Breaking: Google admits to censroing infowars Claims it will stop


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Breaking: Google Admits To Censoring Infowars, Claims It Will Stop

The vendor, hired by Google, uses contractors to rate the quality of websites in order to aid the search engineā€™s algorithm. Leaked photos showing the vendor targeting an Infowars article were originally posted online this week by independent journalist Mike Cernovich.


First amendment victory after search engine exposed................................................

This is one of those in your face ...... n moments where those who claimed censoring wasn't going on with Infowars & said " tin foil hat" that's not true, that is a conspiracy ................... hate to say we told you so but we TOLD YOU and it is not happening to just infowars either.

The censorship war has been heating up for a while now, but Googleā€™s latest attack signals the beginning of a new era where dissenting voices will not be tolerated.

Infowars Is First Target In Googleā€™s War Against Free Speech
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The Truth Behind Google, Facebook Censorship
Google, Facebook compete for ā€˜worldā€™s biggest censorā€™ mantle

While itā€™s being revealed that search engine giant Google has given its contractors directives to censor and de-list, itā€™s important to note that Google and Facebook have been trying to control and censor the Internet for years.

Just last week, Google rolled out its new ā€œfact checkingā€ feature, which uses ā€“ just like Facebook ā€“ left-leaning media outlets like and to combat ā€œfake news.ā€

ā€œEven though differing conclusions may be presented, we think itā€™s still helpful for people to understand the degree of consensus around a particular claim and have clear information on which sources agree,ā€ said Googleā€™s research scientist Cong Yu.

Facebook has also been trailblazing information suppression efforts on social media by burying conservative topics and ā€œinjectingā€ selected stories into the trending module that werenā€™t even popular, going against the companyā€™s claims that they simply show ā€œtopics that have recently become popular on Facebook.ā€

ā€œDepending on who was on shift, things would be blacklisted or trending,ā€ a former Facebook news curator told Gizmodo. ā€œIā€™d come on shift and Iā€™d discover that CPAC or Romney or Glenn Beck or popular conservative topics wouldnā€™t be trending because either the curator didnā€™t recognize the news topic or it was like they had a bias against Ted Cruz.ā€

ā€œI believe it had a chilling effect...............................................

The Truth Behind Google, Facebook Censorship
Ranking InfoWars as low quality content to clean up your search results isn't censorship, it is doing everyone a favor by decluttering useful info with InfoWars rubbish.
Good for Google and Facebook trying to tackle Fake News from Infowars...

Infowars have the right to lie but Google has the right to ignore you and brand you as liars to their customers...
Good for Google and Facebook trying to tackle Fake News from Infowars...

Infowars have the right to lie but Google has the right to ignore you and brand you as liars to their customers...

Wait until they come after yours that's going to be even more of a win. And they will get you and yours bank on it.
Alex Jones is running from what he says on-air as fast as his fat little feet will carry him. I wonder if the crazies who believe his crap have heard that he doesn't mean any of the goofy crap he says on-air. He's just playing a part to take their money.

In Travis County custody case, jury will search for real Alex Jones
At a recent pretrial hearing, attorney Randall Wilhite told state District Judge Orlinda Naranjo that using his client Alex Jonesā€™ on-air Infowars persona to evaluate Alex Jones as a father would be like judging Jack Nicholson in a custody dispute based on his performance as the Joker in ā€œBatman.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s playing a character,ā€ Wilhite said of Jones. ā€œHe is a performance artist.ā€
Alex jones is a fucking loon...This guys a enemy of the united states.

Piece of shit.
Alex jones is a fucking loon...This guys a enemy of the united states.

Piece of shit.

The only reason he is being discussed is because he is the goto guy for right wing crazies, and of course Trump. Will his true believers remain true believers while they watch him disavow all that crazy to the court in his custody case?
Wait until they come after yours that's going to be even more of a win. And they will get you and yours bank on it.
From the tin-hatter playback, we'd like to present... someday "they" are coming for you.

Do you have all the standard conspiracy theory rhetoric hot-keyed on your computer to save time typing?
I don't care what anyone is saying on the web, I believe in the first, which means freedom for all speech, even that which offends me.

Google's off my list because of this - not that I'm a fan of Infowars, but rather because /I/ will determine what sources I wish to read/believe for myself, thanks.
I believe in the first, which means freedom for all speech
Congrats, you don't even understand the 1st Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

Google isn't the government. They own their servers and search algorithms, and are free to include/exclude whatever content they want from their product. When congress passes laws prohibiting InfoWars from publishing heir content on their own site we'll let you know, until then this has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment.
I didn't say they couldn't do it now did I?

I said they were off my list for this - that's called consumer choice.
Google Admits Cernovich Had Another Scoop, Agrees to Stop Censoring InfoWars, Cernovich Accepts Apologies
Cernovich forgives his haters

Google will not remove InfoWars from its search engine results, Maxwell Tani of Business Insider reports:

Google said Monday that a vendor mistakenly told staffers working for the search engine that InfoWars should be ranked as a low-quality site.

The prominent right-wing websiteā€Šā€”ā€Šwhich has been known to stoke conspiracy theoriesā€Šā€”ā€Šblasted Google on Monday after pro-Trump media personality Mike Cernovich shared screenshots that showed a Google contractor saying InfoWars should be rated as a ā€œlow-to-mediumā€ reliable site since its stories are ā€œoften debunked.ā€

Yeah Google just knows if it doesn't back off they will have to reveal more of what they are doing that is way crooked. If it went to Court they'd have to tell all.
WASHINGTON, D.C. ā€“ ā€œUnder Obama, Google was untouchable,ā€ Michael Savage told, answering the question whether he thought it was possible President Trump might appoint a head to the Federal Trade Commission willing to bring anti-trust action against Google for censoring conservatives on the Internet.
Savage: Trump Wonā€™t Roll Over For Google, Unlike Obama
Google pulled Obama's strings

That's what a President does when he won't kiss the asses of the Elites trying to dictate what types of information gets put out onto the internet for news sources.

Like the idiots who believe this " Who is the real Alex Jones" bs.... You must have a brain the size of a pea if you can't figure it out how the media wants to tear someone a part they put out FALSE INFORMATION to try and STEER people away from that source, JUST LIKE THEY ARE DOING TO TRUMP., DRUDGE, BREITBART ................... Milo...on and on when you are not the one who kisses the democratic, liberal retard way of thinking

The only reason he is being discussed is because he is the goto guy for right wing crazies, and of course Trump. Will his true believers remain true believers while they watch him disavow all that crazy to the court in his custody case?
I don't follow Alex Jones but I do know certain things he has said in the past that have turned out to be true, he has made predictions that have come to pass he called out Rice months ago before she showed her ugly unmasking lying face. He said Trump would win the presidency a year before the election. In other words Alex has a better accuracy record than the lame stream media.
Maybe you could get smarter if you watched his channel.


My WHAT is an idiot?

How many more threads on this same subject will you be posting?

Why put them in "Current Events" when they're clearly aimed at very stupid conspiracy nutters?

What is it that drumpf will do to Google? I mean, surely you are aware that he and the other RWNJs still want to control what you see on line.

Why are you against free speech?
Not sure why you need to create three threads on the same topic. Merged

My WHAT is an idiot?

How many more threads on this same subject will you be posting?

Why put them in "Current Events" when they're clearly aimed at very stupid conspiracy nutters?

What is it that drumpf will do to Google? I mean, surely you are aware that he and the other RWNJs still want to control what you see on line.

Why are you against free speech?

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