BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

FCOL David..

Bush started the war on terrorism on 9-11-2001.

Nobody backed him up except Tony Blair and a few others.

I can't decide if you're a pathological liar, or if you are a totally uninformed moron.

WTF are you talking about? After 9/11, NATO invoked Article 5 - the authorization for collective self-defense - for the first time in NATO's history; Congress authorized the attack on Afghanistan by a vote of 449-1; NATO members France, Canada, England, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, and a host of other NATO countries sent forces into Afghanistan; the UN authorized our presence in Afghanistan; and virtually every democrat in Congress was backing Bush to the hilt.

The problem was, when you wanted to invade and occupy a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, and who was indeed an enemy of Al Qaeda other international islamic jihaddists. The problem began, when you wanted to send american troops to their deaths against a country that wasn't a threat to us, while you cheered the war on from the comfort and safety of your keyboard.
I can't decide if you're a pathological liar, or if you are a totally uninformed moron.

WTF are you talking about? After 9/11, NATO invoked Article 5 - the authorization for collective self-defense - for the first time in NATO's history; Congress authorized the attack on Afghanistan by a vote of 449-1; NATO members France, Canada, England, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, and a host of other NATO countries sent forces into Afghanistan; the UN authorized our presence in Afghanistan; and virtually every democrat in Congress was backing Bush to the hilt.

The problem was, when you wanted to invade and occupy a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, and who was indeed an enemy of Al Qaeda other international islamic jihaddists. The problem began, when you wanted to send american troops to their deaths against a country that wasn't a threat to us, while you cheered the war on from the comfort and safety of your keyboard.
I can't decide if you're a pathological liar, or if you are a totally uninformed moron.

WTF are you talking about? After 9/11, NATO invoked Article 5 - the authorization for collective self-defense - for the first time in NATO's history; Congress authorized the attack on Afghanistan by a vote of 449-1; NATO members France, Canada, England, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, and a host of other NATO countries sent forces into Afghanistan; the UN authorized our presence in Afghanistan; and virtually every democrat in Congress was backing Bush to the hilt.

The problem was, when you wanted to invade and occupy a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, and who was indeed an enemy of Al Qaeda other international islamic jihaddists. The problem began, when you wanted to send american troops to their deaths against a country that wasn't a threat to us, while you cheered the war on from the comfort and safety of your keyboard.

Dipshit,, talking points, always the talking points!!
Well ... the terrorists are celebrating the popularity of this thread. I can see it now, all of them hovering over their one computer going, "Look, it's the attention we wanted, look there, they can't stop talking about us."

Thanks media for giving them one more victory.
Well ... the terrorists are celebrating the popularity of this thread. I can see it now, all of them hovering over their one computer going, "Look, it's the attention we wanted, look there, they can't stop talking about us."

Thanks media for giving them one more victory.
so, you'd rather not know whats happening in the world?
I get pos reps from people all of the time DavidS.

Many from people who like me putting you in your place.

There are alot more people on this forum who hate you. Than there are who dislike me :lol:

Sonni does not drink. That tells me that he has some good qualities.:cool:
Red Dawn ............

I must wonder if you remember the legalities surrounding Desert Storm.

43's first mistake was why he went into Iraq!

In fact, I was surprised he did not use these facts when running against Gore, letting America know then that he was going to go into Iraq, why and the legality behind it.
Mumbai, India where the attacks took place has a fairly large Jewish community.

I am positive that somehow, someway, Israel is behind these attacks.

And Mossad is the organization that put the plan in motion.
WT should concern herself with actually getting her own brain cells to work before she concerns herself with anyone else's thought processes.

I think WT is a he, though I'm not sure why a male would post pictures of kittens and butterflies all over his profile....
Anyone remember the movie Brazil?


Our world is fast becoming Brazil, folks.
Update: After the Taj hotel was engulfed in flames, the last remaining terrorists were killed last night. The siege is officially over. The latest count had over 200 people killed including 6 Americans.

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