BREAKING: FDA to ban trans-fats

Don't you get it? You're all useless cattle. You're just too dumb to be allowed to decide what you eat and drink. That's why Big Brother is gonna do it for you. He knows what's best for you. So just shut up and do what you're told. This is not a free country. Capisce?

Again - it's all about denying freedom and asserting CONTROL.

USSR all over again.
You're actually going to try to tell me you eat nuke popcorn for heart health??


Even in a thread this wacko I didn't see that one coming.

You don't like science? Or did I just destroy your argument? That explains your reaction. Trans vaccenic acid is a natural trans fat that is found in beef, or the hamburger you just at at McDonald's without all of the extras. Or the 2% milk you bought at the grocery store. Seriously.

What the FDA is doing is overstepping its bounds. Fixing what isn't broke. Over the past decade, consumption of trans fats have decreased dramatically. If you ban the production of trans fats by the food industry, they will soon start using butter in it's place to make up for it. Butter is just as bad if not worse than trans fats. I see slippery slope written all over your argument.

If you can make such a statement, you clearly do not know what you're talking about regarding this topic. If you make such a wide open unsubstantiated charge like that without backing it up, and you think people will just accept it because you believe it, you're mistaken.

There ain't a damn thing wrong with butter -- other than what might be in the milk used to produce it.

I'm still on my lifelong quest to figure out why butter is anathema in the South. No answers on that front yet. Not sure if that's related to TK's butter hate but it's there.
Don't you get it? You're all useless cattle. You're just too dumb to be allowed to decide what you eat and drink. That's why Big Brother is gonna do it for you. He knows what's best for you. So just shut up and do what you're told. This is not a free country. Capisce?

Again - it's all about denying freedom and asserting CONTROL.

USSR all over again.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, because keeping carcinogens and diseases and poisons out of the food and drug supply is just SO Bolshevik.


Apparently the night shift is here, ready to be told what's already been posted all over again.... sigh...
Don't you get it? You're all useless cattle. You're just too dumb to be allowed to decide what you eat and drink. That's why Big Brother is gonna do it for you. He knows what's best for you. So just shut up and do what you're told. This is not a free country. Capisce?

Riiiiiiiiight, this country will never be free until I can ingest all the carcinogens and rodent feces and salmonella I want, dammit!


Nah, you're the Fascist. You're all-in on the Food Gestapo thing. But you're certainly not alone. There are Millions & Millions of ignorant Nanny/Police Staters just like you. It's very sad.
You don't like science? Or did I just destroy your argument? That explains your reaction. Trans vaccenic acid is a natural trans fat that is found in beef, or the hamburger you just at at McDonald's without all of the extras. Or the 2% milk you bought at the grocery store. Seriously.

What the FDA is doing is overstepping its bounds. Fixing what isn't broke. Over the past decade, consumption of trans fats have decreased dramatically. If you ban the production of trans fats by the food industry, they will soon start using butter in it's place to make up for it. Butter is just as bad if not worse than trans fats. I see slippery slope written all over your argument.

If you can make such a statement, you clearly do not know what you're talking about regarding this topic. If you make such a wide open unsubstantiated charge like that without backing it up, and you think people will just accept it because you believe it, you're mistaken.

There ain't a damn thing wrong with butter -- other than what might be in the milk used to produce it.

I'm still on my lifelong quest to figure out why butter is anathema in the South. No answers on that front yet. Not sure if that's related to TK's butter hate but it's there.

WE love butter. I'm a guy for the no cholesterol substitute crap, but that's not cause I don't love butter.

Seriously, trans fats evidence a market failure. The ban's really no different from the damn guvt making us put catalytic converters on our cars. That was the beginning of the end of REAL MEN fixing their own cars.
Don't you get it? You're all useless cattle. You're just too dumb to be allowed to decide what you eat and drink. That's why Big Brother is gonna do it for you. He knows what's best for you. So just shut up and do what you're told. This is not a free country. Capisce?

Riiiiiiiiight, this country will never be free until I can ingest all the carcinogens and rodent feces and salmonella I want, dammit!


