BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

I don't think the government of Pakistan had anything to do with it. However, Bin Laden and the Al Queda almost surely did. Kind of like blaming the whole of the South for the KKK.
I doubt that Bin Laden and Al Queda were involved.

Their time has passed.

Now groups inspired by Bin Laden and Al Queda have formed their own independent cells in their own countries.
Bit of a note: Terrorism is a strategy NOT a group of people. Those who use terrorism will never vanish completely, so long as people allow fear to rule them such as how organized religions teach, terrorism will always be around. Even the US has used terrorism tactics recently.
Of course they are linked to Pakistan, and funded by dollars from Saudi Arabia. Dollars that we and the rest of the world, including India, gave them for oil. Bush let Bin Laden live, and this only the down payment on that gift from our President to the terrorists.

Though we don't know with certainty where the money for this operation came from, it is most likely Iran. Iran has been funding terrorism regardless if it is a Sunni Faction or a Shitti Faction. As long as it is Radical Islam. All terrorism that is Islamic is directed at destabilization of the Western Economy. The Iranian Mullah leadership said over 20 years ago that destruction of the money system of the west is their goal, because that will bring the world wide chaos that will result in the rise of the Mahdi.
Half the people in Gitmo are probably innocent.

The U.S. government was paying $10,000 a head for "terrorist suspects" in Afganistan. Some of those people would turn in their own mother for 10 big ones.

Probably. According to you and those that think like you. Yet how many threads did you post wherever you were crying about "Why didn't Bush do something to stop 9/11?"

Because of people like YOU. They aren't guilty until after they blow something up. Had they been arrested at the airport PRIOR TO the attacks, the ACLU along with you playing Polly on its shoulder would be screaming foul loud enough to be heard on the Moon.
Of course they are linked to Pakistan, and funded by dollars from Saudi Arabia. Dollars that we and the rest of the world, including India, gave them for oil. Bush let Bin Laden live, and this only the down payment on that gift from our President to the terrorists.

Really? When did Bush have an opportunity to kill bin Laden?

Now Clinton? HE had an opportunity to take him.

Bin Laden doesn't give shit who's President, and he could give a shit less about our political infighting any further than he can use to his advantage.

When are you people going to wake up? We're all AMERICANS to them.
I doubt that Pakistain had anything to do with it.

India has over 100 million Muslims in their country.

They wouldn't need help from anyone else to carry out the attacks.

I doubt that Bin Laden and Al Queda were involved.

Their time has passed.

Now groups inspired by Bin Laden and Al Queda have formed their own independent cells in their own countries.

A Jewish Center was one of the targets :eek:

You seriously need some therapy. :cuckoo:
Probably. According to you and those that think like you. Yet how many threads did you post wherever you were crying about "Why didn't Bush do something to stop 9/11?"

Because of people like YOU. They aren't guilty until after they blow something up. Had they been arrested at the airport PRIOR TO the attacks, the ACLU along with you playing Polly on its shoulder would be screaming foul loud enough to be heard on the Moon.

Thank god for common sense reasoning. Why can't anyone else think like this?
Thank god for common sense reasoning. Why can't anyone else think like this?

Because people would have to abandon a system of misguided beliefs and a lack of actual education or knowledge of the subject. They believe the individual rights of the criminal supercede the rights of their victims until AFTER the victim is dead. THEN they want punishment.

Lot of good that does the dead.
I doubt that Pakistain had anything to do with it.

India has over 100 million Muslims in their country.

They wouldn't need help from anyone else to carry out the attacks.

I think I remember reading that there are an estimated three hundred million Islamics in India.
Thank god for common sense reasoning. Why can't anyone else think like this?
you voted for an supported people that DONT think like that
you have also dispised most of the people the DO think like that

maybe one day you will finally wake up
Because people would have to abandon a system of misguided beliefs and a lack of actual education or knowledge of the subject. They believe the individual rights of the criminal supercede the rights of their victims until AFTER the victim is dead. THEN they want punishment.

Lot of good that does the dead.
somehow, these people seem to think that Bush should have done something to stop it before it happened when they fight his attempts NOW after it happened
The CIA World Factbook says that Muslims are 13.5% of India. India's population it says is 1,147,995,904.
You will have to do the math because my calculator is broke :eusa_angel:
Hey Sunni Man I have a good idea for getting rid of all this strife between Indians and Muslims.
How about India breaks off part of it's territory and gives it to the Muslims? They obviously can't get along so perhaps if they had their own country, they could live as they want within their own borders and this violence would stop. What do you think?

Happy Thanksgiving by the way.
Hey Sunni Man I have a good idea for getting rid of all this strife between Indians and Muslims.
How about India breaks off part of it's territory and gives it to the Muslims? They obviously can't get along so perhaps if they had their own country, they could live as they want within their own borders and this violence would stop. What do you think?

Happy Thanksgiving by the way.
Happy Thanksgiving to you also!! :eusa_angel:

Hundreds of millions of Muslim Indians and Hindu Indians get along just fine in the worlds largest democracy.

The people who did this are just a very small minority in the country.

I am sure the Indian Muslims are just as appalled at this act as is everyone else.
The whole fucking world has been in total chaotic turmoil from terrorists since 2001 then count backwards through all the clinton years, and somebody always pops up with "it's such a small minority" then I says then why don't the majority stomp their asses,, and then youse guys say "Cause we're scared" Bullcrap!


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