Breaking: Giant explosion in Syria measuring 2 on the Richter scale

Not a nuke, an ammo dump.

Tonnes of high explosive. All in one place, usually bermed to contain an explosion. This directs the blast up and down resulting in both the impressive fireball and the siesmic reading.
Trump is getting through to allies in the region. "We will do our part, and you need to do yours". I imagine this is one such example.

U.S leadership is back in the region, the last 8 years+ (if you consider Iraq did as much harm as good for U.S relations in the region) have not been fruitful, and Russia in particular has a much bigger foothold there. This is apparently going to change.

Trump hasn’t done anything in Syria other than give Putin a free hand in the South allowing Assad to rain more death and destruction on innocents in the North.

His announcement that he was getting out of Syria emboldened Assad to use poison gas on his own people.

And Trump is still saying he’s getting out of Syria ASAP.
Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?
What gives Syria the right to make war on Israel and allow Iran to set us base in Syria to do the same?

On the one hand, I am not aware that Syria is making war on Israel. It seems to have it's hand full with it's internal problems.

OTH, you are absolutely correct, what Iran is doing IS despicable and should end, post haste. It's funding of Hezbollah and it's incursions with drones is clearly a provocation.
Trump is getting through to allies in the region. "We will do our part, and you need to do yours". I imagine this is one such example.

U.S leadership is back in the region, the last 8 years+ (if you consider Iraq did as much harm as good for U.S relations in the region) have not been fruitful, and Russia in particular has a much bigger foothold there. This is apparently going to change.

Trump hasn’t done anything in Syria other than give Putin a free hand in the South allowing Assad to rain more death and destruction on innocents in the North.

His announcement that he was getting out of Syria emboldened Assad to use poison gas on his own people.

And Trump is still saying he’s getting out of Syria ASAP.

There has been no proof of chemical weapons, one way or the other.
They let them do it to bomb Israel, when Israel just wants peace.our bases tend to keep peace in a region, until they are provoked.
Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?
What gives Syria the right to make war on Israel and allow Iran to set us base in Syria to do the same?

By that logic, what makes the right for the U.S.A to setup bases all over, and go to war in a lot of countries?

I guess America's able to do what they like, however.
Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?
Hilarious. You were OK with Obama going to war with Syria and Libya.


No I wasn't.

Why would you make such an ignorant statement?

Don't you pay attention?
I'm sure the Jews were behind it.

They'll get the blame regardless
On 18 April 2016, a unit of Free Syrian Army fighters of al-Shaitat and Shammar originally from Deir ez-Zor Governorate and the Hasakah Governorate.[12] calling themselves the Elite Forces declared themselves to be the armed wing of Syria's Tomorrow Movement and stressed Kurdish-Arab unity in Syria. The group claimed to have captured 3 villages from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant 60 kilometres north of Deir ez-Zor. The Syrian Democratic Forces welcomed the presence of the Elite Forces although the group is not officially allied with it.

Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?

Syrian Democratic Forces are claiming they did it.
I didn't know they had an air force. My bad.
Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?
Hilarious. You were OK with Obama going to war with Syria and Libya.


No I wasn't.

Why would you make such an ignorant statement?

Don't you pay attention?
I'm sure the Jews were behind it.

They'll get the blame regardless
Unless they create a melting put, a multicultural society that welcomes all in their society, foreigners, Christians, and Muslims, like America and Europe are being forced to do?

You bet they will get the blame.

As it stands, they refuse to and intend to try to keep their essentially Jewish character.

In America, we are under assault for trying to remain Christian in character. The same is true in England, France and Germany.

What about Israel?

Just sayin' I see a double standard promoted in the largely Jewish global press. I'm just calling out the truth the way I see it.

If something I am telling you bugs you, you have a problem with the truth, not me.

You do realize 20% of the population of Israel is Arabs, correct? They also have several Arab parties represented in the govt, as well.
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?
Hilarious. You were OK with Obama going to war with Syria and Libya.


No I wasn't.

Why would you make such an ignorant statement?

Don't you pay attention?
I'm sure the Jews were behind it.

They'll get the blame regardless
Unless they create a melting put, a multicultural society that welcomes all in their society, foreigners, Christians, and Muslims, like America and Europe are being forced to do?

You bet they will get the blame.

As it stands, they refuse to and intend to try to keep their essentially Jewish character.

In America, we are under assault for trying to remain Christian in character. The same is true in England, France and Germany.

What about Israel?

Just sayin' I see a double standard promoted in the largely Jewish global press. I'm just calling out the truth the way I see it.

If something I am telling you bugs you, you have a problem with the truth, not me.

You do realize 20% of the population of Israel is Arabs, correct? They also have several Arab parties represented in the govt, as well.
Hilarious. You were OK with Obama going to war with Syria and Libya.


No I wasn't.

Why would you make such an ignorant statement?

Don't you pay attention?
I'm sure the Jews were behind it.

They'll get the blame regardless
Unless they create a melting put, a multicultural society that welcomes all in their society, foreigners, Christians, and Muslims, like America and Europe are being forced to do?

You bet they will get the blame.

As it stands, they refuse to and intend to try to keep their essentially Jewish character.

In America, we are under assault for trying to remain Christian in character. The same is true in England, France and Germany.

What about Israel?

Just sayin' I see a double standard promoted in the largely Jewish global press. I'm just calling out the truth the way I see it.

If something I am telling you bugs you, you have a problem with the truth, not me.

Not only that, Arabs serve in the IDF and are elected in the Israeli parliament.

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