Breaking! Hillary Might Contest The 2016 Election Results

If it is TRUE, and proven to be true that Trump and his team cheated by working with a Foreign government power to influence the election and broke the law doing such, and there was a constitutional method to right the wrong, then it should and must, be done....we are a Nation of laws, and we don't let CHEATERS win an election, we kick them out and the runner up, replaces them....

That's what is moral, ethical and just.

However, there are a lot of if's in there..if it was proven to be true...
If it were criminal...if it was cheating.... if there was a legal, constitutional means for removal.....

And Pence would become President(.)
I'm not certain on that part due to the way we have vice-presidents on the same ticket as the alleged cheater was on, that he would be a legitimate President? Pence would not be vice president if the Trump campaign had not allegedly cheated in the first place...would he?

When vice presidents were on a separate ticket, like in the founder's time and were voted on by the people, then without a doubt it would be as you say....

I think with this case, it would or could be a constitutional crisis and no one would really know what to do.....because this has never been tested before,,,there is no precedence that I am aware of....?

If Pence were unaware of illegal activities, the USSC would probably allow him to step in. I read this on reliable sites, so Gateway did not fabricate this; I find Gateway a bit more reliable that InfoCaca.
When vice presidents were on a separate ticket, like in the founder's time and were voted on by the people, then without a doubt it would be as you say....

I think with this case, it would or could be a constitutional crisis and no one would really know what to do.....because this has never been tested before,,,there is no precedence that I am aware of....?

As I said, the method of remedy would have to be by impeachment. They could impeach both the president and the vice president at the same time. They would probably join the trials into a single trial, since they're based on the same set of facts, and evidence.

But as before, if removed, the job then goes to the speaker of the house, president pro-tem of the senate and the member of the cabinet. There is no way to reverse the election.
Sad? Funny? Pathetic?

What can one say....

Poor woman :cuckoo:

I was searching to see if I could find anything in our History on this...

and I came across this situation....which does not relate to the situation we are talking about, that I am aware....

but man oh man, what a contentious election!!! Also, NOTE that the independent candidates both received many electoral votes, but the way ur parties changed our electoral system to favor the two parties, even though our independent candidates received over ten million votes, they received no electoral votes in the 2016 election.

, the political parties, have truly messed up the electoral process!

Presidential election decided in the House - Feb 09, 1825 -

Presidential election decided in the House

As no presidential candidate received a majority of electoral votes in the election of 1824, the U.S. House of Representatives votes to elect John Quincy Adams, who won fewer votes than Andrew Jackson in the popular election, as president of the United States. Adams was the son of John Adams, the second president of the United States.

In the 1824 election, 131 electoral votes, just over half of the 261 total, were necessary to elect a candidate president. Although it had no bearing on the outcome of the election, popular votes were counted for the first time in this election. On December 1, 1824, the results were announced. Andrew Jackson of Tennessee won 99 electoral and 153,544 popular votes; John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts received 84 electoral and 108,740 popular votes; Secretary of State William H. Crawford, who had suffered a stroke before the election, received 41 electoral votes; and Representative Henry Clay of Kentucky won 37 electoral votes.

As dictated by the U.S. Constitution, the presidential election was then turned over to the House of Representatives. The 12th Amendment states that if no electoral majority is won, only the three candidates who receive the most popular votes will be considered in the House.

Representative Henry Clay, who was disqualified from the House vote as a fourth-place candidate, agreed to use his influence to have John Quincy Adams elected. Clay and Adams were both members of a loose coalition in Congress that by 1828 became known as the National Republicans, while Jackson’s supporters were later organized into the Democratic Party.

Thanks to Clay’s backing, on February 9, 1825, the House elected Adams as president of the United States. When Adams then appointed Clay to the top Cabinet post of secretary of state, Jackson and his supporters derided the appointment as the fulfillment of a corrupt bargain.

With little popular support, Adams’ time in the White House was for the most part ineffectual, and the so-called Corrupt Bargain continued to haunt his administration. In 1828, he was defeated in his reelection bid by Andrew Jackson, who received more than twice as many electoral votes than Adams.
You mean like Trumps tax returns?

I mean things like Vince Foster's murder or the Clinton Foundation or the lost e mails.....

Well those other things have been investigated to the nth degree, and as republicans would say, resulted in a nothing burger.

Trumps taxes are being looked at for criminality for the first time.
I hope she does! Maybe this will wake her up to the reality she lost to silent White majority.


From Jake Tapper (A Jew)

Bitter Hillary: 'I Wouldn't Rule Out' Challenging Legitimacy of 2016 Election

You just making my day, Jack! I sure hope she tries that, though I know its a moot point, she already CONCEDED the election to Trump last Nov. 8th!

Hillery is like a WEED that no matter how many times you pull it, stomp it or spray it with killer, it just keeps growing back, uglier than the last time.

I hope she does! Maybe this will wake her up to the reality she lost to silent White majority.


From Jake Tapper (A Jew)

Bitter Hillary: 'I Wouldn't Rule Out' Challenging Legitimacy of 2016 Election

You just making my day, Jack! I sure hope she tries that, though I know its a moot point, she already CONCEDED the election to Trump last Nov. 8th!

Hillery is like a WEED that no matter how many times you pull it, stomp it or spray it with killer, it just keeps growing back, uglier than the last time.

Except she didn't say that and the thread title is bullshit.

Again, not only "consider the source" but consider the source's source. And break a sweat to actually read it.
I read it she said she has NOT ruled out contesting the election.

Did she now.

Quote it.

Fun fact: No form of the word "contest" appears anywhere in Clinton's quotes, or the interviewer's. Matter of fact it doesn't appear anywhere on the page at all. Not even in the headline.

McRacist made it up.

Prove me wrong.

Still looking huh?

Let me make it easier in a few simple steps. Instead of poring laboriously over every word on the page ---

  1. Press "Control -F"
  2. In the search bar type "contest"
  3. Observe the words "phrase not found"
  4. Have a good cry
  5. Come back to the board and admit you were wrong and that
  6. The OP is a lying bag of smegma

Hope this helps :eusa_angel:
OMG! Hillary is becoming like a song you hate that keeps playing in your head and you can't get rid of it.

If you are tired of Hillary, stop reading and listening to every story about her. It's not that hard.

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