Breaking! Hillary Might Contest The 2016 Election Results

Contest it based on what? Her 'popularity contest win'? :p

She's just running her mouth, desperate to continue to generate attention and temain 'relevant'.

Hillary has been rendered 'irrelevant', and it's driving her mad.
Why should Hillary do Trump any favors by dropping this inquiry? He keeps invoking her name everyday and as of this weekend re-Tweeted that silly picture of him hitting her with a golf ball! He's probably the most graceless winner of all time! If he had lost, WE ALL know he would have dragged it out b!tching about how he lost! He had already revealed his hand early on when he thought he was going to lose the race so "cry me a fuk'n river!" :9: :blahblah: :dunno: :finger3:

The right remains obsessed with Clinton, see the number of threads. Put her on IGNORE.
I guarantee you, that if the stupid fucking HAG would just STFU and GO AWAY, you wouldn't see threads about her anymore.

SHE is the reason there's threads about her, not the board.
Contest it based on what? Her 'popularity contest win'? :p

She's just running her mouth, desperate to continue to generate attention and temain 'relevant'.

Hillary has been rendered 'irrelevant', and it's driving her mad.

She can't admit to herself that she just sucked as a candidate. This is not the first time she lost, Obama whooped her ass also. She's a two time loser and lets not forget, when it was mathematically clear she could not win the Dem primary she refused to concede all the way to the Dem convention. Her sore loser act is nothing new.
Why should Hillary do Trump any favors by dropping this inquiry? He keeps invoking her name everyday and as of this weekend re-Tweeted that silly picture of him hitting her with a golf ball! He's probably the most graceless winner of all time! If he had lost, WE ALL know he would have dragged it out b!tching about how he lost! He had already revealed his hand early on when he thought he was going to lose the race so "cry me a fuk'n river!" :9: :blahblah: :dunno: :finger3:

The right remains obsessed with Clinton, see the number of threads. Put her on IGNORE.
I guarantee you, that if the stupid fucking HAG would just STFU and GO AWAY, you wouldn't see threads about her anymore.

SHE is the reason there's threads about her, not the board.
/----/ Contest Hillary Contest
So much for Hillary showing a little class. She played the sore loser card on Obama in 2008 as well, refusing to concede the primary.
Crawl back in your hole you old hag, that woman will not go away. She's like old fart lingering in an elevator, stinks and will not go away.:bs1:
Why should Hillary do Trump any favors by dropping this inquiry? He keeps invoking her name everyday and as of this weekend re-Tweeted that silly picture of him hitting her with a golf ball! He's probably the most graceless winner of all time! If he had lost, WE ALL know he would have dragged it out b!tching about how he lost! He had already revealed his hand early on when he thought he was going to lose the race so "cry me a fuk'n river!" :9: :blahblah: :dunno: :finger3:

The right remains obsessed with Clinton, see the number of threads. Put her on IGNORE.
I guarantee you, that if the stupid fucking HAG would just STFU and GO AWAY, you wouldn't see threads about her anymore.

SHE is the reason there's threads about her, not the board.

Well everyone knows that's BULLSH!T! Republicans bring up the Clintons like clockwork! She did disappear after the election & they continued to invoke Hillary's name at every opportunity! Spare me! :9: :argue: :blahblah:
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Sure are a whooooooole lot o' shrilary donors taking part in that there "investigation", sport. Funny how you didn't bother to mention that fact.

They all contributed relatively small amounts, such as the latest addition contributed $750

Yeah? So? How much did they contribute to trump? If they donated nothing I see a conflict of interest. Funny how that works.
Treason is the reason for the democratic party. Calls for violent or non-violent overthrow of the United States Government are a huge part of what democrats do on a daily basis. Now Hillary Clinton has finally joined in in outright treason;

But in the event something significant ends up being revealed on the Russian interference front, Hillary Clinton isn’t ruling out challenging the legitimacy of the election.

“No, I wouldn't rule it out,” she said in an interview with NPR.

She was unsure about she would go about doing that, however.

“I don't know if there's any legal, constitutional way to do that,” Clinton added. “I think you can raise questions.”}

Clinton Isn't Ruling Out Questioning Legitimacy of Election

So wait, the losing candidate acknowledges that there is no legal or constitutional way to seize power, but is open to giving it a shot anyway?

Unsurprising given that the democrats are in fact waging war on the Nation.
She knew how the game is played and lost. If something like you wrote were to happen the reality is Clinton would not become the future dictator...

She is delusional like the majority of her voters...
Hillary just lost a shoe in election to Donald Trump ... not sure anyone would follow her revolution outside of an army of Pajama Boys.
Why should Hillary do Trump any favors by dropping this inquiry? He keeps invoking her name everyday and as of this weekend re-Tweeted that silly picture of him hitting her with a golf ball! He's probably the most graceless winner of all time! If he had lost, WE ALL know he would have dragged it out b!tching about how he lost! He had already revealed his hand early on when he thought he was going to lose the race so "cry me a fuk'n river!" :9: :blahblah: :dunno: :finger3:

The right remains obsessed with Clinton, see the number of threads. Put her on IGNORE.
I guarantee you, that if the stupid fucking HAG would just STFU and GO AWAY, you wouldn't see threads about her anymore.

SHE is the reason there's threads about her, not the board.

Well everyone knows that's BULLSH!T! Republicans bring up the Clintons like clockwork! She did disappear after the election & they continued to invoke Hillary's name at every opportunity! Spare me!
Sorry, dumbass, but NO, EVERYONE doesn't know that.

Even the DEMOCRATS want her to STFU and GO AWAY.

So get a clue, or you might as well STFU and go away too, the board has enough dumbasses lying through their teeth already.
What cracks me up is that leftards will never talk about the contents of the leaked e-mails by Seth Rich to Julian Assange.
What the Hildebeast doesn't even know is that we are a REPUBLIC!!! Not a fucking democracy.......stupid bitch.
It's so rich how Clinton LIED AS USUAL to the American people, when she ridiculed Trump for not saying he'd accept the election results. Then she went on to say how un-American Trump's opinion was, yadda yadda yadda. And then she went on to make-up 101 excuses why she lost, none of which were her fault.
Children's tantrums when they lose are less dramatic that this psycho bitch.


Children's tantrums when they lose are less dramatic that this psycho bitch.

The crazy skank is an absolute joke...

Hillary Clinton blame list - FORTY-ONE and counting | Daily Mail Online
I wonder if any of her friends or family have told her to stfu because she is embarrassing them.
It's unreal how far she's willing to humiliate herself over this shit.

Contest it based on what? Her 'popularity contest win'? :p

She's just running her mouth, desperate to continue to generate attention and temain 'relevant'.

Hillary has been rendered 'irrelevant', and it's driving her mad.

Once AGAIN for the S L O W readers....

There is no "contest" question. Clinton never said that, nor did the article -- the OP lied through his gums.

We established this yesterday.

This is how fake news germinates. It's not the Steve McRacists coming up with fake thread titles --- that's always been there. It's you fucking Gullibles always ready to swallow whole just because it feels good, and to hell with the ingredient label.

NOT EVEN the Hateway Plunder page said "contest". But here y'all are opening wide for Steve McRacist of all creatures, and can't be bothered to take two minutes to vet the source..


Three million Amish agree with me too.
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