BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

The whole fucking world has been in total chaotic turmoil from terrorists since 2001 then count backwards through all the clinton years, and somebody always pops up with "it's such a small minority" then I says then why don't the majority stomp their asses,, and then youse guys say "Cause we're scared" Bullcrap!

Well, now that we will have a real President after 20Jan09, maybe there will be a bit of ass stomping that these miscreants deserve.
The whole fucking world has been in total chaotic turmoil from terrorists since 2001 then count backwards through all the clinton years, and somebody always pops up with "it's such a small minority" then I says then why don't the majority stomp their asses,, and then youse guys say "Cause we're scared" Bullcrap!

Well, now that we will have a real President after 20Jan09, maybe there will be a bit of ass stomping that these miscreants deserve.

Don't hold yer breath asswipe,, the guy you voted for confronts evil "with humility"
Once again terrorism is shown to be the minor threat it actually is. Months of planning and all the terrorists can do is kill a couple of hundred people in a country of one billion people. Now they have pissed off the whole of India. This is why the terrorists will never win because their numbers are tiny, and they will eventually piss off the entire world. The only way the terrorists win, is if we have a leader like George Bush who bankrupts the country chasing shadows in the desert.
Hey Sunni Man I have a good idea for getting rid of all this strife between Indians and Muslims.
How about India breaks off part of it's territory and gives it to the Muslims? They obviously can't get along so perhaps if they had their own country, they could live as they want within their own borders and this violence would stop. What do you think?

Happy Thanksgiving by the way.

They already did that. Haven't you heard of Pakistan and Bangladesh? How many more countries must give away part of their land so Muslims will live in peace with them? The time for appeasement is over. The time for action has come. We must eradicate islamic terrorism completely from the face of this planet. Wipe it out like the cancer that it is.
Once again terrorism is shown to be the minor threat it actually is. Months of planning and all the terrorists can do is kill a couple of hundred people in a country of one billion people. Now they have pissed off the whole of India. This is why the terrorists will never win because their numbers are tiny, and they will eventually piss off the entire world. The only way the terrorists win, is if we have a leader like George Bush who bankrupts the country chasing shadows in the desert.

You sound like someone who's reasoning with himself when he finds out he has stage 1 cancer. It's small, it can only do a little harm. We should just leave it alone and it'll go away.

Then it starts spreading, emboldened by its victories. Soon its forces are in the millions, larger than armies in the richest of countries. Then, double digit percentages of Muslims will believe in terrorism.... and it'll spread to every single country in the world that borders a Muslim country. Oh wait, it already has.

Oh and uh, only kill a couple hundred people? What if one of those people was a member of your family? Your dismissal of human life is not only disgusting but shocking since you consider yourself a liberal. ONE innocent life is ONE too many.
You sound like someone who's reasoning with himself when he finds out he has stage 1 cancer. It's small, it can only do a little harm. We should just leave it alone and it'll go away.

Then it starts spreading, emboldened by its victories. Soon its forces are in the millions, larger than armies in the richest of countries. Then, double digit percentages of Muslims will believe in terrorism.... and it'll spread to every single country in the world that borders a Muslim country. Oh wait, it already has.

Oh and uh, only kill a couple hundred people? What if one of those people was a member of your family? Your dismissal of human life is not only disgusting but shocking since you consider yourself a liberal. ONE innocent life is ONE too many.
which is exactly what was happening in the 90's
too bad you voted for someone that wants to go back to that very same standard
which is exactly what was happening in the 90's
too bad you voted for someone that wants to go back to that very same standard

Negotiating with terrorists is not the same as appeasing. If we can get them to lay down their arms, they are free to live whatever kind of life they wish to. There's not hurt in talking to them... I highly doubt, though, he will hesitate to use American force when necessary.
Negotiating with terrorists is not the same as appeasing. If we can get them to lay down their arms, they are free to live whatever kind of life they wish to. There's not hurt in talking to them... I highly doubt, though, he will hesitate to use American force when necessary.
India thought that as well
look how that turned out
You sound like someone who's reasoning with himself when he finds out he has stage 1 cancer. It's small, it can only do a little harm. We should just leave it alone and it'll go away.

Then it starts spreading, emboldened by its victories. Soon its forces are in the millions, larger than armies in the richest of countries. Then, double digit percentages of Muslims will believe in terrorism.... and it'll spread to every single country in the world that borders a Muslim country. Oh wait, it already has.

Oh and uh, only kill a couple hundred people? What if one of those people was a member of your family? Your dismissal of human life is not only disgusting but shocking since you consider yourself a liberal. ONE innocent life is ONE too many.

No, terrorism is a self defeating prophecy. They will lose now that we don't have a president who advances their mythology.

