Breaking!!! Fracking is ticking timebomb under property-owner's land

Any adults want to chime-in? Anyone?

Do you live in constant fear of electricity and natural gas Dottie? Won't walk under a powerline? Or over a gas main? Help us to help you live more confidentally and peacefully in an advanced society.. Tell us what you are afraid of...
NBC just moans about an excavator causing a pipeline rupture and explosion AS THO there WAS NOT a simple solution..


Really as simple as that. But I know what the problem is. Most excavator operators these days don't speak English. So these reminders should be posted in groceria and the tacorias in Spanish.

And then --- NBC mentions San Bruno. Where maintenance NEGLECT was the culprit. Maintenance neglect by a HIGHLY REGULATED public utility. Seems like if the folks that fix and repair stuff could dial phones and set priorities --- poor Dottie wouldn't have to live in constant fear of being blown up..
ignore =/= flooding my thread w/ zany retorts & ad homs Sport.
I think the Goble's opinion is subjective at best.

I thought I axed you to go fetch some more info. I call bullshit on the story.
Danger Beneath Fracking Gas Oil Pipes Threaten Rural Residents - NBC News
A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market -- pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

No longer just conjecture people :talktothehand:


Well i guess we might as well evacuate NYC then, because there are plenty of gas lines, under higher pressure, under alot of streets here.

Chicken little called, Dot Cum, he wants his "sky is falling" mantra back.

Not to mention NYC sits on almost nothing but empty space lol.
Danger Beneath Fracking Gas Oil Pipes Threaten Rural Residents - NBC News
A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market -- pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

No longer just conjecture people :talktothehand:


Well i guess we might as well evacuate NYC then, because there are plenty of gas lines, under higher pressure, under alot of streets here.

Chicken little called, Dot Cum, he wants his "sky is falling" mantra back.

Not to mention NYC sits on almost nothing but empty space lol.

What does empty space have to do with it? A gas line under open land is actually safer, no trucks, no constant digging next to it for other utilities. And the pipes are usually far newer, unlike NYC where we still have some wooden water mains in service.
After Times Beach, MO, Love Canal, NY, and Anniston, AL, the right wing still calls for the abolition of the USEPA. How much damage has to be done there or in Oak Ridge, TN, Donora, PA, or Calverton, NY before the right wing gets it?

Perhaps if some of the Conservatives who cannot smell a benzene spill, but certainly can smell a stack of hundred dollar bills, could invest in their residential property right here within he sight of a hazardous waste incinerator, the first commercial nuclear power plant in the country, an oil refinery and several cracked wells. I think their at rude is 80% profit over health and 20% not in my backyard. They are essentially armchair Capitalists devoid of risk and cheering for profit as if they are watching the Rose Bowl game.

You are conflating a lot of things here that an Enviro Engineer shouldn't be confused about. In the first paragraph, you list OakRidge and Calverton and then go after "money sniffers" and "dirty capitalists" in the 2nd paragraph. Oakridge is part of the FED GOVT severe problem at it's nuclear WEAPONS plants, like Savannah River and Hanford. The WORST nuclear pollution in the country is on the dirty hands of Uncle Sam -- not the power industry. And Calverton was part and parcel of the Military Industry as well.

Then you lump a "toxic waste incinerator", a commercial nuclear plant, and some fossil fuel sites together as tho ALL OF THOSE represent the same threat and the same "dirty capitalism".. Who was the spark that PUT a "toxic waste incinerator" in that vicinity? Was it a Fortune 500 company? Who signed off on that decision? Facts say, the nuclear plant shouldn't even be in your horror litany. (if it wasn't over 50 yrs old).

There is no pressing emergency for nuclear waste storage OUTSIDE of the Fed Govt irresponsible response to ITs OWN pollution. Same for military contractors and military bases and govt owned antique coal facilities in their TVA and other holdings.

It's a nice story that this is about greedy capitalists, till you actually prioritize and triage the response and mitigation..
I live within sight of the first nuclear power plant in the nation and in a town that has a hazardous waste incinerator. I have had projects remediating or assessing ALL those other sites.

My gripe is with those who believe that the USEAP shou8ld be eliminated and put all their unfounded trust in industry to police themselves. I have seen fracking disasters. Pipeline and processing plant explosions and leaks, water pollution and the earthquakes that tore through northeast Ohio.

And yet there is money to be made, industry propaganda to consume and ultimately believe due to the filter of partisan politics. And yes, there are denials of problems as a result. What a pity it is that partisanship trumps truth.
Danger Beneath Fracking Gas Oil Pipes Threaten Rural Residents - NBC News
A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market -- pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

No longer just conjecture people :talktothehand:


Well i guess we might as well evacuate NYC then, because there are plenty of gas lines, under higher pressure, under alot of streets here.

Chicken little called, Dot Cum, he wants his "sky is falling" mantra back.

I once had a gas line straight into my house! I kid you not!

I never realized how much danger I was in!

Something else I just learned: I have 20 gallons of a highly volatile hydrocarbon substance stored in my car!

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And the money, what there is of it, is paid to large land owners (65 acres and more). Individual homeowners like me get the quakes and fires, not the royalty checks.
Ahhh the truth comes out. No wonder you have an axe to grind. :lol:
The area I live in was ravaged by heavy industry for better than a century. I wonder why we have to get poisoned yet again. My degree is a B.S. In Environmental Engineering. I have performed site investigations, environmental site assessments and remediation since 1982.

