BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

So we give the Saudis money to buy oil and in turn, the Saudis use that money to arm terrorist organizations. Where have I heard this before? And we were paying them $150 per barrel why?
because SOME in the USA wont allow the drilling for OIL in our areas
It's a drop dead certainty that until sane Muslims develop the balls to stand up and condemn the radicals who are besmirching the good name of their religion, that many non-Moslems are going to continue to assume that Muslims condone this kind of insane terrorist behavior.

It is apparent to me that about half the people on this board do not yet realize that radical Islam is actually even more of a threat to most Muslims than it is to the non-Muslims.

Apparently no amount of data, and no amount of irrefutable facts, either, will dissuade these folks from demonizing all Muslims for the actions of a very small group of radicals hiding behind the excuse of religion to kill in the name of Allah.

Now much of that can probably be attributed to our know-nothings' unwillingness to abandon their demand for simple answers to complex problems, and much of it also can be written off as plain old ethnocentism.

STill the statistics and the history is out there for all to see.

You are much more likely to die at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists if you're a Muslim, than if you're a Christian.

Israeli Jews, on the other hand?

Not so lucky.

Like the Muslims of Asia, they share the same lands with these terrorists, and so they are targeted for destruction every damned day.

I'd agree they are as much a threat to other Muslims as non-Muslims, but only "more of" because of proximity.

However, Christians are judged by the radicals and fundies, and they sure as Hell aren't anything more than a blip on the radar. The rest of us DO denounce them; yet, STILL get lumped right in with them by the know-nothings.
Ya know Gunny, you really don't need to denounce others.......they'll do it all on their own.

Know something else? If the World to Come comes as it is written in the Torah, then all the religious nutjobs are going to be winked out of existence. That is what the precursor is to the World to Come.

Everyone else considers it to be Armageddon, or some other crap about the world, my question is for the religious fundies, do you REALLY think that the Rapture is going to come? I don't.......because of all the people that are supposed to be here, will remain. The others will be taken out.

Almost a mirror image of the "Left Behind" series.
Ya know Gunny, you really don't need to denounce others.......they'll do it all on their own.

Know something else? If the World to Come comes as it is written in the Torah, then all the religious nutjobs are going to be winked out of existence. That is what the precursor is to the World to Come.

Everyone else considers it to be Armageddon, or some other crap about the world, my question is for the religious fundies, do you REALLY think that the Rapture is going to come? I don't.......because of all the people that are supposed to be here, will remain. The others will be taken out.

Almost a mirror image of the "Left Behind" series.

When I say denounce them, I mean in the context of some 'tard like Fed Phelps pulls his crap and makes the news and it gets posted. There's nothing Christian about what that idiot spews.
Fred Phelps just says "God Hates Fags"

The Word of God in the Bible calls Sodomites an "Abomination"

What's the difference?

Fred Phelps is just quoting scripture in modern language.
Fred Phelps just says "God Hates Fags"

The Word of God in the Bible calls Sodomites an "Abomination"

What's the difference?

Fred Phelps is just quoting scripture in modern language.

God hates the SIN of sodomy, but loves the sinner and wants them to repent
not be killed as the "cure"
I'd agree they are as much a threat to other Muslims as non-Muslims, but only "more of" because of proximity.

But remember that my point was addressed to the delusion that all Moslems are in on the plot to kill all Christians.

To the ehtnocentric jerk that reads about the attacks in India and thingks, it was all about attacking America.

Terrorism, is EVERYBODY'S problem, is really the point I was making

However, Christians are judged by the radicals and fundies, and they sure as Hell aren't anything more than a blip on the radar. The rest of us DO denounce them; yet, STILL get lumped right in with them by the know-nothings.

Now do honestly think that Christians are judged more harshly on THIS BOARD, that Moslems are?

You are kidding, right?
The Bible says Sodomites are to be stoned to death. So much for love the sinner hate the sin!!! :lol:

Maybe you should read this sunni boy:

What I believe the Bible says about homosexuality

If this is, in fact, Christ's intention, as it appears to be, then those who are critical of homosexuals are, in fact, to be criticized for their stand against them.