Nah, you're the Fascist. You're all-in on the Food Gestapo thing. But you're certainly not alone. There are Millions & Millions of ignorant Nanny/Police Staters just like you. It's very sad.

Actually that would be you there Paulie. You're so immersed in the power of the big bad gubbamint that you completely miss the power of the big bad corporation. But it is after all hard to see when you've got your nose so far up its ass.
Don't you get it? You're all useless cattle. You're just too dumb to be allowed to decide what you eat and drink. That's why Big Brother is gonna do it for you. He knows what's best for you. So just shut up and do what you're told. This is not a free country. Capisce?

Again - it's all about denying freedom and asserting CONTROL.

USSR all over again.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, because keeping carcinogens and diseases and poisons out of the food and drug supply is just SO Bolshevik.


Apparently the night shift is here, ready to be told what's already been posted all over again.... sigh...

You are a moron. Let's see….the "gubmit" made tens of billions off of cigarette manufacturers and stuffed their coffers with the money, told us how DANGEROUS cigarettes are, yet refuses to ban them - a known cancer causing agent.

The "gubmit" allows alcohol to be made and sold in the United States even knowing that deaths from alcohol have increased ten-fold in the last 20 years. Still,, it is not illegal to purchase and consume alcohol. Look at the tens of thousands of drunk-on-their-ass people leave stadiums every Saturday and Sunday and drive their cars away.

Don't give me your "we're doing it for your own good" Horsesh&t. Get your act together, you clown.
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If you can make such a statement, you clearly do not know what you're talking about regarding this topic. If you make such a wide open unsubstantiated charge like that without backing it up, and you think people will just accept it because you believe it, you're mistaken.

There ain't a damn thing wrong with butter -- other than what might be in the milk used to produce it.

I'm still on my lifelong quest to figure out why butter is anathema in the South. No answers on that front yet. Not sure if that's related to TK's butter hate but it's there.

WE love butter. I'm a guy for the no cholesterol substitute crap, but that's not cause I don't love butter.

Seriously, trans fats evidence a market failure. The ban's really no different from the damn guvt making us put catalytic converters on our cars. That was the beginning of the end of REAL MEN fixing their own cars.

WE love it but the South doesn't. I have no idea why. Any number of restaurants here, you ask for butter, they bring you margarine. You say "no, I want butter", they claim they don't even have any. That's not the case outside the South. I can't figure out why that is.
they have proven that butter is good for you in moderation that's all we use one fat or health problems!!!.
If you disagree with Big Brother, you clearly hate America and children. You're probably an evil Al Kater too. ;)
Again - it's all about denying freedom and asserting CONTROL.

USSR all over again.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, because keeping carcinogens and diseases and poisons out of the food and drug supply is just SO Bolshevik.


Apparently the night shift is here, ready to be told what's already been posted all over again.... sigh...

You are a moron. Let's see….the "gubmit" made tens of billions off of cigarette manufacturers and stuffed their coffers with the money, told us how DANGEROUS cigarettes are, yet refuses to ban them - a known cancer causing agent.

The "gubmit" allows alcohol to be made and sold in the United States even knowing that deaths from alcohol have increased ten-fold in the last 20 years. Still,, it is not illegal to purchase and consume alcohol. Look at the tens of thousands of drunk-on-their-ass people leave stadiums every Saturday and Sunday and drive their cars away.

Don't give me your "we're doing it for your own good" Horsesh&t. Get your act together, you clown.

Yawn - we did this like six hundred posts ago. It's because of the power of Big Tobacco. Get your own act together. And by the way - fallacy of composition/biased sample.

Look, nobody claimed the FDA does enough, and nobody said they were consistent. I've noted that several times, bringing up Aspartame. But that doesn't mean when it gets something right it's still wrong.
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Don't you get it? You're all useless cattle. You're just too dumb to be allowed to decide what you eat and drink. That's why Big Brother is gonna do it for you. He knows what's best for you. So just shut up and do what you're told. This is not a free country. Capisce?