Even if I was a royalty holder, I would still be deeply concerned about the environmental price of that money. Perhaps yup live in some pristine place, unsullied by toxic chemistry. Or or attitude is: what does the environment matter, I got mine! Or, more tragically, you think you live on a disposable planet.
some might have a change of heart but after how much damage has been done?

Not ALL Repubs are EPA-hating denier cultists US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What "damage" has fracking caused?
And the money, what there is of it, is paid to large land owners (65 acres and more). Individual homeowners like me get the quakes and fires, not the royalty checks.
Ahhh the truth comes out. No wonder you have an axe to grind. :lol:
The area I live in was ravaged by heavy industry for better than a century. I wonder why we have to get poisoned yet again. My degree is a B.S. In Environmental Engineering. I have performed site investigations, environmental site assessments and remediation since 1982.

Even if I was a royalty holder, I would still be deeply concerned about the environmental price of that money. Perhaps yup live in some pristine place, unsullied by toxic chemistry. Or or attitude is: what does the environment matter, I got mine! Or, more tragically, you think you live on a disposable planet.

Let me guess: you work for the government.
If anyone thinks, pipes, are a danger than they are obviously under - educated.

We ship gasoline and oil, by pipelines, for decades, all across our country.

Very few problems.

We understand, some people are of the stone age and are still fearful of the evil fire.
I live in the heart of the Marcellus Shale deposits and amidst fracking operations. I've already seen three earthquakes inextricably linked to injection wells the 'experts' use to dispose of that toxic water. I've seen two (2) explosions at pipeline sites and a gas terminal built in the past five years.

I am not in the stone age, but on the front lines of the fracking boom. Do not try to placate me with anecdotes as I am living in reality here.
Where's this at?
Columbiana county, Ohio. Right where Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio come together. The earthquakes are happening in Mahoning County, immediately to my north. The pipeline explosions are happening right here in Columbiana county in Damascus, Ohio and Hanoverton, Ohio.

I'm 30 miles from the City of Pittsburgh.

And the money, what there is of it, is paid to large land owners (65 acres and more). Individual homeowners like me get the quakes and fires, not the royalty checks.

Almost every single "pipeline explosion" is the result of someone digging in the ground with heavy equipment and tearing into one.

How many people have been killed or injured by earthquakes due to fracking?
The presence of a pressurized pipeline increases the risk of an accident in any given location regardless of whose fault an explostion might be. Obviously the pipeline represents income to some and low cost fuel for others. But even were it carrying manna from heaven, it still presents an increased danger to the public.
The presence of a pressurized pipeline increases the risk of an accident in any given location regardless of whose fault an explostion might be. Obviously the pipeline represents income to some and low cost fuel for others. But even were it carrying manna from heaven, it still presents an increased danger to the public.

If you think you're going to have an advanced industrial society with absolutely no risk, you're a certifiable idiot.

As I said previously, I once had a gas line straight into my house!
Danger Beneath Fracking Gas Oil Pipes Threaten Rural Residents - NBC News
A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market -- pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

No longer just conjecture people :talktothehand:


"Little or no safety oversight?"

Why is the Obama Administration ignoring this? Doesn't the Federal Government have a Dept. of Energy that's supposed to regulate this?

Clearly we should close all fraccing operations immediately so the subject can be subject to a few years of Federally subsidized "studies."
The presence of a pressurized pipeline increases the risk of an accident in any given location regardless of whose fault an explostion might be. Obviously the pipeline represents income to some and low cost fuel for others. But even were it carrying manna from heaven, it still presents an increased danger to the public.
I do have pressurized gas pipes running in my house, and so do all of my neighbors. What exactily is the concern?
The presence of a pressurized pipeline increases the risk of an accident in any given location regardless of whose fault an explostion might be. Obviously the pipeline represents income to some and low cost fuel for others. But even were it carrying manna from heaven, it still presents an increased danger to the public.
I do have pressurized gas pipes running in my house, and so do all of my neighbors. What exactily is the concern?

The only gas pipes that are of concern are the ones coming from wells created by fracking, don't ya know. Non-fracked gas is perfectly safe. <eyes rolling> :rolleyes:
I didn't say that, did I.

A pressurized pipe full of flammable gas is more of a risk than no pressurized pipe and no flammable gas. That's all I'm saying.

I've not read a great deal on fracking. I'm a fan of natural gas over petroleum as a fuel. Not my ultimate goal, but a step in the right direction. However, I understand fracking has a significant tendency to leak gas where you don't want it. That's about all I know. You guys have fun arguing about it.
I didn't say that, did I.

A pressurized pipe full of flammable gas is more of a risk than no pressurized pipe and no flammable gas. That's all I'm saying.

I've not read a great deal on fracking. I'm a fan of natural gas over petroleum as a fuel. Not my ultimate goal, but a step in the right direction. However, I understand fracking has a significant tendency to leak gas where you don't want it. That's about all I know. You guys have fun arguing about it.
Based on what? You state you haven't read a great deal on fracking and make a ludicrous statement. But I know that is who you are. You like fear mongering and posting lies.

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