Breaking: Giant explosion in Syria measuring 2 on the Richter scale

Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?
Hilarious. You were OK with Obama going to war with Syria and Libya.


No I wasn't.

Why would you make such an ignorant statement?

Don't you pay attention?
I'm sure the Jews were behind it.

They'll get the blame regardless
Unless they create a melting put, a multicultural society that welcomes all in their society, foreigners, Christians, and Muslims, like America and Europe are being forced to do?

You bet they will get the blame.

As it stands, they refuse to and intend to try to keep their essentially Jewish character.

In America, we are under assault for trying to remain Christian in character. The same is true in England, France and Germany.

What about Israel?

Just sayin' I see a double standard promoted in the largely Jewish global press. I'm just calling out the truth the way I see it.

If something I am telling you bugs you, you have a problem with the truth, not me.


So the upshot is, we should get the hell out of the ME.
Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?

Syria and Israel are AT WAR RIGHT NOW------are you of the people
who did not see any reason for the USA to Declare war on Japan in
the 1940s?

No, I'm one of the people that saw how they were embarrassed, harassed and forced by the US into the position they were put into. Double standards are heinous and karma's a bitch.

We taught the Japanese Imperialism and war mongering. It should be no surprise that they struck out at Pearl Harbor when they felt threatened and embargoed.

"A Japanese diplomat put it as follows: "The West taught Japan poker, but after winning all the chips, declared the game immoral." And while it's true that the Western powers hadn't perpetrated anything along the lines of the Rape of Nanking, well, look up Congo Free State, and you'll find their hands were far from clean."
What Sparked Japan's Aggression During World War II?

quite a JOKE------<<< the usa taught japan imperialism >>> FACT!!! the entire
history of japan is MILITANT IMPERIALISM------learn some history
Ammo depot...
Let's say it was. . .

What gives Israel the right to make war on Syria?

Syria and Israel are AT WAR RIGHT NOW------are you of the people
who did not see any reason for the USA to Declare war on Japan in
the 1940s?

No, I'm one of the people that saw how they were embarrassed, harassed and forced by the US into the position they were put into. Double standards are heinous and karma's a bitch.

We taught the Japanese Imperialism and war mongering. It should be no surprise that they struck out at Pearl Harbor when they felt threatened and embargoed.

"A Japanese diplomat put it as follows: "The West taught Japan poker, but after winning all the chips, declared the game immoral." And while it's true that the Western powers hadn't perpetrated anything along the lines of the Rape of Nanking, well, look up Congo Free State, and you'll find their hands were far from clean."
What Sparked Japan's Aggression During World War II?

quite a JOKE------<<< the usa taught japan imperialism >>> FACT!!! the entire
history of japan is MILITANT IMPERIALISM------learn some history

You and I are working off different definitions of Imperialism.

You mean Imperial as in, of an militant Emperor. Of that, I have no quarrel. Japan went through quite a period w/o an emperor before it was restored and used as a context to pursue European style economic imperialism that it was taught a harsh lesson by America and Europe in the 19th century.

Disaster long lurked amid Japan's isolation | The Japan Times

I'd say MOAB but I don't believe IDF has a heavy bomber that will carry one......If it's a tactical nuke (no mushroom cloud) it's a game-changer. If I was betting I'd say it was a conventional weapon that hit a weapons depot or NG tanks.

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