Breaking! Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein issues statement on 'Fake News'

Rosenstein is talking about infowarz, zerohedge, and breitbart.
NO he is not.. Clarified that he is talking about foreign agents who are pushing disinformation through the DNC, CNN, ABC, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC. etc....

Its directed at the MSM being the mouth piece, aiding and abetting a foreign governments (hostile attack) attempt at damaging the US.. IN other words they are committing TREASON.... But they are happy to have "un-named sources" even if they are foreign agents..

Rosenstein is covering for Trump. Her in effect is damaging the US. If anyone is committing treason, it is Rosenstein.
congress has already asked Trump to stop spreading fake news horseshit he gets off the internet.
Irrelevant to Rosensteins letter.

It is very relevant. Maybe not to Trump Davidians like you but it shows Rosenstein is a Trump hack. Many of the leaks have been proven to be true.
You have no idea what you're talking about as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.

You are irrelevant Trump Davidian. You put your glorious leader above the US.

You are a clueless idiot with no grasp of reality...

SO lets bitch slap you with reality...

Mueller was going to look into all of the things that the propagandists are screaming about.. Everything.. So none of this means shit.. IT was all expected to happen...The propaganda is detrimental to both the investigation and the US as a nation.

Now go away snowflake.. your propaganda is strong even when there is no evidence of anything..

Your speculations are pure grade A Bull Shit.. Because that is all you have...
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Rosenstein is another Obama leftover...what is Rosenstain still doing in the Trump Administration???

Bye bye are not wanted anymore!

Rosenstein is talking about infowarz, zerohedge, and breitbart.
NO he is not.. Clarified that he is talking about foreign agents who are pushing disinformation through the DNC, CNN, ABC, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC. etc....

Its directed at the MSM being the mouth piece, aiding and abetting a foreign governments (hostile attack) attempt at damaging the US.. IN other words they are committing TREASON.... But they are happy to have "un-named sources" even if they are foreign agents..

Rosenstein is covering for Trump. Her in effect is damaging the US. If anyone is committing treason, it is Rosenstein.
I see your still trying to beat your way out of a wet paper bag... Enjoy your bag... you will be in there a while..
That DOJ put this statement out speaks volumes. This is huge!!! You have to read between the lines. He’s all but saying that the press reports are total BS.



And the warning about being a mouth piece for foreign governments is a 109 howitzer round across the bow of the MSM ship..

I wonder how the media is going to take that warning?
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NO he is not.. Clarified that he is talking about foreign agents who are pushing disinformation through the DNC, CNN, ABC, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC. etc....

Its directed at the MSM being the mouth piece, aiding and abetting a foreign governments (hostile attack) attempt at damaging the US.. IN other words they are committing TREASON.... But they are happy to have "un-named sources" even if they are foreign agents..
You are committing sedition by lying about Rosenstein said. He is talking about infowarz, zerohedge, and breitbart.
NO he is not.. Clarified that he is talking about foreign agents who are pushing disinformation through the DNC, CNN, ABC, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC. etc....

Its directed at the MSM being the mouth piece, aiding and abetting a foreign governments (hostile attack) attempt at damaging the US.. IN other words they are committing TREASON.... But they are happy to have "un-named sources" even if they are foreign agents..
You are committing sedition by lying about Rosenstein said. He is talking about infowarz, zerohedge, and breitbart.
Keep Projecting libtard.. Your sources are doing what you claim those others are and your such a bald face lair that your wont see it or you do and your a treasonous bastard too..
NO he is not.. Clarified that he is talking about foreign agents who are pushing disinformation through the DNC, CNN, ABC, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC. etc....

Its directed at the MSM being the mouth piece, aiding and abetting a foreign governments (hostile attack) attempt at damaging the US.. IN other words they are committing TREASON.... But they are happy to have "un-named sources" even if they are foreign agents..
You are committing sedition by lying about Rosenstein said. He is talking about infowarz, zerohedge, and breitbart.
Keep Projecting libtard.. Your sources are doing what you claim those others are and your such a bald face lair that your wont see it or you do and your a treasonous bastard too..
Unhappy with the truth, huh?
Rosenstein is another Obama leftover...what is Rosenstain still doing in the Trump Administration???

Bye bye are not wanted anymore!


Trump nominated and he was confirmed as deputy, blame Trump.

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