Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

You can add 'murder' to that 'impressive' DNC 2018 / 2020 Democratic Party election resume.
The shit is going to hit the fan this week. I suspect Tuesday. The DNC, Hillary, Podesta, and end the end, Obama, will soon be at an empasse. Seth Rich is the conduit to bringing them down, even in his death. Newt Gingrich brought this up this morning. It's something that can't be ignored anymore.
You talking about the same fake story that Fox has been pumping out? Proven to have a lot of holes and bad info as stated by Seths family? How about you dipshits stop politicizing the death of this poor guy. You're pathetic
heh - yea. lord knows a liberal would NEVER politicize anything in relation to a mans family. like khan or something.
Oh, did the Rich family come out and give a speech?
Back when the death of Seth Rich occurred I created countless blogs on other sites stating I believed his death was connected to the Clinton's since it contained the same basic MO as many other suspicious deaths associated with them in the past. But as the saying goes, this was not the Clinton's first rodeo and since they were never charged with any of those incidences, no one should expect anything to come of this one either. I mean let's face it, it should be pretty obvious by now to anyone paying attention and not in total denial Hillary and Bill are career criminals and completely above the law.

The fact that the case regarding Seth was only mentioned fleetingly by biased media and then went cold never seemingly investigated to me means the Clinton's not only have power over James Comey of the FBI who was their cover up man, but possibly also have control over the DC police as well. I mean ask yourself why is the evidence on Seth Rich's computer containing conversations with Wiki Leaks not in the possession of the DC police rather the FBI if there was nothing suspect? if everyone thought it was just a normal murder, why was the FBI involved at all? And if there was suspicion that it was more, why is the computer sitting on a shelf gathering dust at the FBI?

The Left and the Left media have (provably) been the source of the vast majority of corruption and dishonesty...yet those who call themselves liberals and progressives etc seem quite ok with it. They don't seem to mind the fact that the head of the DNC handed Hillary the questions for the Presidential debate ahead of time....or that the head of the Left DOJ met with the subject of an ongoing investigation on a private jet. How easily they brush off the President proclaiming "Not even a Smidgen of Corruption" at the IRS...only to be confessed later while many of their top ranking officials quickly pleaded the 5th and it was all quietly swept under the rug. And they have complete faith that few if any illegals voted even though Barack Obama publicly asserted there would be no consequences if they did....and...the left issues driver licenses to illegals, gives them sanctuary from the law and vehemently objects to voter ID requirements......

But....those on the Left will scream bloody murder that only the Right is corrupt.

This is a serious problem for the nation, the Constitution, the Rule of Law and the future for us all.
I maintain that unless there is a States convention and power is taken from the federal government and it's elitist will come down to a small number of real Americans finally saying enough is enough and doing what's needed....or this course will continue and in 100 years or so America will be about on par with present day Philippines and Somalia or worse....Venezuela.

I will be long gone by then so it will have little effect on me....but my children and grandchildren and theirs will be affected. I'm grateful that most of my life was lived before the Left and the elitist got this much influence.
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Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

'Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Seth Rich Announcement

...High-ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are terrified of the Seth Rich murder investigation.

You can add 'murder' to that 'impressive' DNC 2018 / 2020 Democratic Party election resume.
Dutifully rebleating the desperate plea of Gatewaypundit....

Yeah,'re nobody's errand bitch, right?
The shit is going to hit the fan this week.
Nothing is going to hit the fan this week. Even if it turns out that this was a political assassination - the Clinton's are completely untouchable. They've never answered for anything and they never will (just like all other presidents and politically connected individuals).
Just look around to see how many Useful Idiots are recatapulting the Fat Man this morning...
As in murdering the RussianWr's attempt to sell this country out to Putin, Comrade?.....yes.

No, Princess, as add the murder of Seth Rich to their 'impressive' list of other accomplishments...such as:

Felony Espionage
Destruction of Property
Rigging Primaries
Rigging Debates
Election Fraud during Primaries
Silencing Freedom of Speech
Why dont we just simplify things and throw them all in jail like they would do the rest of us?
gateway Pundit???? Really??? Fuck head Queasy is hilarious.....LOL
I beat that idiot up over it once and the Snowflake started whinging about being unfairly judged..

As of you can't see the nitwit recatapulting Drudge Fudge full time..
Trump's legion of very busy dogwashers that find nothing repulsive about the man-child.
On the contrary...they are just pointing out what everyone other than butt-hurt snowflakes, regretful DNC members who made Hillary the 'Chosen One', and the Democratic Party who made crooked/criminal Hillary their nominee have known from the beginning.

Between Hillary, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and Seth Rich, all the Liberals' dirty little secrets were revealed...until they murdered Seth Rich. Those 3, however, provided the Democrats with the opportunity to blame the Russians.
Everyone with a brain knew that these were leaks and not hacks. I work in IT and have a security role as well with my company, and everything I have read and heard about The Democrat Party's Narrative of "Russian Hacking" sounded fishy, and everything said and known about The DNC Server and Podesta's emails pointed towards leaks from inside the DNC itself, not hacking.

When a Political Party makes a decision to build it's campaign cycle on manufactured lies and false narratives, and propaganda, eventually they will be exposed. Their fall from grace (if they had any) will be hard and painful. And it will be entirely self inflicted and entirely deserved.
As in murdering the RussianWr's attempt to sell this country out to Putin, Comrade?.....yes.

No, Princess, as add the murder of Seth Rich to their 'impressive' list of other accomplishments...such as:

Felony Espionage
Destruction of Property
Rigging Primaries
Rigging Debates
Election Fraud during Primaries
Silencing Freedom of Speech
Sure, Comrade. :rofl:

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