Breaking for GOP VOTERS- The bottom fifth pays 16 per cent in ALL taxes and fees, the

See, when Reagan cut federal income taxes, congress cut state aid, and then states and localities raised THEIR taxes, which kill the nonrich. This doesn't even count DMV fees and all the other fees, which hit the nonrich much more...see registration fees that reach 500 dollars some places, etc etc etc etc...which would raise the nonrich's rates EVEN MORE. Next stop, Pub banana republic, dupes.

Frankie i know what you mean ....when Obama claimed he lowered our taxes my State did a raise that ate it all up.....
1/5 = 20%

The bottom 1/5th only pay 16%?

Seems like a pretty good deal for them......but as usual they still want more "free"......

Breaking for GOP VOTERS- The bottom fifth pays 16 per cent in ALL taxes and fees, the rest pays 21 per cent, and the richest AT LEAST triple their wealth while everyone else and the country goes to hell under Reaganist/Voodoo tax rates...

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

And the bottom fifth still need to be subsidized by the rich because they can't afford their fair share.

Missing the point.

They can't afford to eat and keep the heat on in the winter.

Actually you're missing the point. The poor are getting screwed by taxes as much as the rich are it just comes from different directions. The poor get a bonus from the feds by getting more than they pay in. At the local level they get screwed. The rich pay the exact same in local taxes as the poor do to live in their communities. Where it goes wrong is at the fed level the rich get to pay even more in order to subsidize the poor at the local level through fed incentives. So basically the states take their money for federally mandated programs and local taxes and then try to make the poor better off with federal subsidies and more local taxes to make up the difference.

A prime example of this is obiecare. The feds tax the shit out of you for insurance that only the poor get for free and then dole out 90% of the cost to the states that sign up for adding 10% to their own budgets. In the end the states now have to find that additional 10% in local taxes to make up for the federal mandate.

A smart state would tell the feds to fuck off, and as a result their poor would be much better off.
1/5 = 20%

The bottom 1/5th only pay 16%?

Seems like a pretty good deal for them......but as usual they still want more "free"......


No they pay 16 per cent of their income in ALL taxes. Everyone else pays 21 per cent, so the richest get much richer while the country goes to hell- Reaganomics.

There is no arguing with the stats in the OP- If you count ALL fed, state, and local taxes, the lowest fifth pay 16 per cent, everyone else 21 per the richest AT LEAST triple their wealth under Reaganist voodoo tax rates, while the rest and the country have been slowly ruined 1981-2008, and then QUICKLY ruined by the corruption and cronyism Pub meltdown. AND everything the hater dupes know about taxation is Pubcrappe- they're voting for the greedy idiot rich, and against themselves...

Voodoo wrecked and IS WRECKING the nonrich to the point where demand for products and services has dried up, along with their savings...before the corruption and cronyism housing and credit meltdown of 2008- while the rich have quadrupled their wealth...Memorize the facts, hater dupes:

1. WORKERS past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):1950 = 101%1960 = 105%1970 = 105%1980 = 105% – Reagan1990 = 100%2000 = 96%2007 = 92%A 13% drop since 1980A 13% drop since 1980

2. THE TOP 10% GET A LARGER SHARE.Share of National Income going to Top 10%:1950 = 35%1960 = 34%1970 = 34%1980 = 34% – Reagan1990 = 40%2000 = 47%2007 = 50% TO MAKE UP FOR THE LOSS.Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95% An increase of 16% since Reagan.

3. WORKERS COMPENSATED FOR THE LOSS OF INCOME BY SPENDING THEIR SAVINGS.The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.1950 = 6.0%1960 = 7.0%1970 = 8.5%1980 = 10.0% – Reagan1982 = 11.2% – Peak1990 = 7.0%2000 = 2.0%2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

4. Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95%A 45% increase after 1980.

5. SO THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICHEST AND THE POOREST HAS GROWN.Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%and the bottom 80%:1980 = 10%2003 = 56%A 5.6 times increase.

