BREAKING: Emails Show Lerner Fed (D) Elijah Cummings Tax Information...

OMG, Cummings must be the first Congressman to ever ask the IRS to investigate someone!

Stop the Press. It's another pseudo-scandal...........

Do you truly think any politician should have a right to ask the IRS for private tax payer information, informally and have them respond with that information?

If an organization is violating the tax exempt rules for non-profits, then part of any investigation to determine if they are doing so means you have go to the IRS to find out. Duh.

Violating the rules about electioneering and politicial activities, or breaking voting rights laws, can be cause to remove an organization's tax exempt status.

You ACORN. Do you rubes think ACORN is the only shady outfit out there?
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I wonder if any Republican ever investigated ACORN...

It isn't wrong to investigate an organization if there are indications actual crimes are being committed by that organization. Get it?

And it is not news that Cumming was looking into True the Vote. He has been investigating them for suppressing votes. It was in all the papers in 2012: Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

And IRS info on the group would prove that how? And even if it could, would you not think that the info should only be released upon their consent or subpoena or warrant?

And why the denial by Cummings?
I wonder if any Republican ever investigated ACORN...

It isn't wrong to investigate an organization if there are indications actual crimes are being committed by that organization. Get it?

And it is not news that Cumming was looking into True the Vote. He has been investigating them for suppressing votes. It was in all the papers in 2012: Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

So now it's okay for the scumbag IRS to give private and personal information to any congressman scumbag that wants it?

And now it's okay for dimocrap scum congressmen to demand and receive personal and private information from the IRS just because said scumbag congressman makes an accusation? And an unfounded one at that?

What kind of scumbag are you?

Oh, nevermind. You're the same scumbag you've always been... A lying, dishonest, goose-stepping dimocrap scumbag.

What else is new :dunno:
Bottom line is, this scandal goes much deeper. Now we know Cummings was in on it, but i'm sure there are many more Officials involved. It could go right to the top. Personally, i find it hard to believe the President didn't know what was going on. That's how i feel anyway.
Bottom line is, this scandal goes much deeper. Now we know Cummings was in on it, but i'm sure there are many more Officials involved. It could go right to the top. Personally, i find it hard to believe the President didn't know what was going on. That's how i feel anyway.

I think he is insulated from it.

He said things which would give his loyal servants ideas about how to achieve goals they thought he would approve of. He didn't have to give specific orders. And his staff would make sure he had plausible deniability.

Anyway, that's my bet about how it went down.
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Bottom line is, this scandal goes much deeper. Now we know Cummings was in on it, but i'm sure there are many more Officials involved. It could go right to the top. Personally, i find it hard to believe the President didn't know what was going on. That's how i feel anyway.

The one thing I hated about Bush was that he was such a good and decent human being.

Do you people remember that when the rapist left and ManBearPig lost, how the staff, the dimocrap scum staff, vandalized the White House? Our House? The House that belongs to the citizens of this Country?

Bush did nothing.


He should have had those scumbags arrested and prosecuted. He should have gone after Janet Reno for obstruction of justice and he should have prosecuted the scumbags in the FBI that killed that innocent woman at Ruby Ridge.

Know why so many Republicans sit home when the GOP nominates a 'nice guy' like Bush, McRINO or Mittens?

We want something done about the criminals in the dimocrap party. We want heads to roll. I mean, we want people sent to prison for DECADES not given a slap on the hand and forgotten about.

Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick (who should be summarily executed), Susan Rice, Lois Lerner, Eric Himmler for obstruction of justice, etc, etc.

Criminalizing Politics? No, we wouldn't be doing that. We'd be enforcing the law.

It's dimocrap scum who have politicized crime, not us who will have criminalized politics.

Criminals need to go to prison. Starting with Eric Himmler and Lois Lerner.

I'll still vote AGAINST any dimocrap scum. But, like last time, I'll have to hold my nose when I do it.

I'm tired of Republican pussies taking a 'forgive and forget' attitude with criminal dimocrap scum.

We need to start locking them up. For DECADES, not for a few Months.
OMG, Cummings must be the first Congressman to ever ask the IRS to investigate someone!

Stop the Press. It's another pseudo-scandal...........

Do you truly think any politician should have a right to ask the IRS for private tax payer information, informally and have them respond with that information?

I didn't offer my opinion on whether they should or not. According to the stories Cummings office was given public data.

Issa is just obfuscating.
Number one: Acknowledge that this sort of thing has been going on since Roosevelt
Number two: Convince me of your sincerity that you believe it is time to bring a halt to it no matter WHO is involved

and I'm on board.

But if the only reason you are interested is because it's a chance to get after the other party (and I'll know by how you speak about it) Then you're just one more part of the problem.
And if indeed it was public, he or his staffers would have no need of the IRS, now would they?

And by your not inserting your disdain, what can one assume?
OMG, Cummings must be the first Congressman to ever ask the IRS to investigate someone!

Stop the Press. It's another pseudo-scandal...........

Do you truly think any politician should have a right to ask the IRS for private tax payer information, informally and have them respond with that information?

I didn't offer my opinion on whether they should or not. According to the stories Cummings office was given public data.

Issa is just obfuscating.
Everyone knows government agencies are not supposed to talk to each other.
If this were a Republican Administration, they're be blood in the streets. The Dem Collective would have ordered their drones to riot.


And we continue to allow it.

The Republicans should arrest Lois Lerner

Yeah this thing may go much deeper. It is an egregious breach of public trust & privacy. Officials will have to be held accountable. And that includes the President if he was involved.


The reason I KNOW is because Obama has NEVER hired anyone that had any different agenda then he had.
So consequently when Obama worshipers were hired, THEY KNEW their agenda and didn't have to get any approval from Obama to pursue i.e. persecution of Tea party,etc.
as they KNEW Obama had NO problem with that!

And as a result there will be NO proof that Obama had and direct connection with the employees that persecuted conservative groups!

He never knew because he KNEW the people he hired would be fulfilling his AGENDA!!!
If this were a Republican Administration, they're be blood in the streets. The Dem Collective would have ordered their drones to riot.


And we continue to allow it.

The Republicans should arrest Lois Lerner

Yeah this thing may go much deeper. It is an egregious breach of public trust & privacy. Officials will have to be held accountable. And that includes the President if he was involved.


The reason I KNOW is because Obama has NEVER hired anyone that had any different agenda then he had.
So consequently when Obama worshipers were hired, THEY KNEW their agenda and didn't have to get any approval from Obama to pursue i.e. persecution of Tea party,etc.
as they KNEW Obama had NO problem with that!

And as a result there will be NO proof that Obama had and direct connection with the employees that persecuted conservative groups!

He never knew because he KNEW the people he hired would be fulfilling his AGENDA!!!

I completely agree.....But there is Valerie Jarret who does make decisions and gives marching orders. VJ is Obamas brain. He's useless without her. No doubt he calls her Mommy :lol::lol:
If this were a Republican Administration, they're be blood in the streets. The Dem Collective would have ordered their drones to riot.


And we continue to allow it.

The Republicans should arrest Lois Lerner

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