BREAKING: FDA to ban trans-fats

But back to the trans fat issue.

In time all truths are revealed.

We found out that both of these products were bad for us thanks to the federal gov't:


So cigarettes have been banned?

Must have missed that one.


Practically. Try lighting up next time you're.....anywhere..... except your own house.

Frankly, it's OK with me if trans fat is banned, because obviously Americans aren't smart enough to realize that they are fatter and unhealthier than ever before.

I don't smoke, I'm at the right weight, I exercise regularly and have no health problems. I really don't want to pay for someone else's stupidity. If my tax dollars go to health care then let it be for kids with cancer or the very old, the mentally ill so they can't get their hands on guns. Not morbidly obese smokers.

And then again, it's really no one's business what someone else eats.
If trans fats got you high, progressives would want to ensure it was specifically legalized

If your If was a Fifth we'd all be drunk.

There is no harm in banning something that is harmful

Exactly. The big tobacco companies had their "experts" lie to Congress about the safety of nicotine and that it was NOT addictive. Anybody remember that?

[ame=]Nicotine is not addictive - - YouTube[/ame]

So if trans fats are found to be that dangerous, then get it away from our food manufacturers since they won't do it themselves. This is what gov't is supposed to do....protect its citizens.
-- because the fact that he knows that means that everybody knows that. Right?

What benefit do you get from trans fats, Pothead?

As always, without logical fallacy, you'd never approach logic.

What will you be deprived of?
If it's blood flow to the synapses I'm afraid it's too late...:D

If they ban speech the government feels inappropriate, only those who use inappropriate speech will be affected - so why should anyone object?

Pol Pot would be extra-proud of you today, possum boi....
If trans fats got you high, progressives would want to ensure it was specifically legalized

If your If was a Fifth we'd all be drunk.

There is no harm in banning something that is harmful

Pot is harmful. Any type of smoke is harmful. Cholesterol is harmful. Bleach is harmful. Knives are harmful. Being in the sun is harmful. Drinking soda is harmful. Having unprotected sex with someone you don't know is harmful. Microwaves are harmful.

Jesus Christ on a cracker...

The government does not exist to protect your from yourself for every last little thing

If you want to put out the information that trans fats are not very healthy and that in 10, 20, or 30 years your body will be worse off for it... FINE.. but it is not the government's job to keep every last piddly shit harmful thing out of any realm of possibility of being obtained..
I have no problem admitting it, Americans ARE too stupid to take care of themselves. Our current health issues are a glaring admission to that fact.

But in the area of bans, there are many other culprits I would go after before I even cared about trans fats.

We do have the freedom to ingest anything we want, but doctors and insurance companies should be charging people through the nose for those choices.

You eat fast food? We're going to charge you more.
You eat processed foods? We're going to charge you more.
You don't exercise regularly? We're going to charge you more.

Maybe we can set up video conferencing systems in every home, and state enforcers can ensure that each person starts the day with exercise?

Winston Smith, you are not exercising with enough vigor, increase your effort......

Dare to dream my Obamunist friends, dare to dream...
If trans fats got you high, progressives would want to ensure it was specifically legalized

If your If was a Fifth we'd all be drunk.

There is no harm in banning something that is harmful

Pot is harmful. Any type of smoke is harmful. Cholesterol is harmful. Bleach is harmful. Knives are harmful. Being in the sun is harmful. Drinking soda is harmful. Having unprotected sex with someone you don't know is harmful. Microwaves are harmful.

Jesus Christ on a cracker...

The government does not exist to protect your from yourself for every last little thing

If you want to put out the information that trans fats are not very healthy and that in 10, 20, or 30 years your body will be worse off for it... FINE.. but it is not the government's job to keep every last piddly shit harmful thing out of any realm of possibility of being obtained..

They have to be led around by the nose.
If trans fats got you high, progressives would want to ensure it was specifically legalized

If your If was a Fifth we'd all be drunk.

There is no harm in banning something that is harmful

Thats the same line of logic that states you might as well follow a religion just in case its actually true. No harm there, right?

Trans fats MAY be harmful to PART of the population that OVERUSES them.
But back to the trans fat issue.

In time all truths are revealed.

