BREAKING: Congress Investigating Mueller's ‘Pitbull’ Investigator Andrew Weissmann For Media Leaks

Does anyone ever "go down" because of a congressional investigation....recently?
Does anyone ever "go down" because of a congressional investigation....recently?

I can't remember of any, but a great many have had their credibility placed
up for sale because of it and/or have attracted additional security/scrunity.

Take first Congress got him on record and later facts proved
him to be stretching the truth or not being completely honest.

Him being forced to step down today has all eyes aimed directly at the anticipated release of the Nunes document, as a possible reason. However,
for McCabe to have been sent to the house today would require something
a bit more official.

What we all tend to forget at times is the other events surrounding a situation.
The IG of the DOJ/FBI has been conducting his own report and is preparing
to release that to the Public. If Director Wray was given a "peek" at that
he certainly had the required ammo to send Andy home early.

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