BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack


The madrashahs where this hate is taught are the problem. The problem has been exaserbated by Bush's buffoonery. He is their best recruiter.

Terrorism has been around forever and will continue, but it is a minor problem compared to the major ones we face. The Bush administration ignored our most important security problem, which is our dependence on foreign oil. Meanwhile Bush spent $700 billion dollars chasing shadows in Iraq. If we had spent that $700 billion dollars on American Energy Independence, we would have solved the problem, and we would not be giving $700 billion dollars a year to the terrorist Saudis.

Bin Laden said his goal was to "bankrupt America." Bush helped him accomplish his goal.


Chris .............. This is one issue where party politics doesn't cut it. I understand your complaints with Bush and I may share some of them, but, the issue of terrorism predates GW by a very long time. Further, Bill Clinton holds his share of blame as well, in the more recent years. IMO there is enough room to push blame and be factual all over the place. Now, that could be a good debate, but, in the end it is counter productive, because you are only left with a cluster F of a debate. No healthy exchange of ideas.

Are there things we can do to help the culture change from within? Sure and we should do those things. But, IMO that no way means that we can afford to be weak in hunting them down and traveling the globe with the help of other nations to disrupt their plans and strike them whenever possible.

As for our financial problems, I simply cannot give Osama that much credit. If we were taking care of things properly at home, on both sides of the isle, then paying for the hunt of Osama and other terrorists could be handled without creating economic hardship. Just my opinion.
It is sad to hear about any American being killed anywhere in the world.

But sometimes it is their own fault because they are in a place they shouldn't have been.


Someplace they shouldn't be?

Are you serious?

How the hell does visiting or working in India in any fashion place any blame on the American's killed or anyone else?

I give everyone the benefit of doubt, but, I'm sorry this claim is outrageous!

Not only that, but, it reeks of a anti American mind set. :ahole-1:

Someplace they shouldn't be?

Are you serious?

How the hell does visiting or working in India in any fashion place any blame on the American's killed or anyone else?

I give everyone the benefit of doubt, but, I'm sorry this claim is outrageous!

Not only that, but, it reeks of a anti American mind set. :ahole-1:

You are surprised at Sunni's statement? He doesn't even believe there are American terrorists.
Chris .............. This is one issue where party politics doesn't cut it. I understand your complaints with Bush and I may share some of them, but, the issue of terrorism predates GW by a very long time. Further, Bill Clinton holds his share of blame as well, in the more recent years. IMO there is enough room to push blame and be factual all over the place. Now, that could be a good debate, but, in the end it is counter productive, because you are only left with a cluster F of a debate. No healthy exchange of ideas.

Are there things we can do to help the culture change from within? Sure and we should do those things. But, IMO that no way means that we can afford to be weak in hunting them down and traveling the globe with the help of other nations to disrupt their plans and strike them whenever possible.

As for our financial problems, I simply cannot give Osama that much credit. If we were taking care of things properly at home, on both sides of the isle, then paying for the hunt of Osama and other terrorists could be handled without creating economic hardship. Just my opinion.

The war on terror is a political war, not a military one. It cannot be solved militarily. The terrorists only win if we overreact. Which is exactly what we have been doing.

If we want to win the war on terror, we need to develop American Energy Independence, and develop a strategy of fighting terror with all the nations of the world. This is a worldwide problem, not an American one.
You are surprised at Sunni's statement? He doesn't even believe there are American terrorists.

Well Kitten, you have over 1400 posts on this forum. I have only been here a few days. So I'm sorry I don't have the insight you do. I will strive to do better. But in reality I am not surprised by anyone's opinion, I merely respond to them based on my opinions.

Someplace they shouldn't be?

Are you serious?

How the hell does visiting or working in India in any fashion place any blame on the American's killed or anyone else?

I give everyone the benefit of doubt, but, I'm sorry this claim is outrageous!

Not only that, but, it reeks of a anti American mind set.
As an American citizen I have the right to walk thru the center of Harlem or South side of Chicago at 3 AM in the morning.

I am a white man and would be walking thru the hood in the middle of the night..

If I get murdered, then who's fault is it?

Is what I am saying anti-american or just reality?
The war on terror is a political war, not a military one. It cannot be solved militarily. The terrorists only win if we overreact. Which is exactly what we have been doing.

If we want to win the war on terror, we need to develop American Energy Independence, and develop a strategy of fighting terror with all the nations of the world. This is a worldwide problem, not an American one.

