Breaking: Giant explosion in Syria measuring 2 on the Richter scale


The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
You need to educate yourself
How so?

The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
American Jews are as different from their Israeli cousins as some Detroit street cracky is to an Igbo villager.
So American Jews are against Israel?

The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
You need to educate yourself
How so?
Trump actually has been against the recent wars over the last couple of decades

The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
American Jews are as different from their Israeli cousins as some Detroit street cracky is to an Igbo villager.
So American Jews are against Israel?
If Democrats are against Trump, does that mean they are against America?

The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
You need to educate yourself
How so?
Trump actually has been against the recent wars over the last couple of decades

So he says. . .


The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
American Jews are as different from their Israeli cousins as some Detroit street cracky is to an Igbo villager.
So American Jews are against Israel?
You tell me. They are super liberal and vote Democrat in ratios that rival black Americans.

Then again, they don't have rockets raining down on their heads.

The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
You need to educate yourself
How so?
Trump actually has been against the recent wars over the last couple of decades
So he isn't an ally of Israel?
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
You need to educate yourself
How so?
Trump actually has been against the recent wars over the last couple of decades
So he isn't an ally of Israel?
You’re the one that called him a Warhawk, his opinion over last few several years has been opposite
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
You need to educate yourself
How so?
Trump actually has been against the recent wars over the last couple of decades
So he isn't an ally of Israel?
You’re the one that called him a Warhawk, his opinion over last few several years has been opposite

The Kennedy brothers were trying to force AZC (AIPAC) to be registered as a foreign agent, which it is, and still unregistered to this day! Then the silent battle over the zionist nuke program a Demona heated up... then the Kennedy's are murdered and nothing else is done to try and slow the zionist takeover of America! Good luck America, the zionist fangs run deep now! The globalists, Johnson and the CIA were complicit in it too!
How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
"In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing."
The DOJ Orders the American Zionist Council to Register as a Foreign Agent

So when Trump plays stupid about not releasing all the JFK files, wonder no more.
American Jews vote Democrat in ratios that rival blacks.
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
American Jews are as different from their Israeli cousins as some Detroit street cracky is to an Igbo villager.
So American Jews are against Israel?
If Democrats are against Trump, does that mean they are against America?
Trump is a huge war hawk and supporter of Israel. He must be trying to get their support.
You need to educate yourself
How so?
Trump actually has been against the recent wars over the last couple of decades
So he isn't an ally of Israel?
You’re the one that called him a Warhawk, his opinion over last few several years has been opposite
Is he an ally of Israel or not?
Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?

Syria and Israel are AT WAR RIGHT NOW------are you of the people
who did not see any reason for the USA to Declare war on Japan in
the 1940s?

No, I'm one of the people that saw how they were embarrassed, harassed and forced by the US into the position they were put into. Double standards are heinous and karma's a bitch.

We taught the Japanese Imperialism and war mongering. It should be no surprise that they struck out at Pearl Harbor when they felt threatened and embargoed.

"A Japanese diplomat put it as follows: "The West taught Japan poker, but after winning all the chips, declared the game immoral." And while it's true that the Western powers hadn't perpetrated anything along the lines of the Rape of Nanking, well, look up Congo Free State, and you'll find their hands were far from clean."
What Sparked Japan's Aggression During World War II?
WikiLeaks on Twitter

View attachment 190691

View attachment 190694


At around 3:40 PM Eastern US time, an utterly MASSIVE explosion took place at an Iranian base inside Syria. The photo above was taken from 5 kilometers (about 3 MILES) away, and well-into the explosion which "seemed to linger." There are now widespread BUT UNCORROBORATED rumors Israel used a Tactical Nuclear Bomb against the Iranian base.

View attachment 190695

Dam causing even a 2 means it shook the earth to some extent lol

Maybe it was all the WMD's that were sent to Syria by Saddam Hussain.

GWB vindicated?

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