BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: 73-Year-Old Pastor and Purple Heart Veteran Arrested For Being at Capitol, His Son Also Arrested in Front of 3-Year-Old Daughter (


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.

The arrests took place on Thursday morning.

“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”


James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.

“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.


Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

Don't I feel so sorry for traitors.
Murderers run free in the streets while the state persecutes a harmless old man.

Attack a federal courthouse, for night after night, attempting to burn it down. The federal agents sent to protect it get called storm-troopers by Pelosi and numerous other DemonRats.

And how many of those Antifa thugs have been arrested?
Oh plenty were arrested... Not near enough.. but some were arrested. Prosecuted though... That's something else.
Attack a federal courthouse, for night after night, attempting to burn it down. The federal agents sent to protect it get called storm-troopers by Pelosi and numerous other DemonRats.

And how many of those Antifa thugs have been arrested?
Those that rarely are are immediately bailed out by the fund Kamala Harris set up.

The police state the left is building is facing decades of pushback from citizens that don't want to live and grow up in Nazi Germany or Communist China.
They either were there or they weren't. Lots of folks served honorably in Vietnam. Being a "pastor" doesn't mean anything any more.
They either were there or they weren't. Lots of folks served honorably in Vietnam. Being a "pastor" doesn't mean anything any more.
And just being caught up in the middle of something doesn't make someone guilty by association.
Or don't you communists believe in individual responsibility and innocence before presumed guilt?

Heil Josef Biden.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

Don't I feel so sorry for traitors.
They won't feel sorry for you either when fraud is proven. Anyone stupid enough to think our system of government was in any danger Jan. 6th is a moron.

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