Chris, between the years of 1993 - 2001 the mind set you just shared is exactly what took place and look what it brought to harvest!

Osama was permitted the time and freedom to build the financial backing, planning and infrastructure to do 9/11.

Saddam was let off the hook for every legal agreement he signed, hence that opened the door for Bush to do what he felt was best.

India and Pakistan were permitted to become nuclear powers, while Afghanistan was left to become increasingly unstable and a breeding ground for the worse terrorism home in the history of modern earth.

I could go on, but, that explains my position. As much as I agree that political and social work needs to be done on the problem, my real life experience also tells me if a person simply cannot understand, grasp or respect your approach, then you have to be able to alter it to a level where they can get the message.

The United States and other nations need to be willing to seek these groups out and take them out. Talk and political and cultural work can help, but, in the end, it will never stop groups like this, they simply don't respect it enough. So I do not totally disagree, but, without force the other efforts will fail and very possibly, without the other efforts, pure force would fail as well.
As an American citizen I have the right to walk thru the center of Harlem or South side of Chicago at 3 AM in the morning.

I am a white man and would be walking thru the hood in the middle of the night..

If I get murdered, then who's fault is it?

Is what I am saying anti-american or just reality?

Well that is a nice try at an analogy, but the fact is, whoever harmed you would be at fault. To excuse any of the blame only enables and empowers those who wish to harm others. Further and speaking of being realistic, are you really comparing apples to apples here? I mean the Twin Towers didn't exactly sit in the hood, now did they? The TWA hijacking didn't take place in the hood. The PanAM downing didn't take place in the hood. And on and on and on.
Well that is a nice try at an analogy, but the fact is, whoever harmed you would be at fault. To excuse any of the blame only enables and empowers those who wish to harm others. Further and speaking of being realistic, are you really comparing apples to apples here? I mean the Twin Towers didn't exactly sit in the hood, now did they? The TWA hijacking didn't take place in the hood. The PanAM downing didn't take place in the hood. And on and on and on.
How about staying on topic.

I was talking about Americans being in other countries and getting harmed.

They went there by their own free will.

If something happens it's their fault.
How about staying on topic.

I was talking about Americans being in other countries and getting harmed.

They went there by their own free will.

If something happens it's their fault.

I wasn't staying on topic?

LOL ........... Again, nice try. You cannot support your position, so you want to try and portray me as not staying on topic. Stop the pissy word games please. I was on topic and responding to your words.

However, you just made it easy for me ....................

"If something happens it's their fault."

Oh and by the way bright guy, the PanAM downing and the TWA hijacking did take place in other countries!


Nothing sickens me more than to see a US citizen find ways to blame innocent American's for the sick acts of these pigs!

Go tell a woman who got raped that she asked for it, you idiot. There is no difference.
Chris, between the years of 1993 - 2001 the mind set you just shared is exactly what took place and look what it brought to harvest!

Osama was permitted the time and freedom to build the financial backing, planning and infrastructure to do 9/11.

Saddam was let off the hook for every legal agreement he signed, hence that opened the door for Bush to do what he felt was best.

India and Pakistan were permitted to become nuclear powers, while Afghanistan was left to become increasingly unstable and a breeding ground for the worse terrorism home in the history of modern earth.

I could go on, but, that explains my position. As much as I agree that political and social work needs to be done on the problem, my real life experience also tells me if a person simply cannot understand, grasp or respect your approach, then you have to be able to alter it to a level where they can get the message.

The United States and other nations need to be willing to seek these groups out and take them out. Talk and political and cultural work can help, but, in the end, it will never stop groups like this, they simply don't respect it enough. So I do not totally disagree, but, without force the other efforts will fail and very possibly, without the other efforts, pure force would fail as well.

I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. Go after these groups absolutely. But this is not what Bush did. He occupied Iraq when the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. We have to play this game smarter to win.
I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. Go after these groups absolutely. But this is not what Bush did. He occupied Iraq when the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. We have to play this game smarter to win.

So Chris, is it a global or local problem? Do you think the problems in India were caused from within or without? Because of two state or in spite of two state? It appears there was a British connection with some of the terrorists caught, should India attack Britain?
I just learned that a Chabad Rabbi, one who lived mere blocks from me, was killed in this. The Chabad's headquarters are right here in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This is a sad day for Judaism.
How about staying on topic.

I was talking about Americans being in other countries and getting harmed.

They went there by their own free will.

If something happens it's their fault.

I have to say, you are showing ignorance here if you believe what you wrote.

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