BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

Yeah, it's not enough that I'm saddened by the loss and I offer my condolences. I should probably want a combat squadron and an Army brigade to be sent in to kill a couple thousand more people in the hopes we get those few bad ones.
no one said anything remotely like that
how about we work with and assist the Indian authorities to find out who they are and where they are from
well what do you think we should do

What we should have done from the get go was invade ALL Islamic fundamentalist countries and wipe out all of their terrorist training camps, wipe out their government that supported terrorists and any resistence movements. Instead of doing this piecemeal, we should have gone in and destroyed all of these bastards. In fact, what we should've done AGES ago was take the handcuffs off of Israel and allow Israel to wipe out Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. Islamic terrorism would've been stopped decades ago had we let Israel properly defend its country. If these bastards had taken over Mexico and were launching attacks on US soil from Mexico, the United States would not stand for it, would go in and wipe them all out and restore the Mexican government. You nip terrorism in the bud before it's allowed to blossom or it'll explode all over the world like it's doing right now.

The Human Rights organizations have been taken over by neo-radical far left liberals who think that terrorists are resistence fighters and they have the right to blow people up. The United Nations has somehow been conned into believing them and has handcuffed countries from doing what they need to do in order to defend themselves.

Terrorism needs to be wiped out NOW or it will explode and become uncontrolable.
no one said anything remotely like that
how about we work with and assist the Indian authorities to find out who they are and where they are from

Seems to me that the Indian government would have to request our help specifically. I would imagine that if it is determined that this group is going global that the Indian government will have their intel/counter terrorism folks work with other like organizations from many nations and not just the US.
Raises an interesting question: Should our government be able to protect US citizens (particularly civilians) no matter where they are in the world?

When they're located in another sovereign country?

Where would we even get the legal authority?

We aren't even allowed to extradite Americans from a lot of countries when they committed a crime HERE. So how could we possibly have any authority to militarily enter a sovereign nation to protect anyone?

You enter another country at your own risk.
Seems to me that the Indian government would have to request our help specifically. I would imagine that if it is determined that this group is going global that the Indian government will have their intel/counter terrorism folks work with other like organizations from many nations and not just the US.
clearly, to "work with and assist" one would need to have permission from Indian authorities
Answer me this question, can he do anything right now, or only GWB has the power to do anything?

George Bush has the power to do whatever he wants. He can bypass Congress to send military into any country he wants to, he can get the Federal Reserve to spend trillions without the authorization of Congress... he can do ANYTHING he wants to do. But I doubt India would welcome US troops on their soil. There are reports of hostages, but no one knows how many. I do have complete faith in the Indian military which is relatively modernized and has a great amount of experience dealing with these bastards.
When they're located in another sovereign country?

Where would we even get the legal authority?

We aren't even allowed to extradite Americans from a lot of countries when they committed a crime HERE. So how could we possibly have any authority to militarily enter a sovereign nation to protect anyone?

You enter another country at your own risk.

Good questions. I certainly don't have the answer.

There are precedents; the Marines have such a case referenced in their hymn. Of course, things have changed internationally since then.
clearly, to "work with and assist" one would need to have permission from Indian authorities

Yep, and such aid does not necessarily mean military assistance nor does it exclude it....I guess it would depend on what India requests/needs. The Indian military is fairly modern so I dont think US military presence would be asked for or wanted.
George Bush has the power to do whatever he wants. He can bypass Congress to send military into any country he wants to, he can get the Federal Reserve to spend trillions without the authorization of Congress... he can do ANYTHING he wants to do. But I doubt India would welcome US troops on their soil. There are reports of hostages, but no one knows how many. I do have complete faith in the Indian military which is relatively modernized and has a great amount of experience dealing with these bastards.
again, WRONG, Bush cant spend any money without congressional authorization
sheeesh david, you are losing a ton of credibility
What we should have done from the get go was invade ALL Islamic fundamentalist countries and wipe out all of their terrorist training camps, wipe out their government that supported terrorists and any resistence movements. Instead of doing this piecemeal, we should have gone in and destroyed all of these bastards. In fact, what we should've done AGES ago was take the handcuffs off of Israel and allow Israel to wipe out Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. Islamic terrorism would've been stopped decades ago had we let Israel properly defend its country. If these bastards had taken over Mexico and were launching attacks on US soil from Mexico, the United States would not stand for it, would go in and wipe them all out and restore the Mexican government. You nip terrorism in the bud before it's allowed to blossom or it'll explode all over the world like it's doing right now.

The Human Rights organizations have been taken over by neo-radical far left liberals who think that terrorists are resistence fighters and they have the right to blow people up. The United Nations has somehow been conned into believing them and has handcuffed countries from doing what they need to do in order to defend themselves.

Terrorism needs to be wiped out NOW or it will explode and become uncontrolable.

The US doesn't have the resources to attack every Muslim nation on the planet that may or may not have terrorists within their borders; it is also doubtful that the rest of the world would standby while the US carried out such attacks and the US citizenry would not stand for it either.
Yep, and such aid does not necessarily mean military assistance nor does it exclude it....I guess it would depend on what India requests/needs. The Indian military is fairly modern so I dont think US military presence would be asked for or wanted.
Yep, and such aid does not necessarily mean military assistance nor does it exclude it....I guess it would depend on what India requests/needs. The Indian military is fairly modern so I dont think US military presence would be asked for or wanted.

I'm glad to hear the Indian Military is strong, I'm sorry to say I'm not as informed about India as I should be, but have a feeling I will be learning a LOT these next few days. All I can do right now is pray for the people involved and their families....
I'm glad to hear the Indian Military is strong, I'm sorry to say I'm not as informed about India as I should be, but have a feeling I will be learning a LOT these next few days. All I can do right now is pray for the people involved and their families....
they had to be, they have hostile neighbors

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