Breaking: Formal Impeachment Charges To Be Introduced Tommorow Against Eric Holder


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I never thought it would happen but it is. He will be the first Attorney General in the history of the U.S. to have Impeachment charges formally brought against him. Holder has been a firewall so to speak protecting Obama and his unconstitutional acts since he became president. Of course Holder has been aided by the liberal media but once Holder is out of there, Obama will be extremely vunerable.

GOP Lawmakers Release Holder Articles of Impeachment | 218

House Republicans are tired of waiting for answers from Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. — they want him impeached and will formally introduce their charges Thursday.

Texas Republican Pete Olson, who is leading the charge behind the Holder articles of impeachment, said this wasn’t a decision he took lightly.

“Since the House voted in 2012 to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, the pattern of disregard for the rule of law and refusal to be forthright has continued,” Olson said in a statement to CQ Roll Call. “The American people deserve answers and accountability. If the Attorney General refuses to provide answers, then Congress must take action.”

Olson told CQ Roll Call that he would be dropping the articles of impeachment Thursday. On Wednesday, he released a five-page white paper explaining the four articles of impeachment against Holder.

Article I of the impeachment proceedings claims that Holder “engaged in a pattern of conduct incompatible with the trust and confidence placed in him” by refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for documents related to “a legitimate congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms that put thousands of illegally-purchased weapons into the hands of cartel leaders, ultimately resulting in the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on December 14, 2010.”

“The Justice Department deliberately withheld documents, preventing the Committee from performing its constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch,” the white paper said, noting that any person who “willfully makes default” of a congressional subpoena is in violation of federal law.
President Barack Obama exercised executive privilege over those documents, but that does not satisfy the group.

“Despite the President’s dubious claim of executive privilege, Attorney General Holder violated federal law by failing to turn over lawfully subpoenaed documents requested by Congress,” the section-by-section analysis of the impeachment proceedings claims.

Article II of the proceedings charges that Holder violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce certain laws that the Obama administration, for various reasons, decided not to enforce, including the Defense of Marriage Act, which the administration deemed unconstitutional.

“If the Administration wants to change the law, it should ask Congress to amend it. Only the Supreme Court can deem laws unconstitutional,” the white paper said. [...] Continued at link above
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I couldn't believe it, but yes, Politico, The Blaze, PJMedia and even MSNBC is reporting this.

YAAAYYYY! It is long past time that SOB was impeached.
Hold it! Is that all? What about the Black Panther Voting Rights Case being dismissed. He admitted that he sees that (Violation of) Voting Rights are for Black People only.
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Hold it! Is that all? What about the Black Panther Voting Rights Case being dismissed. He admitted that he sees that (Violation of) Voting Rights are for Black People only.
Yes that will be included. He will squeal like a pig and bring Obama down with him or he will just plead the 5th.
Unfortunately it will never make it out of the house, the commies will never give them a 2/3 majority to send it to the senate and the senate would never vote to convict. Even with this knowledge I agree to them filing the articles, it will be another BLACK mark on maobama's legacy.

QUE the lefties screaming racism.
This will work better with the general public than ultra sound wands.

Somebody is using his fucking head for a change.
with the health-care debacle going on, eric is more concerned over blacks voting in texas? its as if F&F never happened?
Looka, long past due... Holder's a crook. But it will never fly through the senate. Also, he's black, short of being caught in a murder on film... he gets a pass.
I am not sure there is anything to celebrate here.

For one thing all this political crap, valid or not, must make us look like fools in he world.

Second, if nothing comes of this then the Republicans in the House will once again look like they are doing nothing but playing politics which I hope they are not doing. I hope they already have the goods on him and are not just doing this to get the democrats to not vote to have him removed. That is bad politics in my opinion.

In the end if he is guilty as charged then both sides should be happy that justice is served, but I doubt that will be the case.
I am not sure there is anything to celebrate here.

For one thing all this political crap, valid or not, must make us look like fools in he world.

Second, if nothing comes of this then the Republicans in the House will once again look like they are doing nothing but playing politics which I hope they are not doing. I hope they already have the goods on him and are not just doing this to get the democrats to not vote to have him removed. That is bad politics in my opinion.

In the end if he is guilty as charged then both sides should be happy that justice is served, but I doubt that will be the case.
This is what will be filed tomorrow.


The Articles of Impeachment lay out four charges:

1.Refusal to comply with the subpoena issued by the Oversight Committee regarding Fast and Furious. This violates 2 U.S.C. 192

2.Failure to enforce DOMA, the Controlled Substances Act, and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. This violates the AG’s oath of office.

3.Refusal to prosecute the IRS officials involved in the targeting and disclosure of tax records to political donors. This violates Mr. Holder’s oath.

4.False testimony under oath before Congress in May 2013 about the Justice Department investigation of journalist James Rosen. This is a violation of 18 U.S.C. 1621.

We will have the FINAL language as soon as it is published.

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