BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

I'm glad to hear the Indian Military is strong, I'm sorry to say I'm not as informed about India as I should be, but have a feeling I will be learning a LOT these next few days. All I can do right now is pray for the people involved and their families....

I am in much the same boat. India has not exactly been at the forefront of my interests.
Raises an interesting question: Should our government be able to protect US citizens (particularly civilians) no matter where they are in the world?

Of course they should, they do, and they must. An american passport entitles you to assistance and protection anywhere on the globe. That's the job of any government.

I'm frankly shocked that Bush voters are throwing up their hands, and claiming there's really not much we can do. After a decade of criticism of Clinton's reactions to international terrorist attacks against americans.

The FBI has offices worldwide. Its' their responsiblity to assist and protect americans on a global scale.

It was FBI agents in Pakistan that helped arrest some of those high profile al qaeda dudes that were captured there.

How sad is it that with all of the billions spent in defense and intelligence since 9/11, the United States has NEVER heard of this terrorist group and just minutes after this group claimed responsibility, you could google it and come up with hundreds of websites.
Have to hand it to FoxNews, their coverage has been SPOT ON. There have now been 10 attacks confirmed. This was very well coordinated. I'm willing to bet Al Queda is looking on and taking notes. I very much doubt they like to be upstaged like this.
No, no, no. That was TARP. That was the $700 billion. The government pumped $800 billion into the economy just yesterday. There was no congressional vote, no authorization, no sub-committees, no hearings, just $800 billion spent by authorization of the one and only Dubyah.

Washington Times - Government pumps $800 billion more into economy
hmmm, interesting
i dont see how thats in any way constitutional
yet the reporter didnt even bring that up in the story
Have to hand it to FoxNews, their coverage has been SPOT ON. There have now been 10 attacks confirmed. This was very well coordinated. I'm willing to bet Al Queda is looking on and taking notes. I very much doubt they like to be upstaged like this.
how do you know they didnt have a hand in it, or that this group making the claim isnt lying
How sad is it that with all of the billions spent in defense and intelligence since 9/11, the United States has NEVER heard of this terrorist group and just minutes after this group claimed responsibility, you could google it and come up with hundreds of websites.

Is it the "United States" that has never heard of them or the US public who doesn't even care enough to inform themselves of domestic issues never mind global issues that has never heard of them?
Of course they should, they do, and they must. An american passport entitles you to assistance and protection anywhere on the globe. That's the job of any government.

I'm frankly shocked that Bush voters are throwing up their hands, and claiming there's really not much we can do. After a decade of criticism of Clinton's reactions to international terrorist attacks against americans.

The FBI has offices worldwide. Its' their responsiblity to assist and protect americans on a global scale.

It was FBI agents in Pakistan that helped arrest some of those high profile al qaeda dudes that were captured there.

Well, Frankly, I'm shocked that you now,, after all these years think we should act on our own behalf, unilaterally, and without the blessing of the UN.. How hypocritical of you.
Here is what DavidS rep to me said: "cocksucking faggot asshole licker"

So DavidS, considering your earlier revelation in the thread.

Is this a good or bad thing when you call someone these things???
When they're located in another sovereign country?

Where would we even get the legal authority?

We aren't even allowed to extradite Americans from a lot of countries when they committed a crime HERE. So how could we possibly have any authority to militarily enter a sovereign nation to protect anyone?

You enter another country at your own risk.

That's dead wrong.

If you carry an american passport anywhere on the globe, the US government is obligated to assist you and protect you. That's standard operating procedure for any government. Its the most fundamental responsibility of any government.

No one is talking about invading India. Which would make about as much sense as invading Iraq after 9/11.

We're fortunate enough to live in a country with a global law enforcement and intelligence capability. The FBI has dozens of offices worldwide. I'm sure other government agencies do to.

Its their job to coordinate with local officials, engage in joint law enforcement operations, and if neccessary, get in the face and harass local officials. Americans may not be the top priority of Indians or Pakistanis. But, the FBI is supposed to be there to make sure they do make it a priority.
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Well, Frankly, I'm shocked that you now,, after all these years think we should act on our own behalf, unilaterally, and without the blessing of the UN.. How hypocritical of you.

I've never been against aggressive law enforcement, intelligence, or covert ops when neccessary. Stop lying.

You're the one that was a cheerleader for invading a nation,and spending a trillion dollars there, when Iraq didn't have anything to do with 9/11 or al qaeda.
how do you know they didnt have a hand in it, or that this group making the claim isnt lying

They've had Bolton, former Ambassador to the UN, a terrorist specialist with a Muslim name (can't remember it) and a former CIA director. Al Queda blows things up. These people don't because they feel it's "un-islamic."
Is it the "United States" that has never heard of them or the US public who doesn't even care enough to inform themselves of domestic issues never mind global issues that has never heard of them?

The United States. All the news networks, including FOX have quoted sources from the CIA and State Department that they've never heard of this group before.
I've never been against aggressive law enforcement, intelligence, or covert ops when neccessary. Stop lying.

You're the one that was a cheerleader for invading a nation,and spending a trillion dollars there, when Iraq didn't have anything to do with 9/11 or al qaeda.

I've never accused you of lying.. I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're mistaken..

but I'll give you this much,, you've got yer talking points down pat. good little liberal that you are.
I've never accused you of lying.. I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're mistaken..

but I'll give you this much,, you've got yer talking points down pat. good little liberal that you are.

Are you drunk? Where have you been the last 4 years? Going back to 2004, at least, most liberals and Democrats have been in favor of fighting terrorism primarily with aggressive law enforcement, covert ops, and intelligence operations. John Kerry got laughed at by Bush voters for suggesting that.

Bush voters plan? Invade Iraq and Iran, two countries that didn't have anything to do with al qaeda. Who's the dummy now? That would be you.
Are you drunk? Where have you been the last 4 years? Going back to 2004, at least, most liberals and Democrats have been in favor of fighting terrorism primarily with aggressive law enforcement, covert ops, and intelligence operations. John Kerry got laughed at by Bush voters for suggesting that.

Bush voters plan? Invade Iraq and Iran, two countries that didn't have anything to do with al qaeda. Who's the dummy now? That would be you.
where the fuck do you come up with that shit
you dont know what you are talking about and you're proving it with every post

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