BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

Posted by Red Dawn

Are you drunk? Where have you been the last 4 years? Going back to 2004, at least, most liberals and Democrats have been in favor of fighting terrorism primarily with aggressive law enforcement, covert ops, and intelligence operations. John Kerry got laughed at by Bush voters for suggesting that.

Bush voters plan? Invade Iraq and Iran, two countries that didn't have anything to do with al qaeda. Who's the dummy now? That would be you.

where the fuck do you come up with that shit
you dont know what you are talking about and you're proving it with every post

God damn you're a dumb fuck

February 10, 2004

Senator Kerry has offered his own prescription by saying the following about the war on terrorism:

"But it's primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation that requires cooperation around the world — the very thing this administration is worst at...and I think this administration's arrogant and ideological policy is taking America down a more dangerous path.

Seth Leibsohn & Shaun Small on John Kerry on National Review Online
Are you drunk? Where have you been the last 4 years? Going back to 2004, at least, most liberals and Democrats have been in favor of fighting terrorism primarily with aggressive law enforcement, covert ops, and intelligence operations. John Kerry got laughed at by Bush voters for suggesting that.

Bush voters plan? Invade Iraq and Iran, two countries that didn't have anything to do with al qaeda. Who's the dummy now? That would be you.

Sorry - this is way off base. The liberals have been supplying lawyers for the terrorists and condemning America for declaring war on terrorism. Liberalism has stood idly by criticizing America for going after these bastards.
wonder how many "covert" police johneffenkerry would use to fight global terrorism.. :lol::lol:
The United States. All the news networks, including FOX have quoted sources from the CIA and State Department that they've never heard of this group before.

What an aburd statement---of course members of the United States Intelligence community have heard of these groups. CNN has been reporting on them.
God damn you're a dumb fuck

February 10, 2004

Senator Kerry has offered his own prescription by saying the following about the war on terrorism:

"But it's primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation that requires cooperation around the world — the very thing this administration is worst at...and I think this administration's arrogant and ideological policy is taking America down a more dangerous path.

Seth Leibsohn & Shaun Small on John Kerry on National Review Online
again, what the fuck does that have to do with anything
grow the fuck up and stop looking like a damned fool
Bin Laden and Al Queda should have been dealt with on 9-12-01. Unfortunately we have an idiot for a President. Bin Laden is still alive and free, over seven years later, and has proven that you can indeed strike America a greivous blow and get away with it. Thank You, George W. Bush.
Bin Laden and Al Queda should have been dealt with on 9-12-01. Unfortunately we have an idiot for a President. Bin Laden is still alive and free, over seven years later, and has proven that you can indeed strike America a greivous blow and get away with it. Thank You, George W. Bush.

There are thousands of dead Al quaeda members that might disagree with you and bin laden isn't exactly living high on the hog. Obama will have his shot at him starting January. Let's see how he handles it.
There are thousands of dead Al quaeda members that might disagree with you and bin laden isn't exactly living high on the hog. Obama will have his shot at him starting January. Let's see how he handles it.
yeah, and then there is KSM in gitmo
Sorry - this is way off base. The liberals have been supplying lawyers for the terrorists and condemning America for declaring war on terrorism. Liberalism has stood idly by criticizing America for going after these bastards.

My God, what a damned stupid thing to say. We just talked of war on terror. We never attemped it. The closest we came to it was when Clinton prosecuted the terrorists involved in the first WTC attack. As far as lawyers for terrorists are concerned, more and more it looks like all too many of those on that base in Cuba were not terrorists, just people in the wrong place at the wrong time. And, by our own laws, and accused person has a right to representation. Your automatic assumption of guilt because of accusation simply illustrates the fact that your grasp of Constitutional Law seems to be about the same as that of Bush.

This Liberal will forever damn George W. Bush for the fact that he let Bin Laden get away with the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. Bin Laden should have been dead before 1-1-02. The fact that he wasn't should have been reason to remove Bush on 2Jan02 for Dereliction of Duty.
My God, what a damned stupid thing to say. We just talked of war on terror. We never attemped it. The closest we came to it was when Clinton prosecuted the terrorists involved in the first WTC attack. As far as lawyers for terrorists are concerned, more and more it looks like all too many of those on that base in Cuba were not terrorists, just people in the wrong place at the wrong time. And, by our own laws, and accused person has a right to representation. Your automatic assumption of guilt because of accusation simply illustrates the fact that your grasp of Constitutional Law seems to be about the same as that of Bush.

This Liberal will forever damn George W. Bush for the fact that he let Bin Laden get away with the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. Bin Laden should have been dead before 1-1-02. The fact that he wasn't should have been reason to remove Bush on 2Jan02 for Dereliction of Duty.

Constitutional law applies to American citizens, not foreign terrorists. They have no rights and as far as I'm concerned, gitmo is the Ritz Carlton compared to what kind of treatment they deserve. They should be let loose into maximum security American prisons and THEN, THEN let these motherfuckers learn what REAL American justice is.
Constitutional law applies to American citizens, not foreign terrorists. They have no rights and as far as I'm concerned, gitmo is the Ritz Carlton compared to what kind of treatment they deserve. They should be let loose into maximum security American prisons and THEN, THEN let these motherfuckers learn what REAL American justice is.

Half the people in Gitmo are probably innocent.

The U.S. government was paying $10,000 a head for "terrorist suspects" in Afganistan. Some of those people would turn in their own mother for 10 big ones.
Update: 125 people killed, over 300 wounded. There are currently multiple hostage situations ongoing, including 10-15 Israelis being held.

There is a report and this is just one report, that this terrorist group is directly linked to Pakistan. If this is true.... watch out. India will not tolerate this kind of shit any longer.
Of course they are linked to Pakistan, and funded by dollars from Saudi Arabia. Dollars that we and the rest of the world, including India, gave them for oil. Bush let Bin Laden live, and this only the down payment on that gift from our President to the terrorists.

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