What if I have a family member who was killed by a falling coconut? Sorry, terrorism is a minor threat.
No, terrorism is a self defeating prophecy. They will lose now that we don't have a president who advances their mythology.

What if I have a family member who was killed by a falling coconut? Sorry, terrorism is a minor threat.

Dude, you really should find another topic. This one's NOT yours. Terrorism has been around since the dawn of time and it will be with us to the end. It does not defeat itself. In cases like Fatah and the PLO, time only gives it legitimacy because people like you want to feel sorry for a bunch of murdering scumbags.
Dude, you really should find another topic. This one's NOT yours. Terrorism has been around since the dawn of time and it will be with us to the end. It does not defeat itself. In cases like Fatah and the PLO, time only gives it legitimacy because people like you want to feel sorry for a bunch of murdering scumbags.
um, what topic IS his, he gets PWND on everything he posts

Dude, you really should find another topic. This one's NOT yours. Terrorism has been around since the dawn of time and it will be with us to the end. It does not defeat itself. In cases like Fatah and the PLO, time only gives it legitimacy because people like you want to feel sorry for a bunch of murdering scumbags.

Exactly my point.

What happened to the Puerto Rican terrorists that attacked the Congress in the 1950s? Where are they now?

What happened to the Red Brigade in Italy? Where are they now?

These terrorist groups come and go, but they cannot win.

Except for the terrorists that founded Israel.
Exactly my point.

What happened to the Puerto Rican terrorists that attacked the Congress in the 1950s? Where are they now?

What happened to the Red Brigade in Italy? Where are they now?

These terrorist groups come and go, but they cannot win.

Except for the terrorists that founded Israel.

What's your point? Terrorism exists so let's ignore them and wait until they die? That's not a point. That's stupidity.

That's like saying well, criminals always die so lets quit arresting them.

Terrorist groups can't win? You mean like British rebels in the late 1700s in Britain's US colonies? Or Iran in 1979? Hell, numbnuts like you gave Yassir Arafat, the grandaddy of ME terrorists, the Nobel Peace prize. Hamas, a terrorist organization is currently the democratically elected government of Palestine.

Sell your "stuff" down the road, huh? A good terrorist has a little blue hole in his forehead and half the back of his skull missing.
What's your point? Terrorism exists so let's ignore them and wait until they die? That's not a point. That's stupidity.

That's like saying well, criminals always die so lets quit arresting them.

Terrorist groups can't win? You mean like British rebels in the late 1700s in Britain's US colonies? Or Iran in 1979? Hell, numbnuts like you gave Yassir Arafat, the grandaddy of ME terrorists, the Nobel Peace prize. Hamas, a terrorist organization is currently the democratically elected government of Palestine.

Sell your "stuff" down the road, huh? A good terrorist has a little blue hole in his forehead and half the back of his skull missing.

I love how you project your own ideas on to other people.

My point is that if we play our cards right, these idiots will piss off the world, and we will have plenty of help fighting them. They can't win because they have no constituency. They are nihilists. They aren't fighting for a particular country like the people you mentioned.
What's your point? Terrorism exists so let's ignore them and wait until they die? That's not a point. That's stupidity.

That's like saying well, criminals always die so lets quit arresting them.

Terrorist groups can't win? You mean like British rebels in the late 1700s in Britain's US colonies? Or Iran in 1979? Hell, numbnuts like you gave Yassir Arafat, the grandaddy of ME terrorists, the Nobel Peace prize. Hamas, a terrorist organization is currently the democratically elected government of Palestine.

Sell your "stuff" down the road, huh? A good terrorist has a little blue hole in his forehead and half the back of his skull missing.


Being passive to any degree will not gain you one thing with these demented killers. They live by force, thus they only understand force. Further, under estimating their capabilities both militarily and socially is very dangerous. Further, it is the type of issue where we must be proactive, selfish and preemptive. This nation is too big, too diverse and too open to rely solely on defensive and preventive measures.
I love how you project your own ideas on to other people.

My point is that if we play our cards right, these idiots will piss off the world, and we will have plenty of help fighting them. They can't win because they have no constituency. They are nihilists. They aren't fighting for a particular country like the people you mentioned.

I projected nothing. I compared your lameass idea with an equally lame one. Attempted deflection on your part DENIED.

I just showed you where you were dead-ass wrong and still you persist with your nonsense.

How many people have to die before you find it suitable to go after these scumbags? You are a prime example of why defying natural selection is a self-defeating idea.

I understand your thoughts about them not having a country to fight for, but, I don't feel that makes them any less dangerous.

In fact, because they use ideology and the resentment for the west as their flag, it enables them to find troops in nearly every nation on the planet and set up operations, hence making them more dangerous, as they become global and not simply regional.

Just my opinion.

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