Riiiiiiiiight, this country will never be free until I can ingest all the carcinogens and rodent feces and salmonella I want, dammit!


Nah, you're the Fascist. You're all-in on the Food Gestapo thing. But you're certainly not alone. There are Millions & Millions of ignorant Nanny/Police Staters just like you. It's very sad.

So you don't want food standards or safety standards. That's all fascist and shit..

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, because keeping carcinogens and diseases and poisons out of the food and drug supply is just SO Bolshevik.


Apparently the night shift is here, ready to be told what's already been posted all over again.... sigh...

You are a moron. Let's see….the "gubmit" made tens of billions off of cigarette manufacturers and stuffed their coffers with the money, told us how DANGEROUS cigarettes are, yet refuses to ban them - a known cancer causing agent.

The "gubmit" allows alcohol to be made and sold in the United States even knowing that deaths from alcohol have increased ten-fold in the last 20 years. Still,, it is not illegal to purchase and consume alcohol. Look at the tens of thousands of drunk-on-their-ass people leave stadiums every Saturday and Sunday and drive their cars away.

Don't give me your "we're doing it for your own good" Horsesh&t. Get your act together, you clown.

Yawn - we did this like six hundred posts ago. It's because of the power of Big Tobacco. Get your own act together.

Look, nobody claimed the FDA does enough, and nobody said they were consistent. I've noted that several times, bringing up Aspartame. But that doesn't mean when it gets something right it's still wrong.

Again - horses%it.

Barry is currently destroying the most effective healthcare that has EVER existed on the face of the earth. Dismantling it in front of our eyes and you say that his "Big Brother" government can ban the American people from exercising the own good judgement but they CAN'T ban a tobacco company from producing products KNOWN to cause death!?!?!

Again, Horses%it.
You are a moron. Let's see….the "gubmit" made tens of billions off of cigarette manufacturers and stuffed their coffers with the money, told us how DANGEROUS cigarettes are, yet refuses to ban them - a known cancer causing agent.

The "gubmit" allows alcohol to be made and sold in the United States even knowing that deaths from alcohol have increased ten-fold in the last 20 years. Still,, it is not illegal to purchase and consume alcohol. Look at the tens of thousands of drunk-on-their-ass people leave stadiums every Saturday and Sunday and drive their cars away.

Don't give me your "we're doing it for your own good" Horsesh&t. Get your act together, you clown.

Yawn - we did this like six hundred posts ago. It's because of the power of Big Tobacco. Get your own act together.

Look, nobody claimed the FDA does enough, and nobody said they were consistent. I've noted that several times, bringing up Aspartame. But that doesn't mean when it gets something right it's still wrong.

Again - horses%it.

Barry is currently destroying the most effective healthcare that has EVER existed on the face of the earth. Dismantling it in front of our eyes and you say that his "Big Brother" government can ban the American people from exercising the own good judgement but they CAN'T ban a tobacco company from producing products KNOWN to cause death!?!?!

Again, Horses%it.

I never brought up tobacco. You did. Nor does ACA have squat to do with any of this.

Do you not know how to construct a rational argument at all?? Assuming not, why are you here?
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Let us not forget that the motto of the so-called scientific community is "Publish or Perish".

So, if the current scientific wisdom is that eggs are bad for you, you can bet that some pinhead WILL publish something saying that eggs good for you, or vice versa. Same thing with butter. Or red meat. Or any meat, period. Or just about anything that tastes good.

So, ignore these do-gooders and enjoy life. And to paraphrase some royal elite predecessor or these all-knowing pinheads, let THEM eat crap.

nah, eggs have been vindicated.
It's the offensive on the carbs which is fashinable nowadays ;)

So, let me be the first to predict a new scientific study within a year or so, proving that eggs are bad for you. And sugar and milk and bread, depending on where and how they are classified today.

And let me go out on the limb and include carbs. Just a matter of time and/or how desperately the scientist needs funds to condemn the food of his choice.

Scientists, whose occupation appears to be nothing more than condemning/vindicating foods, depending how the wind blows, here is a hint: It has been a long time since tomatoes have been called poison.

