BREAKING: FDA to ban trans-fats

-- because the fact that he knows that means that everybody knows that. Right?

What benefit do you get from trans fats, Pothead?

As always, without logical fallacy, you'd never approach logic.

What will you be deprived of?
If it's blood flow to the synapses I'm afraid it's too late...:D

If they ban speech the government feels inappropriate, only those who use inappropriate speech will be affected - so why should anyone object?

Pol Pot would be extra-proud of you today, possum boi....

Translation: "No answer".

Exactly my point. Thanks for playing Martin to my Rowan.
Trans fats are used as a preservative.

So is formaldehyde. Doesn't mean I'm going to sprinkle formaldehyde on my hummus.

There are all kinds of preservatives with varying degrees of unhealthyness. Read the label, buy what you want. Most people knowing that transfats are unhealthy will avoid them, but not eliminate them. Food will just spoil faster, have shorter shelf lives and be much more expensive since it won't last as long.
An implication of self-ownership is that I can then use my justly acquired property, money, to purchase whatever I like so long as I commit no aggression against anybody else. Trans-fats may be harmful to my health, but no violence is being committed against me when I choose to purchase and ingest items containing them. However, violence is being used to stop people from selling these things, and thus the rights of both producers and consumers are being aggressed against.

As for airbags and seat belts, I am very much opposed to using violence to force people to make and sell cars containing them.

"Violence"? In what comic book?

When the FDA screens a new drug for safety is it committing "violence"?
When the FAA tells a plane to wait for runway 4 is that "violence"?
Is there a guy with a truncheon at the auto assembly plant ready to bash heads if a car doesn't have a seat belt in it?

And btw whence derives a food purveyor this "right" to insert poisons into their product sold for public consumption?

Seriously, dood... :cuckoo:

These people hate government and everything it does. If they had their way we'd look worse then Mexico!

To hell with that poison in that met
To hell with that plane flying to low
To hell with that hurricane hitting the coast. You little guy should learn how to read the wid!

Hating the government is a natural, healthy and self-preservational thing for a taxpayer and a citizen. Only a brainwashed, mindless, ignorant idiot loves, worships or venerates the government. The state of the normalcy of one's mind requires the recognition that the wild beast, which any government is, although it is necessary to perform some functions designated and delivered to it by the people, it has to be vigilantly watched, controlled and restrained, because the moment it goes out of restraints and control it starts serving only itself and the people discover themselves behind the barbed wire of the labor camp(figurative speech).

And although I do consider those who do not differentiate between the needed necessity and real intrusion to be a bit annoying at times, those, who venerate and worship the beast are much more dangerous and stupid
The first can be educated, government worshipers are the lost cause of cretinism.
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If trans fats got you high, progressives would want to ensure it was specifically legalized

If your If was a Fifth we'd all be drunk.

There is no harm in banning something that is harmful

Pot is harmful. Any type of smoke is harmful. Cholesterol is harmful. Bleach is harmful. Knives are harmful. Being in the sun is harmful. Drinking soda is harmful. Having unprotected sex with someone you don't know is harmful. Microwaves are harmful.

Jesus Christ on a cracker...

The government does not exist to protect your from yourself for every last little thing

If you want to put out the information that trans fats are not very healthy and that in 10, 20, or 30 years your body will be worse off for it... FINE.. but it is not the government's job to keep every last piddly shit harmful thing out of any realm of possibility of being obtained..

Well -- yeah, it is. That's why we have meat inspections. And drug approvals. And expiration dates and ingredient lists and laws about fraudulent advertising -- ALL of which address practices that would be, and have been, abused in pursuit of profit at the expense of public health. After all, the objective of the company is to maximize its profits --- not to look out for public health. It's a necessary evil that gubbamint has to do that, it's done that way everywhere in the world, and by the way welcome to Earth.

What the fuck is WRONG with some of you people?
No It IS harmful open a book sometime

So what? Sugar is harmful. Excess fat is harmful. White rice, white flour and potatoes are all harmful. If you banned everything that was "harmful," 80% of the items in the grocery store would disappear.

Go back to your ignorance hole, Finger Boy. Those things are not "harmful" inherently.

