BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

I projected nothing. I compared your lameass idea with an equally lame one. Attempted deflection on your part DENIED.

I just showed you where you were dead-ass wrong and still you persist with your nonsense.

How many people have to die before you find it suitable to go after these scumbags? You are a prime example of why defying natural selection is a self-defeating idea.

1,000,000 Americans have been killed by guns since 1960.
Guns are a threat.

500,000 Americans die each year from cancer.
Cancer is a threat.

0 people in America have been killed by terrorists since 9/11.

Terrorism is a minor threat.

Most of the terrorists come from Saudi Arabia. Why don't we go after them?
1,000,000 Americans have been killed by guns since 1960.
Guns are a threat.

500,000 Americans die each year from cancer.
Cancer is a threat.

0 people in America have been killed by terrorists since 9/11.

Terrorism is a minor threat.

Most of the terrorists come from Saudi Arabia. Why don't we go after them?

Chris, with all due respect, a American is still a American no matter what part of this planet they die on. Further, what about all of the other lives taken across the globe in the hopes of just killing a few American's?

I don't expect to change your position, but, I would like to hopefully find the shared interest.
Chris, with all due respect, a American is still a American no matter what part of this planet they die on. Further, what about all of the other lives taken across the globe in the hopes of just killing a few American's?

I don't expect to change your position, but, I would like to hopefully find the shared interest.
good luck
Chris, with all due respect, a American is still a American no matter what part of this planet they die on. Further, what about all of the other lives taken across the globe in the hopes of just killing a few American's?

I don't expect to change your position, but, I would like to hopefully find the shared interest.

The shared interest is how to take the mythology of extremist Islam away from the madrasahs.

Here's some background from Time Magazine...

The disembodied voice was chilling in its rage. A gunman, holed up in Mumbai's Oberoi Trident hotel where some 40 people had been taken hostage, told an Indian news channel that the attacks were revenge for the persecution of Muslims in India. "We love this as our country but when our mothers and sisters were being killed, where was everybody?" he asked via telephone. No answer came. But then he probably wasn't expecting one.

The roots of Muslim rage run deep in India, nourished by a long-held sense of injustice over what many Indian Muslims believe is institutionalized discrimination against the country's largest minority group. The disparities between Muslims, which make up 13.4% of the population, and India's Hindu population, which hovers around 80%, are striking. There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking Muslim Indians have shorter life spans, worse health, lower literacy levels, and lower-paying jobs. Add to that toxic brew the lingering resentment over 2002's anti-Muslim riots in the state of Gujarat. The riots, instigated by Hindu nationalists, killed some 2000 people, most of them Muslim. To this day, few of the perpetrators have been convicted.

Behind the Mumbai Massacre: India's Muslims in Crisis - TIME
Well Chris, I cannot disagree with that, but, don't you feel that maybe that responsibility falls more to those of that faith, as opposed to a nation simply trying to protect it's citizens? Now please understand, I'm not saying that we can't add to that effort were and as possible, but, It is not our responsibility to regulate or bring forth change within that culture and faith. You see, I don't claim to understand this situation better than the next person, but, the PanAM downing in Scotland was personal for me. The Greek TWA flight hijacking was personal for me, the Marine bombing in Beirut was very personal for me and 9/11, well that is simply engraved into my heart and soul. So as I understand and truly respect the need to change the values from within these radical groups and fringe groups, I also understand the need not only to protect best as possible against them, but, the ultimate need to eliminate them as much as possible, hence thinning the heard and speaking to a level they truly understand. Hopefully from within their true cultural and religious leaders can make some progress in positive changes.
No, terrorism is a self defeating prophecy. They will lose now that we don't have a president who advances their mythology.

What if I have a family member who was killed by a falling coconut? Sorry, terrorism is a minor threat.

9/11 not only cost New York City 2500 lives, but a large percentage of our firefighters and a few dozen police officers. In addition, it plummeted our economy into a mini-depression for a year and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The Freedom Tower, which is replacing the Twin Towers, isn't even halfway built yet.

What's going on in India right now, is captivating 1 billion Indians and billions of other people.

Terrorism killed thousands of US troops in Iraq.

Terrorism is NOT a minor threat.
Exactly my point.

What happened to the Puerto Rican terrorists that attacked the Congress in the 1950s? Where are they now?

What happened to the Red Brigade in Italy? Where are they now?

These terrorist groups come and go, but they cannot win.

Except for the terrorists that founded Israel.

Wow... I always knew you were stupid, but I didn't know you were stupid enough to side with Sunni. You're a fucking moron.
Report: Two Jewish members killed in the Chabbad House in India and at least two Americans have been killed.

More Jews and more Americans killed by Islamic terrorists. This is disgusting.
And aside from being appalled what do they DO about it? Do they speak out as Muslims against this activity? Because that is what is needed. They have to take their religion back from these idiots. If they decide to do nothing, they shouldn't be surprised when people believe they agree with the terrorists.

