Breaking! Hillary Might Contest The 2016 Election Results

Well, she ain't your President.

Deal with it. ;)

She ain't been charged with any of your made up crimes. Deal with it.

stop quoting me ok? we are done
If you don't want to be quoted, don't post.

....? huh??????

and who threw you peanuts????? :laugh:
You know everyone can see these topics, right?

Noooooo......really???????????? :laugh:

Why, Einstein?
at this point,,,,Hillary is only qualified to work as a clown,,,,you know,,,the clown u throw baseballs at until you nail her in the forehead and she falls into a small swimming pool
Hillary's book tour is the gift that keeps on giving. Apparently her arrogant ego won't let her quietly retire so the Democratic party can recover after getting its ass kicked by Trump.
is Hillary aware that up to 5 or 6 million people who voted are illegal?
I guess you haven't heard. The verdict is in and its official. Trump lied again. There weren't 3-6 million undocumented workers that voted.
Another deplorable that has no idea what's happening.
Hillary Clinton said Monday she wouldn’t rule out challenging the results of the 2016 presidential election but said she doubted the legality of such a move.
"I don't know if there's any legal constitutional way to do that,” Clinton told NPR’s Terry Gross in an interview that aired Monday afternoon.
Clinton later said there have been “scholars” and “academics” who argue challenging the results would be possible - but Clinton herself dismissed the idea.

“I just don’t think we have a mechanism,” she said.
The Hilderbeast needs to move permently into the woods and stay out of the public eye for the rest of her life.
I voted for her myself, but, given the amount of time that has passed since the November 8, 2016 election...

The old bat needs to fade into the background, sell her books to those foolish enough to want to buy one, and drift into an honorable, restful retirement.

She's yesterdays's news, and this is the present day... time for her (and we) to move on.
Hillary Clinton said Monday she wouldn’t rule out challenging the results of the 2016 presidential election but said she doubted the legality of such a move.
"I don't know if there's any legal constitutional way to do that,” Clinton told NPR’s Terry Gross in an interview that aired Monday afternoon.
Clinton later said there have been “scholars” and “academics” who argue challenging the results would be possible - but Clinton herself dismissed the idea.

“I just don’t think we have a mechanism,” she said.
/----/ I hope she contests and drags the DemocRATS right through the 2020 elections
".....she doubted the legality of the move" Exactly. Far too late, and I object to any such an attempt.

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