Breaking: Formal Impeachment Charges To Be Introduced Tommorow Against Eric Holder

Alleged to be. Remember that impeachment is a political tool not a criminal one. The GOP do not have the votes in the House to send it to a Senate who would pee on it.

Seems like the charges are pretty cut and dry no witch hunt here. That is why you and the other polictical operatives don't argue the facts they insult and deflect knowing that the soulless democrats don't have the moral fiber to care about truth. So yes, you are right nothing will happen because democrats are soulless. But I respect the Republicans going through the motions someone, SOMEONE has to stand for truth.

Here is a definition I think you need:

noun: truth
1. the quality or state of being true.
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It doesn't matter what we think. The democrats proved without a doubt that party matters over truth when they let the proven liar Bill Clinton slide. Clinton wasn't impeached for a BJ in the Oval Office. He was impeached for lying under oath in a civil case depriving a woman of her civil rights. Sounds like high crime to me but not to soulless democrats. So I think this will go down the same way. The MSM will paint it like a witch hunt regardless of the evidence and political tools like we see on this board will say there is nothing to these charges. They sound serious to me but then again I thought Billy boy lying under oath was serious. Especially after he waged his finger in our collective faces and lied, lied and lied.

You don't quote very well - having trouble?

no comprende
It doesn't matter what we think. The democrats proved without a doubt that party matters over truth when they let the proven liar Bill Clinton slide. Clinton wasn't impeached for a BJ in the Oval Office. He was impeached for lying under oath in a civil case depriving a woman of her civil rights. Sounds like high crime to me but not to soulless democrats. So I think this will go down the same way. The MSM will paint it like a witch hunt regardless of the evidence and political tools like we see on this board will say there is nothing to these charges. They sound serious to me but then again I thought Billy boy lying under oath was serious. Especially after he waged his finger in our collective faces and lied, lied and lied.

You don't quote very well - having trouble?

no comprende

You're quote skills ... like your lie detector ... are on the fritz.
Remember, the man in the White House is a very well-groomed Chicago boy.
Versed in vice. This is destined to go nowhere. It's not what you know... you know the rest.
Calm down bitches. You're taking it up the ass for the next 4 years whether you like it or not.
Remember, the man in the White House is a very well-groomed Chicago boy.
Versed in vice. This is destined to go nowhere. It's not what you know... you know the rest.
Calm down bitches. You're taking it up the ass for the next 4 years whether you like it or not.

...could we at least get some lube?
Yawn, do Republicans ever get tired of introducing or blabbing about "impeachment." You know what, keep doing just proves what dunces they are.

In case you're not aware, and you don't seem to be, the AG is sworn to uphold the law -- not the President's agenda.
Oh, brother. Go ahead with this crap - the next government shut down looms ... no worries! This is more important.


Yes, because the nation's head law enforcement official breaking the law is so...trivial.
The GOP better be as transparent and forthcoming with everything they are trying to do against Holder so the American people will see it and understand it. Otherwise, it will just backfire on them like everything else has done.

^^^^ This. Republicans never get tired of chasing their tail, unfortunately the American people do.
On top of everything else that Fearless Leader is obliged to deal with at the moment, he doesn't need this kind of shit...

Which, of course, is exactly why this gaggle of Republicans is taking this approach...

Talk about turning-up the flame while the object of the exercise is already hopping from one foot to another in the frying pan...

I haven't thought-through the ethics of the thing yet, or whether it will end-up being a Good Thing or a Bad Thing, but it IS a master-stroke of Political Theater and ham-stringing, and timing...

The Democrats, and the Liberal Agenda at-large, are on thin ice at the moment, and methinks the ice is beginning to crack under their feet...

It's probably nowhere near as bad as this - yet - but, why do I have the gut-feeling that the Administration is only a couple of notches away from imploding?
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On top of everything else that Fearless Leader is obliged to deal with at the moment, he doesn't need this kind of shit...

Which, of course, is exactly why this gaggle of Republicans is taking this approach...

Talk about turning-up the flame while the object of the exercise is already hopping from one foot to another in the frying pan...

I haven't thought-through the ethics of the thing yet, or whether it will end-up being a Good Thing or a Bad Thing, but it IS a master-stroke of Political Theater and ham-stringing, and timing...

The Democrats, and the Liberal Agenda at-large, are on thin ice at the moment, and methinks the ice is beginning to crack under their feet...

It's probably nowhere near as bad as this - yet - but, why do I have the gut-feeling that the Administration is only a couple of notches away from imploding?

Me thinks you protest too much. I seriously doubt Obama will lose a minute of sleep over this. Holder, if this goes anywhere, will be loyal and take the fall. And it is not like Obama was doing all that much about anything.
This is another example of why Holder should go. Holder filed a disparate impact lawsuit against Dollar General claiming it was racist to run criminal background checks on applicants because criminal backgrounds checks disqualified too many young Black male applicants. The AG Office lost that case, but it shows the line of thinking the Left has when it comes racial issues.
A Republican congressional aide said the proposal is not expected to get a committee vote.

House Speaker John Boehner never called on holder to resign, despite calls from rank and file members of the House. It's also unlikely house GOP leaders would green light moving the legislation to the floor at a time when they are laser-focused on ripping Obamacare and just rebounded after the government shutdown.

Ring of House Republicans to call for impeachment of Holder ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Me thinks you protest too much. I seriously doubt Obama will lose a minute of sleep over this. Holder, if this goes anywhere, will be loyal and take the fall. And it is not like Obama was doing all that much about anything.

It's political theatre that will last one night then be closed.

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