BREAKING: Georgia State Lawmaker Moves to Impeach DA Fani Willis for Political Bias in Indictments Against President Trump

Did you miss the photos of the top secret documents taken on his office floor??

There was never a photo of any top secret documents on any floor. Covers are not documents. And anything which has been redacted isn’t evidence we can verify. You dolt.
Or his confession on the CNN Town Hall,
He made no confession. Wtf are you babbling about?
and other interviews wherein, he said he took the documents, and that he had every right to them. They're his.
Some were taken for him. Not necessarily anything classified. Especially since he had declassified documents going with him. Did you forget that lizard fart?

And who is the entity who decides which documents are Presidential documents? Hint. It ain’t the Archivist.
Biden returned the documents he found,
He didn’t find them. You moron. He took classified documents from the Senate. Unlike a President, the shot head Senator had no ability to declassify anything. Try to pay attention.
invited the FBI in to search all of his properties,
Bfd. There was zero chance of his ever being prosecuted by his own DOJ.
and cooperated fully with the DOJ.
Too little too late. Many many years too late.
Trump denied he had any documents,
He denied having classified documents.
and then returned a few of the documents,
He was in negotiations with the government. That much is true.
moved the rest of them to another location,
Allegedly. Not at all verified.
and lied and said he didn't have any more.
No he didn’t. His lawyers said so based upon information and belief. Even if they were wrong, that doesn’t mean they lied or that he had lied.
Lying, concealing, and engaging in a conspiracy with others to thwart the search requests, and retain the documents.
Reiterating your litany of bullshit doesn’t accomplish your goal of showing anything.
Not the same thing in the slightest, but nice try.
You’re dumber than Brandon. And that old fuckwit is brain dead.

Now, I ain't exactly positive....but fairly so.
Anyway, in my opinion the prolific poster 'Back Again' is really prolific poster 'EMH'.... but in mufti.
One guy posting with two avatars.

BackAgain = EMH.
EMH=Back Again.

Their verbal style, writing style, thought processes, conspiracy advocacies, and shrill histrionics.....all appear to be a two-for-one. A twofer.

You’re an idiot. I’m me. EMH is another member. And you’re just a gasbag.
And you determined yourself that your objective?

Don’t you see that is kind of recursive.

Probably not.
Not at all. Because it’s not.

It’s just factual. And face facts. Ours far too much of a dopey hack to grasp why.
Don’t you think the people need all the facts before making a decision on Election Day?
People decide on the basis of the information available to them.

Which means the Demotards are guilty of ELECTION INTERFERENCE every time they censor someone.
Just admit you’re butthurt she’s black. That’s your main problem. Because she’s black you think she’s going to be completely bias against Trump based on that alone. Hell it won’t even matter if she rules against any of the prosecution’s pre-trial requests. You’ll still whine at her mere existence.
Another retarded dimwit. ^^^

These leftards are NASTY human beings.

They're fucking disgusting.

They can't keep their noses out of other peoples' business.
Another retarded dimwit. ^^^

These leftards are NASTY human beings.

They're fucking disgusting.

They can't keep their noses out of other peoples' business.
lol you’re just confirming what I said was correct. You’re butthurt because you know I’m right.
Fani Willis, the daughter of a Black Panther
Gee, now there is a shock and a surprise! No doubt we will get a real legal expert there and not another far left social activist!

has been completely unethical from the beginning
That is a mild way of saying has contorted the law to the absolute breaking point of amateurish absurdity just begging to be stopped!

She even campaigned on having Trump arrested.
Gee, has any of these assholes indicting Trump so far NOT campaigned on getting Trump if elected? Meanwhile, his actual GUILT in anything at those times wasn't even ascertained! And STILL hasn't been! The leftwing party: drumhead trials of guilt followed by quick as possible tree lynchings-- you know-- defending democracy as usual. :smoke:

Guess they get their habits from all the years of lynching black men.

So it looks like State Sen Moore has taken the first steps towards impeaching that bloated communist POS DA Fani Willis.

The GOP better get their shit together and go after these sociopaths. Just because you don't like Trump, if you let these treasonous moonbats take him out, who is going to cover your ass when the moonbats come for you?

It damn sure won't be democrooks who suddenly found some integrity.


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