6. AND THE AMERICAN DREAM IS GONE.The Probabilityy of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:1945 = 12%1958 = 6%1990 = 3%2000 = 2%A 10% Decrease.Links:1 = = = Clipboard01.jpg (image)2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez | The White House3 = = = = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--June 6, 20135/6 =
Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider
See, when Reagan cut federal income taxes, congress cut state aid, and then states and localities raised THEIR taxes, which kill the nonrich. This doesn't even count DMV fees and all the other fees, which hit the nonrich much more...see registration fees that reach 500 dollars some places, etc etc etc etc...which would raise the nonrich's rates EVEN MORE. Next stop, Pub banana republic, dupes.

See, when Reagan cut federal income taxes, congress cut state aid

Congress cut state aid? Any data to back up this claim?

states and localities raised THEIR taxes, which kill the nonrich

States and localities don't tax the rich? Which ones?

This doesn't even count DMV fees and all the other fees, which hit the nonrich much more...see registration fees that reach 500 dollars some places,

That's awful! I heard that some mean rich people own 2 or 3 cars. Bastards!

Fiscal Federalism | Downsizing the Federal Government*Cached
SimilarBut every dollar of federal aid sent to the states is .... But as President Reagan
noted in a 1987 executive order: “It is ...
State-Federal Education Policy, Historical Essay, Reagan Years*Cached
SimilarFederal Education Policy and the States, 1945-2009 ... Reagan's top priority in
education was to scale back federal categorical aid programs-not only to save ...
Reagan's Legacy: Homelessness in America - National Housing ...
National Housing Institute
SimilarThe income gap between the rich and everyone else in America widened. ... By
the end of Reagan's term in office federal assistance to local governments was ...

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Sorry, didn't see your proof.
Cut and paste perhaps?

When one group triples their wealth AT LEAST under a tax system, and the country goes to hell,fix it.
The administration increased the already tight spending restrictions on Medicaid, the major program of medical assistance for the poor, which the federal government financed jointly with the states. It reduced federal subsidies for low-income housing, cut spending on food stamps, reduced federal aid to education and federal contributions to state governments, and placed new restrictions on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (the principal program of direct assistance to the poor). It also substantially reduced spending on government itself—forcing staff and service cuts in almost all departments and agencies. In some cases, the cutbacks eliminated the waste and inefficiency that Reagan argued was characteristic of many government programs. In other cases, they impaired the ability of agencies to function effectively and contributed to the growing popular belief that government could not be trusted to do anything well.

Read more: Domestic policy - Ronald Reagan - election

Oh, and raised defense spending 25 per cent, put in ''deregulation'' that led to the giant S and L BUBBLE/CRISIS/SCANDAL, tripled the deficit, and ruined the nonrich and the country.

Brilliant- Brag about cutting taxes while transferring costs to the non-rich- and proving gov't is the problem by screwing it up. Thank god for the brainwashing of the chumps...
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When one group triples their wealth AT LEAST under a tax system, and the country goes to hell,fix it.


Cutting taxes is a good thing.


If states and localities are spending more than they can afford, without Federal handouts, maybe they should cut their unaffordable spending?

When one group triples their wealth AT LEAST under a tax system,

It's awful when people make money.

and the country goes to hell,fix it.

Should we impeach him, or just wait until his term is over?
The administration increased the already tight spending restrictions on Medicaid, the major program of medical assistance for the poor, which the federal government financed jointly with the states. It reduced federal subsidies for low-income housing, cut spending on food stamps, reduced federal aid to education and federal contributions to state governments, and placed new restrictions on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (the principal program of direct assistance to the poor). It also substantially reduced spending on government itself—forcing staff and service cuts in almost all departments and agencies. In some cases, the cutbacks eliminated the waste and inefficiency that Reagan argued was characteristic of many government programs. In other cases, they impaired the ability of agencies to function effectively and contributed to the growing popular belief that government could not be trusted to do anything well.