Ain't it time to release your wisdom on the unwashed, regarding this vegetable, which you define as fruit?

you are too late. that has been the early 90s :)

there is science and science.

believe me, I know how to read the studies.

And I always considered this BS about cholesterol in food to be exactly that - BS. because we synthesize it 24/7 and the one from outside does not matter.
Same is with carbs, eggs or HRT - another BS.
One has to actually READ the studies in question and look at those the way one is supposed to.
I could tell you a lot of stories including research BS.

However, let's not throw the baby with the bath water.
Scientists and researchers are human, therefore all human sins are present in the field.
But it is not all of those and there are ways to judge it for it's merits - if one knows what to look for.

transfats are simply not needed in the human diet. artificial ones. the ones which are the subject of FDA regulation.

I honestly do not see any reason for so many emotions here.

Why won't you guys feel stymied when FDA blackboxed droperidol :evil: - it is much more corrupted situation, but nobody ever heard of it in general public, right?
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nah, eggs have been vindicated.
It's the offensive on the carbs which is fashinable nowadays ;)

So, let me be the first to predict a new scientific study within a year or so, proving that eggs are bad for you. And sugar and milk and bread, depending on where and how they are classified today.

And let me go out on the limb and include carbs. Just a matter of time and/or how desperately the scientist needs funds to condemn the food of his choice.

Scientists, whose occupation appears to be nothing more than condemning/vindicating foods, depending how the wind blows, here is a hint: It has been a long time since tomatoes have been called poison.

Ain't it time to release your wisdom on the unwashed, regarding this vegetable, which you define as fruit?

you are too late. that has been the early 90s :)

there is science and science.

believe me, I know how to read the studies.

And I always considered this BS about cholesterol in food to be exactly that - BS. because we synthesize it 24/7 and the one from outside does not matter.
Same is with carbs, eggs or HRT - another BS.
One has to actually READ the studies in question and look at those the way one is supposed to.
I could tell you a lot of stories including research BS.

However, let's not throw the baby with the bath water.
Scientists and researchers are human, therefore all human sins are present in the field.
But it is not all of those and there are ways to judge it for it's merits - if one knows what to look for.

transfats are simply not needed in the human diet. artificial ones. the ones which are the subject of FDA regulation.

I honestly do not see any reason for so many emotions here.

Why won't you guys feel stymied when FDA blackboxed droperidol :evil: - it is much more corrupted situation, but nobody ever heard of it in general public, right?

That's true, my Dad was a chemist and he told us about this cholesterol mythology.

I eat eggs every day and my cholesterol always screens well. But I never touch margarine. Wouldn't touch it as a kid either.
Margarine was touted as the low cholesterol, healthful alternative to butter.

Whoops, they got it wrong..again!

Moral of story...don't blindly follow whatever fad is going down.
Margarine was touted as the low cholesterol, healthful alternative to butter.

Whoops, they got it wrong..again!

Moral of story...don't blindly follow whatever fad is going down.

Yup, it was so touted by the packaged food industry. Which is exactly why they need an eye kept on 'em.

"Don't blindly follow whatever fad" -- words to live by. :thup:
I would post that on Nosebook if I followed the fad to have an account. Of course the Nosebookers wouldn't get the irony...
Yawn - we did this like six hundred posts ago. It's because of the power of Big Tobacco. Get your own act together.

Look, nobody claimed the FDA does enough, and nobody said they were consistent. I've noted that several times, bringing up Aspartame. But that doesn't mean when it gets something right it's still wrong.

Again - horses%it.

Barry is currently destroying the most effective healthcare that has EVER existed on the face of the earth. Dismantling it in front of our eyes and you say that his "Big Brother" government can ban the American people from exercising the own good judgement but they CAN'T ban a tobacco company from producing products KNOWN to cause death!?!?!

Again, Horses%it.

I never brought up tobacco. You did. Nor does ACA have squat to do with any of this.

Do you not know how to construct a rational argument at all?? Assuming not, why are you here?

DUMBASS - I brought up tobacco! And I'll post anything I damn well please. Answer the damned question.

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