Breaking: Hillary Has To Be Helped Climbing Up Stairs At Temple University Campaign Rally

Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... she on her last legs...

... got one foot onna banana...

... anna other onna grave...

... won't last till the election."
No wonder....looks like she has a ton of IV bags strapped to her under that moo moo....:lol:
Wow...that's pathetic. :laugh:

Thousands came out to see Trump at the Germain Arena today. The place was packed! lol :up:
Looks like the guy could have just been acting like a gentleman. She doesn't really seem to be struggling..
Wow. She can barely navigate at all without assistance. Take a look at the photos at the link. Particularly, the second photo where Hillary is being helped up the stairs. The sad faces of the few in the audience look like they are attending a funeral and not a presidential campaign rally.

Hillary Holds Small Rally at Temple=> Is Helped Up the Stairs

It's obvious that what Hillary needs is a Sedan Chair, then her handlers can just carry her about in that.

A Sedan Chair.


Obama can have one also to carry him to the Bath House.

Tits very easy to sit on your ass and answer a telephone poll to say you're voting for Hillary to inflate the polls in favor of her. Quite another to get out to actually cast your vote. Hillary can't bring in more than a couple 100 people to watch her while Trump supporters can't all make it into th venue. Why should Hillary supporters on the phones stand in lines to vote?

Remember the last time when a Democrat administration followed another? I can't either.
Actually, I think she does. She is looking down watching her step. If she has arthritis I feel sorry for her, but she needs to tell the truth.
Looks like the guy could have just been acting like a gentleman. She doesn't really seem to be struggling..

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