We found out that both of these products were bad for us thanks to the federal gov't:


ROFL! What an idiot. Why do you think cigarettes have been called "coffin nails" since the 19th Century?
Good. Trans fats are like glue in your arteries.

My body my choice.

ONLY if you're ripping the arms and legs off of someone else's body...

Choice doesn't mean choice, choice means abortion, and ONLY abortion.

I'm an adult and no son of a bitch is going to dictate to me how I live my life, what I eat how much I sleep what I wear what I drink or what I do. It's my life and no one I mean no one is going to control me.
I'm an adult and no son of a bitch is going to dictate to me how I live my life, what I eat how much I sleep what I wear what I drink or what I do. It's my life and no one I mean no one is going to control me.

Our rulers disagree, and already dictate what you may or may not ingest.

And this is stupid, stupid in the way only totalitarian leftists can be: sit down and eat a whole bag of Soft Batch cookies in a single sitting and you have FAR more to worry about than the trans-fat. The carbs and refined sugar will do ten fold the damage to your body.

But our rulers know best - obey without question.
I'm an adult and no son of a bitch is going to dictate to me how I live my life, what I eat how much I sleep what I wear what I drink or what I do. It's my life and no one I mean no one is going to control me.

Our rulers disagree, and already dictate what you may or may not ingest.

And this is stupid, stupid in the way only totalitarian leftists can be: sit down and eat a whole bag of Soft Batch cookies in a single sitting and you have FAR more to worry about than the trans-fat. The carbs and refined sugar will do ten fold the damage to your body.

But our rulers know best - obey without question.

They may dictate but I don't obey
But back to the trans fat issue.

In time all truths are revealed.

We found out that both of these products were bad for us thanks to the federal gov't:


How long did Ronald Reagan live?

Long enough to significantly damage the economy by creating the base for a plutocracy and calling it the "trickle down" theory.

P.S. He wasn't a smoker. He just played one on television.

Communist turds like you are the only ones who call it "trickle down," and I seem to remember the economy growing at rates of over 9% per quarter during Reagan administration. How fast is it growing now? Who's damaging it?

"Establishing a base for the plutocracy" is liberal code for "stop looting people who work hard."
But back to the trans fat issue.

In time all truths are revealed.

We found out that both of these products were bad for us thanks to the federal gov't:


ROFL! What an idiot. Why do you think cigarettes have been called "coffin nails" since the 19th Century?

You are absolutely wrong. In the late 19th century James B. Duke was the "father" of the American cigarette and formed the American Tobacco Company.

Prior to forming tobacco into cigarettes his company molded tobacco into loaves and sold it door to door as a healthy daily food for the entire family, including children.
Bold Entrepreneur: A Life of James B. Duke
Carolina Academic Pr (March 2003)

It wasn't until the 1950s (that's called the 20th C. in case you have literacy problems) that warnings about the link between lung cancer and cigarette smoking started to appear:

Cigarettes and the US Public Health Service in the 1950s.
The conclusion of the United States Surgeon General's Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health in 1964 that excessive cigarette smoking causes lung cancer is cited as the major turning point for public health action against cigarettes. But the surgeon general and US Public Health Service (PHS) scientists had concluded as early as 1957 that smoking was a cause of lung cancer, indeed, "the principal etiologic factor in the increased incidence of lung cancer." Throughout the 1950s, however, the PHS rejected further tobacco-related public health actions, such as placing warning labels on cigarettes or creating educational programs for schools. Instead, the agency continued to gather information and provided occasional assessments of the evidence as it came available. It was not until pressure mounted from outside the PHS in the early 1960s that more substantive action was taken. Earlier action was not taken because of the way in which PHS scientists (particularly those within the National Institutes of Health) and administrators viewed their roles in relation to science and public health.

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But back to the trans fat issue.

In time all truths are revealed.

We found out that both of these products were bad for us thanks to the federal gov't:


How long did Ronald Reagan live?

Long enough to significantly damage the economy by creating the base for a plutocracy and calling it the "trickle down" theory.

P.S. He wasn't a smoker. He just played one on television.

oh really and how old are you? 40? 35? I'm a living historian from Nixon to now, IO experienced it so you lie.

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