Breaking: Federal Judge To Release Heroic Cliven Bundy, Two Sons, And Co-Defendant

Yes, given the happenings since, President Obama should have sent in the Army with orders to clear them out in 15 minutes, and send the bodies back to Nevada. They all deserved what Finnicum recieved.
Yes, given the happenings since, President Obama should have sent in the Army with orders to clear them out in 15 minutes, and send the bodies back to Nevada. They all deserved what Finnicum recieved.

Murder is cool with you it appears. Man oh man you are a fucking piece of work.
The name John Brown mean anything to you? You take over a Federal Property by force of arms, and you should expect it to be taken back by force of arms. Had those assholes been Black Panthers, you would have been screaming for them all to be killed immediatly, and any survivors to be hung, immediately.
The name John Brown mean anything to you? You take over a Federal Property by force of arms, and you should expect it to be taken back by force of arms. Had those assholes been Black Panthers, you would have been screaming for them all to be killed immediatly, and any survivors to be hung, immediately.

STFU, don't have the slightest clue about the reasons behind the Oregon Refuge stand-off and what was done to the Hammond family, the criminality of the Bureau of Land Management are just that fucking STUPID.
The name John Brown mean anything to you? You take over a Federal Property by force of arms, and you should expect it to be taken back by force of arms. Had those assholes been Black Panthers, you would have been screaming for them all to be killed immediatly, and any survivors to be hung, immediately.

Educating "Oldfuck".......

Educate yourself about what the Wildlife Refuge protest was about.....from a post I wrote awhile back.

I would have never believed that this could happen here in America. I will start with the Hammond family that led to the arrest of the protesters and the death of Lavoy Finicum. The Hammonds have/had a 10,000 acre ranch that has been in the family for many, many years. They once had neighbors that had surrounding ranches and they all looked out for each other.... but then the Bureau of Land Management was formed with the explicit intent to run people off of their land and make ranching so unprofitable that they would sell their land to the BLM or bankrupt them that would then enable the BLM to claim it as "federal gubermint" property. The Hammonds (much like the Bundys in Nevada) were "hold outs" and would not sell their land. The BLM had the Hammond ranch boxed in their 10,000 acre ranch was surrounded by land claimed as "federal" by the BLM. What city dwellers do not understand is that from time to time (to clear away brush) a "controlled burn" has to be done because brush (which is nothing but dead and dried wood) can act like a match that can cause fires that can take out thousands of acres. One of those fires got out of hand when the wind shifted direction. The Hammonds took care of it and no BLM intervention was necessary. It burned 139 acres most of which was brush. They had permission for the controlled burn.Five years later after getting permission for a controlled burn, one acre of federal "gubermint" land caught fire and AGAIN they put it out. This time they were charged with a crime and serve jail time along with a 400,000 dollar fine for actually improving the value of the land the BLM claimed as theirs that Hammond brush fire had caused.

Controlled burns by the very same BLM have gotten so out off control that THOUSANDS of acres were burned down along with homes and no one was held responsible and the BLM ended up taking possession of the land that they were complicit in burning to the ground. The Hammonds went about trying to pay the fine and had paid 250,000 dollars towards the 400,000 dollar fine (after serving jail time) when the BLM approached them about selling...AGAIN, the Hammonds refused. So they went to a circuit court of appeals and claimed that the Hammonds got off light and should have served a minimum of 5 years due the 1996 domestic"terrorism" law that was passed after the OKC bombing (false flag, btw), after having already been sentence by a judge for a bullshit charge to begin with AFTER having served the sentences and AFTER having paid 250,000 dollars towards a fine that was total bullshit to begin with? The BLM and federal "gubermint" wanted another pound of flesh but more importantly, they wanted to force the Hammonds to have to sell their land to the BLM because under the sentencing guidelines, the BLM has first right of refusal in order to buy it...of course it will be with our tax dollars borrowed from a foreign owned central bank and put on our tab as usual.
Dale, it was the mandatory sentencing that you 'Conservatives' backed 100% that resulted in the Hammond's having to serve that extra time. And, as I pointed out, had this been a group of blacks or native americans that took over the Reserve by force of arms, the National Guard would have cleaned them out immediatly.

As for the fire, it was downhill from where there were firefighters bedded down for the night. They endangered those people with their idiocy.

As for your other conspiracy claims, they are just that, and completely bogus. Just as you are.
Dale, it was the mandatory sentencing that you 'Conservatives' backed 100% that resulted in the Hammond's having to serve that extra time. And, as I pointed out, had this been a group of blacks or native americans that took over the Reserve by force of arms, the National Guard would have cleaned them out immediatly.

As for the fire, it was downhill from where there were firefighters bedded down for the night. They endangered those people with their idiocy.

As for your other conspiracy claims, they are just that, and completely bogus. Just as you are.

I am sure that you have a link with a reputable source that shows the Hammonds committing a terrorist act by doing a controlled burn that they were given permission to do on their own property. BTW, don't pigeonhole me by putting me any ANY category because I have few peers. The Domestic Terrorism Act that had been languishing in congress just waiting for an excuse to pass it required the false flag that was the OKC Murrah building bombing that was simply a precursor to 9/11/01 and the PATRIOT Act. I am an expert on the Murrah building bombing so if you want to attempt to test me? Bring it on.......and bring some serious game.

The Bureau of Land Management has no constitutional authority to take over ANY state land because the federal "gubermint" only has authority within the District of Columbia via the Act of 1871 and they can only claim land in what they claim as "territory". It's jurisdiction has been challenged MANY times and they have lost in Common Law courts before the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. Those that have stood up to this banker owned corporate entity have a tougher fight because the Feds have deeper pockets than their victims but every now and then? The people do win. You are in over your head, Oldfuck.......I spend many, many hours researching these things and I am invited to do podcasts and radio shows and I have a huge following on other blog sites. You are a political infant and one of the sheeple and I have proved that MANY times over.

Game on?
Oh go ahead and repeat that stupid nonsense. Been disproven here repeatedly. And will continue to be. The Bundy's are two bit criminals using tools like you to cover for their misdeeds.
Oh go ahead and repeat that stupid nonsense. Been disproven here repeatedly. And will continue to be. The Bundy's are two bit criminals using tools like you to cover for their misdeeds.

That has to be the most inept attempt to defend position I have ever witnessed here in this forum...and lame even for the likes of a dumbed-down idiot like you.

I will give you credit for one bowed out of the debate because I would destroy you like I always do.
The BLM was established in 1946, but its roots go back to the years after America’s independence, when the young nation began acquiring additional lands. At first, these lands were used to encourage homesteading and westward migration. The General Land Office was created in 1812 to support this national goal.

Over time, values and attitudes regarding public lands shifted, and Congress merged the GLO and another agency, the U.S. Grazing Service, creating the BLM.


While the states were established, the only land they owned was that specifically ceded to them by the Federal Government. The rest was Federal land, owned by the United States of America.

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