Read more: Domestic policy - Ronald Reagan - election

Oh, and raised defense spending 25 per cent, put in ''deregulation'' that led to the giant S and L BUBBLE/CRISIS/SCANDAL, tripled the deficit, and ruined the nonrich and the country.

Brilliant- Brag about cutting taxes while transferring costs to the non-rich- and proving gov't is the problem by screwing it up. Thank god for the brainwashing of the chumps...

The administration increased the already tight spending restrictions on Medicaid, the major program of medical assistance for the poor, which the federal government financed jointly with the states. It reduced federal subsidies for low-income housing, cut spending on food stamps, reduced federal aid to education and federal contributions to state governments, and placed new restrictions on Aid to Families with Dependent Children

I agree, all those awful programs should be eliminated.
It's obvious the states can't afford them.
So how much did spending on those programs actually drop?
Show me the numbers.
It's because poor people spend more of their income on beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets than middle class people.
The idea is absurd. The most under-taxed segment of society is the bottom 40%. Those people get a free ride because there are more of them and they vote.

Or just maybe they are just paying their bills.

tapatalk post
10% flat tax or a 3% sales tax is all we need.... we shouldn't be taxed more to pay for government. Government needs to spend only what are taxes give them. Nothing more

tapatalk post
Insanity, hater dupes. And Reagan basically invented mass homelessness, as well as slowly ruining everything and everyone but greedy rich idiots scumbags...
It's like free trade, amnesty, no child left behind, Pubs reneged on the deal, refused to spend money on mental health followup, education and training, a good SS/ID card, more investment in education,respectively, infrastructure, or ANYTHING for that matter...selfish idiots...
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It's like free trade, amnesty, no child left behind, Pubs reneged on the deal, refused to spend money on mental health followup, education and training, a good SS/ID card, more investment in education,respectively, infrastructure, or ANYTHING for that matter...selfish idiots...

It's terrible what the Dem House did during Reagan's terms, isn't it?
Back when politicians thought elections meant something, and went along with the president's ideas and actually compromised...yes. But it's Reaganism that has failed totally and has ruined the country, and Newt's ruin of public discourse- talking points repeated ad nauseum, never saying a good thing about liberals or anything bad about fellow Republicans- led to the Pub Propaganda machine and the Pub dupe alternate ugly American planet...

leading to none of them knowing the rich pay the same in taxes as everyone else, that the deficit is falling like a rock, HELL THAT OBAMA HAD ONLY 6 MONTHS OF CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL, BUSH MADE THE MELTDOWN...INSANITY...see sig para 3- and they think Obama is the liar......chumps.
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Back when politicians thought elections meant something, and went along with the president's ideas and actually compromised...yes. But it's Reaganism that has failed totally and has ruined the country, and Newt's ruin of public discourse- talking points repeated ad nauseum, never saying a good thing about liberals or anything bad about fellow Republicans- led to the Pub Propaganda machine and the Pub dupe alternate ugly American planet...

leading to none of them knowing the rich pay the same in taxes as everyone else, that the deficit is falling like a rock, HELL THAT OBAMA HAD ONLY 6 MONTHS OF CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL, BUSH MADE THE MELTDOWN...INSANITY...see sig para 3- and they think Obama is the liar......chumps.

Team players don't call their fellow players "enemies," Franco. Not ever.

Not only that, but Obama's view is "My way or the highway."

Harry Reid still has 200 Republican jobs bills passed by the House sitting in his "ignore" file, and you're saying Republicans are blocking? Harry Reid is the guy blocking jobs bills. That's why "nothing is getting done."

What is it about new jobs legislation being finalized or blocked by the Senate Majority Leader (who presently is Harry Reid) that you do not understand?

Nobody's buying the calumnies you're selling.
It's like free trade, amnesty, no child left behind, Pubs reneged on the deal, refused to spend money on mental health followup, education and training, a good SS/ID card, more investment in education,respectively, infrastructure, or ANYTHING for that matter...selfish idiots...

It's terrible what the Dem House did during Reagan's terms, isn't it?
That's just different just is...:eusa_whistle:

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