BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. Go after these groups absolutely. But this is not what Bush did. He occupied Iraq when the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. We have to play this game smarter to win.

Yes Chris, OK I understand now where your complaint is. I can't argue the point between Iraq and how the Iraq war has taken resources away from the fight on terror. In regard to the Saudi's, as it is true people were from there originally, they did not plot, hide out or base their terror actions from there. I have my share of complaints with our relationship with the Saudi's, but I honestly don't feel that the Saudi's want to be connected to these groups where it would place them in a position of liability.
Yes Chris, OK I understand now where your complaint is. I can't argue the point between Iraq and how the Iraq war has taken resources away from the fight on terror. In regard to the Saudi's, as it is true people were from there originally, they did not plot, hide out or base their terror actions from there. I have my share of complaints with our relationship with the Saudi's, but I honestly don't feel that the Saudi's want to be connected to these groups where it would place them in a position of liability.

Indeed it can be said that bin Laden was much more against SA than the US. Those hijackers bought into his vision of Islam, as he bought into the Egyptian version.
The US doesn't have the resources to attack every Muslim nation on the planet that may or may not have terrorists within their borders; it is also doubtful that the rest of the world would standby while the US carried out such attacks and the US citizenry would not stand for it either.

I've been searching for this post. I'm glad I found it again.

Under what scenario WOULD the US citizenry tolerate anihilation of Islamic terrorism? How many more Americans have to die in order for this to happen? Should a newly formed terrorist organization detonate a nuclear bomb on US soil and have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans killed in this to tolerate such a thing? Why don't we act now to prevent this loss of life? We waited until 9/11 to upgrade our security and intelligence services, we waitied for 3000 people to lose their lives to give the excuse to do something. Yet when major banks are on the verge of failing, we pump trillions of dollars into the US economy BEFORE they fail. Are we only pre-emptive when it comes to money? Don't lives count more than money? If not, then we deserve what's coming to us. Because it is more than likely that terrorists DO have a nuclear or radiological weapon and it is more than likely that they are planning to use it on Americans on American soil. Every minute that passes brings us closer to that day and here we are, stuffed from our Thanksgiving feast, watching as over 150 innocent civilians are slaughtered like animals, pontificating as to what shouldn't be done and how it's immoral for us to go in and wipe a group of people out just because they hold different views than we do. We're like spectators in the ancient Roman Empire, watching as heros die in the Collleseum. We laugh, we stare, we watch as humans die day in and day out and we don't lift a finger to help them. Just wait, my friends, just wait until the terrorists become more than nuisience, just wait until they kill your friends and until they kill your family and I'll watch you scream for bloody revenge and then I'll remind you all how you sat here and did NOTHING while the terrorists were planned the deaths of your loved ones. If anyone here thinks that Islamic terrorism is just a flash in the pan, just a minor inconvenience, just watch how many terrorists will be inspired by these people who slaughtered innocent American, Israeli, British and Indian lives.

How many bombs must go off on our subways, how many jets must be hijacked, how many lives must be lost before we do something to eliminate these bastards once and for all? How many??
I've been searching for this post. I'm glad I found it again.

Under what scenario WOULD the US citizenry tolerate anihilation of Islamic terrorism? How many more Americans have to die in order for this to happen? Should a newly formed terrorist organization detonate a nuclear bomb on US soil and have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans killed in this to tolerate such a thing? Why don't we act now to prevent this loss of life? We waited until 9/11 to upgrade our security and intelligence services, we waitied for 3000 people to lose their lives to give the excuse to do something. Yet when major banks are on the verge of failing, we pump trillions of dollars into the US economy BEFORE they fail. Are we only pre-emptive when it comes to money? Don't lives count more than money? If not, then we deserve what's coming to us. Because it is more than likely that terrorists DO have a nuclear or radiological weapon and it is more than likely that they are planning to use it on Americans on American soil. Every minute that passes brings us closer to that day and here we are, stuffed from our Thanksgiving feast, watching as over 150 innocent civilians are slaughtered like animals, pontificating as to what shouldn't be done and how it's immoral for us to go in and wipe a group of people out just because they hold different views than we do. We're like spectators in the ancient Roman Empire, watching as heros die in the Collleseum. We laugh, we stare, we watch as humans die day in and day out and we don't lift a finger to help them. Just wait, my friends, just wait until the terrorists become more than nuisience, just wait until they kill your friends and until they kill your family and I'll watch you scream for bloody revenge and then I'll remind you all how you sat here and did NOTHING while the terrorists were planned the deaths of your loved ones. If anyone here thinks that Islamic terrorism is just a flash in the pan, just a minor inconvenience, just watch how many terrorists will be inspired by these people who slaughtered innocent American, Israeli, British and Indian lives.

How many bombs must go off on our subways, how many jets must be hijacked, how many lives must be lost before we do something to eliminate these bastards once and for all? How many??

FCOL David.. Bush started the war on terrorism on 9-11-2001. Nobody backed him up except Tony Blair and a few others. Certainly not the UN which has since evolved into a terrorist entity. Get over it. The Anit-war left is willing to sacrifice your life, and mine and all of our familes. They don't have the balls or the will to stand and fight. Who did you vote for?
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FCOL David.. Bush started the war on terrorism on 9-11-2001. Nobody backed him up except Tony Blair and a few others. Certainly not the UN which has since evolved into a terrorist entity. Get over it. The Anit-war left is willing to sacrifice your life, and mine and all of our familes. They don't have the balls or the will to stand and fight. Who did you vote for?