And neither are trans-fats, dipstick.

Using them to the exclusion of whole foods, or in excess, might be. And there is no food that is made with the ingredient "excess fat".

Of course there is. One steak contains excess fat. Eating an excess of anything is harmful.

When you don't know what you're talking about it's best to STFU. For you that should be easy- it covers almost everything.

ROFL! Did the petulant little libturd got his ass kicked again?
Trans fats are used as a preservative.

So is formaldehyde. Doesn't mean I'm going to sprinkle formaldehyde on my hummus.

There are all kinds of preservatives with varying degrees of unhealthyness. Read the label, buy what you want. Most people knowing that transfats are unhealthy will avoid them, but not eliminate them. Food will just spoil faster, have shorter shelf lives and be much more expensive since it won't last as long.

Yeah, right

And foodmongers, knowing that trans fats are a negative, would never start calling them something else like "partially unsaturated" to slip by the reader radar. Never happens. :rolleyes:

Clearly everyone knows all this because nobody buys frozen pizza any more.

You've obviously never read one study on it if you believe that

I've read plenty of studies in general, I don't blindy trust them the way progressive lemmings such as yourself tend to do.

That's great! Got anymore excuses on why youre ignorant. You're not a rebel for ignoring information. That just makes you willfully ignorant. You don't even have a reason you don't believe them lol.

I dont care about them. If I get a little transfat in my popcorn i'm not going to die of poisoning. Whats IS going affect me is the concept that I need the government to figure out what I can and cannot eat once given all the information and facts about a topic. Its the same bullshit that makes the FDA feel it can ban unpasturized cheese, even if the people eating it know the risks and are willing to suffer the consequences.

Tell me transfats are bad and let me make a decsion, stop trying to ban everything you think MAY be bad.

Get the fuck out of my life you progressive nanny-statist twat.
So what? Sugar is harmful. Excess fat is harmful. White rice, white flour and potatoes are all harmful. If you banned everything that was "harmful," 80% of the items in the grocery store would disappear.

Go back to your ignorance hole, Finger Boy. Those things are not "harmful" inherently.

And neither are trans-fats, dipstick.


Using them to the exclusion of whole foods, or in excess, might be. And there is no food that is made with the ingredient "excess fat".

Of course there is. One steak contains excess fat. Eating an excess of anything is harmful.

:dig: :dig:

Sooooo.... you're saying one steak contains more fat than it contains?

:dig: :dig: :dig:
If your If was a Fifth we'd all be drunk.

There is no harm in banning something that is harmful

Pot is harmful. Any type of smoke is harmful. Cholesterol is harmful. Bleach is harmful. Knives are harmful. Being in the sun is harmful. Drinking soda is harmful. Having unprotected sex with someone you don't know is harmful. Microwaves are harmful.

Jesus Christ on a cracker...

The government does not exist to protect your from yourself for every last little thing

If you want to put out the information that trans fats are not very healthy and that in 10, 20, or 30 years your body will be worse off for it... FINE.. but it is not the government's job to keep every last piddly shit harmful thing out of any realm of possibility of being obtained..

Well -- yeah, it is. That's why we have meat inspections. And drug approvals. And expiration dates and ingredient lists and laws about fraudulent advertising -- ALL of which address practices that would be, and have been, abused in pursuit of profit at the expense of public health. After all, the objective of the company is to maximize its profits --- not to look out for public health. It's a necessary evil that gubbamint has to do that, it's done that way everywhere in the world, and by the way welcome to Earth.

What the fuck is WRONG with some of you people?

Uh . . no, that isn't why we have those things. There are two real reasons: One, because turds like you who don't know any better agitate and scare the public about non-problems until Congress decides it's politically expedient to pass legislation. Two, because Food companies lobby the government to regulate their competitors so they won't have to produce a better product.
Another day, another ban. Oh well, such is life in the Police State.

-- says the wag on the Internet (developed by the government), before he goes out to drive on the road (constructed by the government) to the airport to catch a plane, (regulated by the government) stopping for a meal of food meeting saftey standards (developed by the government) so he can take his medication (etc etc)...
Thanks Marty for admitting you don't care about the information on Trans fat.because ignorance is apparently a virtue to you. Keep making your decisions based on emotions, It looks good on you.
Another day, another ban. Oh well, such is life in the Police State.