Pakistan just had an election.

97.5% of the electorate voted AGAINST radical Islamic candidates.

I see that people on this board see the headlines when something like this mess happens and assume that those morons represent the majority view of Islam.

They most definitely do NOT.

This is India's problem and no they won't be needing Marines in India to deal with it, thank you very much.

Oh and incidently?

There has been an enormous number of followers of Islam in India for well over a thousand years.

India is their country just as much as its a nation of Hindus.

Yes, Pakistan was created in oder to accomodate the the Islamic majority in that region, but that does not mean that every Islamic Indian was expected to move out of India.

I expect that the majority of Indian Moslems are as shocked and angry about that terrorist attack as the Indian Hinus were.

Maybe you folks haven't yet noticed this but those so called Islamic terrorists are killing far more Moslems than Christians or Hindus.

They kill 3,000 Pakjistanis a year, for example.

That's right, every year Pakistan has another 9-11 and yet STILL most of you are talking out your asses claiming that you KNOW what the majority of Moslems want.

Ethnocentic Ignoramouses
1,000,000 Americans have been killed by guns since 1960.
Guns are a threat.

500,000 Americans die each year from cancer.
Cancer is a threat.

0 people in America have been killed by terrorists since 9/11.

Terrorism is a minor threat.

Most of the terrorists come from Saudi Arabia. Why don't we go after them?

More deflection? Your red herrings are irrelelvant.

More people die in auto accidents than are kille dby guns or cancer. Your auto is a threat. Start walking.

You're the type of ostrich that won't believe a damned thing that goes against your delusional beliefs until someone has an AK-47 pressing against your nose.

Nobody deserves to die because you are a fool.
Chris, with all due respect, a American is still a American no matter what part of this planet they die on. Further, what about all of the other lives taken across the globe in the hopes of just killing a few American's?

I don't expect to change your position, but, I would like to hopefully find the shared interest.

There's no "shared interest" with Chris. He's a delusional fool that doesn't care how many people are murdered for his backwards-assed thinking.
I see that people on this board see the headlines when something like this mess happens and assume that those morons represent the majority view of Islam.

They most definitely do NOT

There it is again.. That statement.. I'll beleive that when the majoirity of Islam stands up and does something about this minoirity. and not one minutes sooner.
Pakistan just had an election.

97.5% of the electorate voted AGAINST radical Islamic candidates.

I see that people on this board see the headlines when something like this mess happens and assume that those morons represent the majority view of Islam.

They most definitely do NOT.

This is India's problem and no they won't be needing Marines in India to deal with it, thank you very much.

Oh and incidently?

There has been an enormous number of followers of Islam in India for well over a thousand years.

India is their country just as much as its a nation of Hindus.

Yes, Pakistan was created in oder to accomodate the the Islamic majority in that region, but that does not mean that every Islamic Indian was expected to move out of India.

I expect that the majority of Indian Moslems are as shocked and angry about that terrorist attack as the Indian Hinus were.

Maybe you folks haven't yet noticed this but those so called Islamic terrorists are killing far more Moslems than Christians or Hindus.

They kill 3,000 Pakjistanis a year, for example.

That's right, every year Pakistan has another 9-11 and yet STILL most of you are talking out your asses claiming that you KNOW what the majority of Moslems want.

Ethnocentic Ignoramouses

How is stating terrorism is a threat saying terrorists represent the majority of Muslims?

That would be like saying the radical rightwing religious fanatics represent ALL Christians. And we know THAT doesn't happen on this board.:eusa_whistle:
Well Chris, I cannot disagree with that, but, don't you feel that maybe that responsibility falls more to those of that faith, as opposed to a nation simply trying to protect it's citizens? Now please understand, I'm not saying that we can't add to that effort were and as possible, but, It is not our responsibility to regulate or bring forth change within that culture and faith. You see, I don't claim to understand this situation better than the next person, but, the PanAM downing in Scotland was personal for me. The Greek TWA flight hijacking was personal for me, the Marine bombing in Beirut was very personal for me and 9/11, well that is simply engraved into my heart and soul. So as I understand and truly respect the need to change the values from within these radical groups and fringe groups, I also understand the need not only to protect best as possible against them, but, the ultimate need to eliminate them as much as possible, hence thinning the heard and speaking to a level they truly understand. Hopefully from within their true cultural and religious leaders can make some progress in positive changes.


The madrashahs where this hate is taught are the problem. The problem has been exaserbated by Bush's buffoonery. He is their best recruiter.

Terrorism has been around forever and will continue, but it is a minor problem compared to the major ones we face. The Bush administration ignored our most important security problem, which is our dependence on foreign oil. Meanwhile Bush spent $700 billion dollars chasing shadows in Iraq. If we had spent that $700 billion dollars on American Energy Independence, we would have solved the problem, and we would not be giving $700 billion dollars a year to the terrorist Saudis.

Bin Laden said his goal was to "bankrupt America." Bush helped him accomplish his goal.

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