Now it is made clear. God made all people as they are innately. Sexuality is innate; the Salk Institute has proven this by mapping the sexuality gene. The Creator made genetics, and is therefore ultimately responsible for how each one of us turns out via those traits that are genetic. It is also very safe to say that God does not make junk, nor does He make people just so He can hate them. After all, God is Love. The real truth is that God not only loves His gay children just as much as He does His heterosexual children, but He has seen the persecution we must endure, and has set for us "a name better than sons and daughters" because of it when we walk with Jesus Christ.

John S. Dixon
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Fred Phelps just says "God Hates Fags"

The Word of God in the Bible calls Sodomites an "Abomination"

What's the difference?

Fred Phelps is just quoting scripture in modern language.

You moron. Fred Phelps says US troops are being killed as judgement form God because the US allows homosexuals and doesn't hate them. Get your story straight.
You moron. Fred Phelps says US troops are being killed as judgement form God because the US allows homosexuals and doesn't hate them. Get your story straight.

9/11, AIDS, and Katrina were also Judgements from God against a sinfull and Sodomite loving nation.
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I'd agree they are as much a threat to other Muslims as non-Muslims, but only "more of" because of proximity.

But remember that my point was addressed to the delusion that all Moslems are in on the plot to kill all Christians.

To the ehtnocentric jerk that reads about the attacks in India and thingks, it was all about attacking America.

Terrorism, is EVERYBODY'S problem, is really the point I was making

Now do honestly think that Christians are judged more harshly on THIS BOARD, that Moslems are?

You are kidding, right?

No, I'm NOT kidding at all. There isn't thread after thread in the Religion forum attacking Islam and Muslims. There are PAGES attacking Christians and Christianity.

Either way, it's not a fair comparison. The only Muslims usually discussed on this board ARE the terrorists. I certainly don't consider Muslim terrorists representative of all Arab Muslims.

Then you've got morons like Sunni Man only making Muslims look worse.
When I say denounce them, I mean in the context of some 'tard like Fed Phelps pulls his crap and makes the news and it gets posted. There's nothing Christian about what that idiot spews.

You're absolutely right......did'ja know that everywhere that 'tard went, there were LOTS of big, burly mean bikers that told him to take his shit elsewhere.

Personally? I'd kinda like it if he was winked out of existence. He reminds me a great deal of Hitler, with his rhetoric. I mean........Hitler used rhetoric against those he deemed unfit, why else would we let a malevolent spirit like that inhabit the Earth again?

And Sunnidiot, you should really investigate the why of what some people are saying, rather than just trusting their words.

Like I said before Sunnidiot, you are a window licker on the short bus, with a big fucking helmet.
Leviticus 20:13 “ If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads

That doesn't fly. One, it doesn't say a word about stoning them. Two, Levitican Law was superceded by Christ. Christ says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Anymore of your lameass arguments I can destroy for you?
That doesn't fly. One, it doesn't say a word about stoning them. Two, Levitican Law was superceded by Christ. Christ says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Anymore of your lameass arguments I can destroy for you?
I don't believe that Jesus changed the law. So the Levitical Laws are still in effect.

Sodomites are to be put to death. And stoning was the way they executed people.
Leviticus 20:13 “ If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads

See y'all? This is the kinda crap that I'm talking about. Sunnidiot is quoting Leviticus, which is a book written by the Levites to put down anything that didn't belong in the Temple, because they were the High Priests to a nation (Israel) that was designated by God Himself to be the nation of priests to the world.

Now........lemmie ask ya something.......

If you like quoting the Old Testament, as well as believing all the stuff that is there (most of it's true, but there are parables and lessons contained therein. So, if you're so enamored by the OT, then explain to me why you are still on a computer (as evidenced by the crayon scrawlings on this board that you've written), why are you still driving a car and using cell phones? After all, if we were supposed to stay in the dark ages, then please tell me why progress happens?
I don't believe that Jesus changed the law. So the Levitical Laws are still in effect.

Sodomites are to be put to death. And stoning was the way they executed people.

Again.....please tell me......if Yeshua was the true Son of God, and was sent down here by Him, then why do you keep holding on stubbornly to the Biblical ages?

Ya really want to sleep on a rock and hope wild animals don't get ya, hoping all the time that your little dung fire will generate enough light to keep the bastards at bay?

I'd kinda like to see you thrown back in time to that age. And, chances are, you'd be killed quickly.
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