When will be build a wall against Wall Street?

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