BREAKING: CUBA Announces It's Ready To Accept RUSSIAN MISSILES (AGAIN) As Russian Navy Arrives 90 Miles From US Coast. (Biden's Cuban Missile Crisis)

Here comes another Cuban Missile Crisis, this time Joe Biden style. He has us on the verge of WW III with Russia in the Ukraine, tensions have never been higher with China over Taiwan, North Korea is firing off missiles every week. This is what a totally incompetent national security team (Blinken, Austin, Sullivan) led by a demented perv gets you. Will the Usurper initiate a Naval blockade like fellow Democrat JFK did?

The US has nuke capable launchers in Poland, Romania, and Turkey. Why wouldn't any adversary want the same capability if the opportunity presented itself. This will become a tale told by a great number of idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, over this turn of events. Biden is a retard, he had a chance to reverse the retarded Trump over Cuba, generate some friendly relations and he chose not to.
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With DearUncleP being a clear first choice as most respected leader across the planet, it would be perfect for him to be next in the WH and give America back some of its lost dignity and standing ."Vote for Mister P and forget President Piss Pants " should guarantee it .
The Putin support we have on this very forum by MAGAts.

Putin support?'re the Putin supporter here, you voted for these people:
I realize this will sound overtly militaristic. But Brandon should once again impose a naval blockade over Cuba.

Plus, he should announce it as an accomplished fact [not subject to any debate from Russia, Cuba or the U.N.] that any military type materiel which makes it to the shores of Cuba will be bombed immediately.
Here comes another Cuban Missile Crisis, this time Joe Biden style. He has us on the verge of WW III with Russia in the Ukraine, tensions have never been higher with China over Taiwan, North Korea is firing off missiles every week. This is what a totally incompetent national security team (Blinken, Austin, Sullivan) led by a demented perv gets you. Will the Usurper initiate a Naval blockade like fellow Democrat JFK did?


CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS 2.0? Four Russian Military Vessels – Including a Nuclear-Capable Submarine – Will Visit Havana Next Week

* Jun 2024 ~~ By Paul Serran

So, there we have it. A mere days after US President Joe Biden was convinced by his aides and the international clamor in the West to allow Ukraine to shoot its US-provided long-range missiles at targets inside the Russian Federation territory, it arises that four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week.
Cuban officials announced the visit, citing ‘historically friendly relations’ between both nations.
Associated Press reported:
“Cuba’s foreign ministry said in a news release that the ships will be in Havana between June 12 and June 17, noting that none of them will carry any nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”
Now that the mediocre actor Joe Biden’s term is near expiration he is very unpopular and is holding on to power only because his satanic handlers want to fight Russia with other countrie’s (USA & NATO) blood and treasure. IMHO, the satanic oligarchy wins no matter who prevails in a war, because they will simply go into hiding with all their loot and in ten, twenty, a hundred years, resurface once again to restart their satanic empire plans.
Russia is flexing to make a point.
Remember this is ha[[enpening with the same people that said Trump will crash the economy and start WWIII.
Fumbling Bumbling President Joe Biden brought this on first with his inept withdrawal from Afghanistan and his latest statement saying he would approve the use of US missiles by the Ukrainians to attack Russia, and to move to add the Ukraine to NATO. The first (missiles) he then retracted, the second he has not.
It is clear Putin has decided to play the same game and or ratchet it up a notch.
Ever closer to nuclear war.... Due to Joe's cognitive issues and Obama running the show through a Cabinet that clearly is not up to the task. Note, Obama could not have been wronger in the execution of his foreign policy, and now Biden using the same people is failing just like Obama.
So, what do you want the Bidet to do about it?
As far as threatening warships visiting ports in the region goes, US ships in the Baltic, the Black Sea (which occurred regularly until Turkey closed the Bosporus to non regional warships), the eastern Med, non of which are US waters and are all just as threatening to them.
So, what do you want the Bidet to do about it?
As far as threatening warships visiting ports in the region goes, US ships in the Baltic, the Black Sea (which occurred regularly until Turkey closed the Bosporus to non regional warships), the eastern Med, non of which are US waters and are all just as threatening to them.
Joey will send some of his crack "Woke" LGBTQ military elite teams to give BJ's to the Russians when they land.
Here comes another Cuban Missile Crisis, this time Joe Biden style. He has us on the verge of WW III with Russia in the Ukraine, tensions have never been higher with China over Taiwan, North Korea is firing off missiles every week. This is what a totally incompetent national security team (Blinken, Austin, Sullivan) led by a demented perv gets you. Will the Usurper initiate a Naval blockade like fellow Democrat JFK did?

Cuba needs security with such a dangerous neighbour.
and then we whine like 3 year olds about it
Do you see it as election interference by Russia and maybe China too?

If so then which of the candidate could benefit from it?

I think there's a reason why this is happening just before the election, but I won't speculate on the reason right now.

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