-- says the wag on the Internet (developed by the government), before he goes out to drive on the road (constructed by the government) to the airport to catch a plane, (regulated by the government) stopping for a meal of food meeting saftey standards (developed by the government) so he can take his medication (etc etc)...

Yep, those are all the classic symptoms of the police state - along with bootlicking trolls like you, of course.
No It IS harmful open a book sometime

Then you don't have to eat it. That's your personal choice. That doesn't give you or some bureaucrat trying to justify his job the right to make that choice for others.

I thought people on the left were all about choice, or is it only when you want to kill your unborn child?

That isn't really accurate. Products can cantain small amounts of trans fat and legaly be labeled as having 0 because the amount is small. The problem is that you could be consuming several products on a regular basis or even daily which amounts to what you believe to be an unhealthy practice that you thought you were avoiding. In addition you are subject to the honesty of restaurants who may claim they don't use this ingredient. You are dependent on the owner, the management and even the cook to insure your health and choice as to what you consume.

But the government is far more trustworthy because they're never caught in lies, right? :eusa_whistle:
Thanks Marty for admitting you don't care about the information on Trans fat.because ignorance is apparently a virtue to you. Keep making your decisions based on emotions, It looks good on you.

And keep up sucking government dick every time your betters think they know whats best for you. Of course when they finally go and ban something YOU like I bet your panties will get all bunched up, but you will get on your knees and slurp what your overlords give you.
If trans fats got you high, progressives would want to ensure it was specifically legalized

If your If was a Fifth we'd all be drunk.

There is no harm in banning something that is harmful

Pot is harmful. Any type of smoke is harmful. Cholesterol is harmful. Bleach is harmful. Knives are harmful. Being in the sun is harmful. Drinking soda is harmful. Having unprotected sex with someone you don't know is harmful. Microwaves are harmful.

Jesus Christ on a cracker...

The government does not exist to protect your from yourself for every last little thing

If you want to put out the information that trans fats are not very healthy and that in 10, 20, or 30 years your body will be worse off for it... FINE.. but it is not the government's job to keep every last piddly shit harmful thing out of any realm of possibility of being obtained..

You must understand who these folks are... they're lazy. They want to be protected from themselves... they envision a life free from worry.

Simply put, they're very dangerous.
Go back to your ignorance hole, Finger Boy. Those things are not "harmful" inherently.

And neither are trans-fats, dipstick.


Using them to the exclusion of whole foods, or in excess, might be. And there is no food that is made with the ingredient "excess fat".

Of course there is. One steak contains excess fat. Eating an excess of anything is harmful.

:dig: :dig:

Sooooo.... you're saying one steak contains more fat than it contains?

:dig: :dig: :dig:

No. It contains excess fat, dipstick - more than anyone should eat at a single sitting. No one sits down to eat a bowl full of pure fat or pure sugar, just as no one ever sits down to eat a bowl of trans-fat.
BBC News - US moves to ban trans fats in foods

But you are still free to have HIV and fuck dudes up the ass

trans fat another item to be listed

on the black market top ten list

of profitable smuggling items


This is a good point --- NOBODY has anything to gain from trans fats. Nobody goes out to the store to buy trans fats. Nobody sits down to a meal and says "please pass the trans fats". Nobody even sells a product advertising their trans fats. In short it has nothing to recommend it -- yet here come the knee jerks with this lockstep Randian botshit, falling all over themselves to defend the existence of a synthetic product they claim they don't even use.

Freaking wacko.
Another day, another ban. Oh well, such is life in the Police State.

-- says the wag on the Internet (developed by the government), before he goes out to drive on the road (constructed by the government) to the airport to catch a plane, (regulated by the government) stopping for a meal of food meeting saftey standards (developed by the government) so he can take his medication (etc etc)...

Yep, those are all the classic symptoms of the police state - along with bootlicking trolls like you, of course.

Right, because only police states have planes and roads and postal services and public parks and food safety standards and drug safety standards.


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