Think back to what transpired in the gut of this nation after Pearl Harbor was attacked. Then look at what took place after 9/11.

Then realize how true the words of WillowTree are!

My son and I were just speaking about this not less that 15 minutes ago. Has this nation lost it's desire to protect it's self. My son is 11 years old and most likely someday he will have to defend this nation. He has pretty much already chosen his passion in life, as he is a active member of the United States Navy Sea Cadet program. He loves history and he loves hanging out with old vets, his grand father in particular as the war in Europe and the war in the Pacific are his passions. Just from watching the news, reading the Internet, speaking with Vet's and reading various publications, he sees the difference in the soul of this nation.

Frankly as a father I find it hard at times to answer some of his questions. I am always truthful and sadly some of those answers don't hold much hope.
FCOL David.. Bush started the war on terrorism on 9-11-2001. Nobody backed him up except Tony Blair and a few others. Certainly not the UN which has since evolved into a terrorist entity. Get over it. The Anit-war left is willing to sacrifice your life, and mine and all of our familes. They don't have the balls or the will to stand and fight. Who did you vote for?

I voted for the man whose judgment I trusted the most, not some erratic, crazy old guy who couldn't stay on message.
That's typical of a Zionist like you DavidS.

You want Freedom of Speech only if the person agrees with you.

Zionism has to do with the right of Jews to live in Israel. It has nothing to do with who is allowed on internet forums you idiot.

Many people here disagree with me and will continue to disagree with me. In fact, I haven't found one person on this forum who agree with me on everything. You, on the other hand, provide nothing to this forum. You pretend to be a Muslim and antagonize people to hate you. I'm willing to bet your mother is still alive and you live at home. You're a troll.
Many people here disagree with me and will continue to disagree with me. In fact, I haven't found one person on this forum who agree with me on everything. You, on the other hand, provide nothing to this forum. You pretend to be a Muslim and antagonize people to hate you. I'm willing to bet your mother is still alive and you live at home. You're a troll.

You would lose your money :eusa_angel:
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Think back to what transpired in the gut of this nation after Pearl Harbor was attacked. Then look at what took place after 9/11.

Then realize how true the words of WillowTree are!

My son and I were just speaking about this not less that 15 minutes ago. Has this nation lost it's desire to protect it's self. My son is 11 years old and most likely someday he will have to defend this nation. He has pretty much already chosen his passion in life, as he is a active member of the United States Navy Sea Cadet program. He loves history and he loves hanging out with old vets, his grand father in particular as the war in Europe and the war in the Pacific are his passions. Just from watching the news, reading the Internet, speaking with Vet's and reading various publications, he sees the difference in the soul of this nation.

Frankly as a father I find it hard at times to answer some of his questions. I am always truthful and sadly some of those answers don't hold much hope.

Much luck to your son. I hope he stays safe.

There is a difference between pearl harbor and 9/11 in that after pearl harbor, we attacked the people who attacked us and their allies. After 9/11, we attacked a wholly unrelated country. We were attacked by saudi nationals, but not by the saudi government, however. This is something akin to us having attacked Mexico after being attacked by Japan...kind of pointless.

which leads to the question what is the appropriate means of dealing with terror?

1. intelligence...but not illegally collected intelligence becuase there was never any reason to collect the intel illegally;

2. targeted strikes on terrorists like the Israeli's do when necessary in our OWN country, and partnership with other nations in terms of bringing terrorist plots to light and responding appropriately to threats.

Mostly, you cannot wage a war on a tactic... which is why the whole concept of "war on terror"is fallacious.
I voted for the man whose judgment I trusted the most, not some erratic, crazy old guy who couldn't stay on message.

well, sadly what you will get is someone who confronts evil "with humility" the terrorists will kick his azz.
You, on the other hand, provide nothing to this forum. You pretend to be a Muslim and antagonize people to hate

I get pos reps from people all of the time DavidS.

Many from people who like me putting you in your place.

There are alot more people on this forum who hate you. Than there are who dislike me :lol:
I get pos reps from people all of the time DavidS.

Many from people who like me putting you in your place.

There are alot more people on this forum who hate you. Than there are who dislike me :lol:

Look at your rep power. I haven't seen that much red since Enron.
I get pos reps from people all of the time DavidS.

Many from people who like me putting you in your place.

There are alot more people on this forum who hate you. Than there are who dislike me :lol:

Really Sucking Mouse? Your rep count would beg to differ with that. Almost 2,000 posts and still at zero rep.

And....for your edification, it's not so much that they like watching you "put someone in their place", they enjoy when Gunny and myself come to pound on your small, silly ego.

As far as people disliking you? No douchebag, you're not paranoid.....they truly do hate you.

By the way, your statement farther up the thread stating that it's the persons fault for getting killed because they were in a foreign country? Well, hopefully when you go to Mecca like you say you're going to, YOU won't become a hostage and have yourself shot, or get your head cut off. But, chances are, as stupid as you show yourself to be on this board about things outside the US., you're probably gonna end up dead. But then again, your crayon scribblings won't be here any more. Win win as far as I'm concerned.

And.....for the lady that gets raped? What about the personal responsibility of the male involved? Takes two to tango dirtbag.

But.....then claim to be a Muslim, and that's kinda how that theology works. Women are second rate citizens, an the guys can do whatever the fuck they want. I know why you're such a window licker on the short bus.
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