Breaking: Holder to be investigated for Perjury

Having said that, I hope he did, and I hope he goes to jail.
Any chance of that happening went by the wayside when Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon thereby establishing an equivalent to the Divine Right of Kings common to the feudal nobility. The present situation in our government is officials who belong to the Executive nobility are immune to punishment.

Holder perjured himself it is so obvious that even liberals want him to resign. When Keith Olberman says it's time to go there is trouble in la la land.
Holder perjured himself it is so obvious that even liberals want him to resign. When Keith Olberman says it's time to go there is trouble in la la land.

And when Bob Dole says the Republican party needs repair, it means there's trouble in Ra Ra land, right?
Holder perjured himself it is so obvious that even liberals want him to resign. When Keith Olberman says it's time to go there is trouble in la la land.

And when Bob Dole says the Republican party needs repair, it means there's trouble in Ra Ra land, right?



It's just Bob Dole being Bob Dole.

AND lest we forget Bob Dole's wit and wisdom from the past....

Think I'll win. Could be big.
Bob Dole

The internet is a great way to get on the net.
Bob Dole

Elizabeth's back at the red cross, and I'm walking the dog.
Bob Dole

I don't know how many people run for vice president and president and lose both.
Bob Dole

I love Bob Dole. :eusa_angel:
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The panel is looking at a statement Holder made during a back and forth with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) about whether the DOJ could prosecute reporters under the Espionage Act of 1917.
PLEASE. You can't accuse someone of perjury because of a stated opinion.

Jesus, these whackos just don't go away, do they?


Another GOP hearing, another partisan witch-hunt.
The panel is looking at a statement Holder made during a back and forth with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) about whether the DOJ could prosecute reporters under the Espionage Act of 1917.
PLEASE. You can't accuse someone of perjury because of a stated opinion.

Jesus, these whackos just don't go away, do they?


Another GOP hearing, another partisan witch-hunt.

Oh STFU... where there is smoke, there is fire...

and the room is FUCKING FULL OF SMOKE you idiot trolls!!

The chickens are coming home to rrrrrooooost..! :clap2:

Investigations into perjury is an old Dem legal tactic. Fitzgerald was their main man for some key cases including Martha and Scooter. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....

I don't even want to hear one lib scream about a witch hunt. :lol:

Fitzgerald's prosecution against Lewis "Scooter" Libby attracted criticism.

On August 28, 2006, Christopher Hitchens asserted that Richard Armitage was the primary source of the Valerie Plame leak and that Fitzgerald knew this at the beginning of his investigation.

A month later Armitage claimed that Fitzgerald had instructed him not to go public with this information.

Investor's Business Daily ran an editorial, which stated: "From top to bottom, this has been one of the most disgraceful abuses of prosecutorial power in this country's history... The Plame case proves [Fitzgerald] can bend the truth with the proficiency of the slickest of pols.

Patrick Fitzgerald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Life is getting really hot inside the Beltway.

I'm trying to get a link to the Hill. Here we go.

House Judiciary investigating whether Holder lied under oath
By Jonathan Easley - 05/28/13 12:03 PM ET

The House Judiciary Committee is investigating whether Attorney General Eric Holder lied under oath during his May 15 testimony on the Justice Department’s (DOJ) surveillance of reporters, an aide close to the matter told The Hill.

The panel is looking at a statement Holder made during a back and forth with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) about whether the DOJ could prosecute reporters under the Espionage Act of 1917.

House Judiciary investigating whether Holder lied under oath - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

This is really getting some attention. And even the unions want out of The Affordable Heath Care Act ......:rofl:

Holder broke the law and now it has been "noticed by aides" that he is showing personal remorse...:lmao: :lmao: Ya think?!?!??!!??!!?!? :cuckoo:
Well, you can't lie under oath....

No, you can't lie under oath. I can't lie under oath. Most mortals cannot lie under oath. Holder,, are an entirely different cat. Oaths are for the little people.

He's an experianced lawyer, he knows the tricks on how to lie under oath without technically perjuring himself.



He will not be prosecuted. He will claim the "I didn't remember....clause" As well as he can say.."I was referring to actual prosecutions, which there were none.
I am astounded by Obama still propping up this guy. Amazing.

It's getting dicey for Obama over Holder. IMHO that bus is coming down the road for the AG.

I just saw a headline that read " Axelrod: DOJ’s Fox probe ‘disturbing’".

They're playing "gotcha". Along with being on a fishing expedition.

It's not going to work.

Agree....This Obama regime is way too slick to let anything stick to them.
It's getting dicey for Obama over Holder. IMHO that bus is coming down the road for the AG.

I just saw a headline that read " Axelrod: DOJ’s Fox probe ‘disturbing’".

They're playing "gotcha". Along with being on a fishing expedition.

It's not going to work.

Agree....This Obama regime is way too slick to let anything stick to them.

If there were some GOP members with balls attached to their "members" this would be a cake walk... the improprieties are so blatant.

What ever happened to the "most transparent administration in history"?

Wait... I guess I have seen right thru them from the very start. So maybe Obama wasnt lying after all...
They're playing "gotcha". Along with being on a fishing expedition.

It's not going to work.

Agree....This Obama regime is way too slick to let anything stick to them.

If there were some GOP members with balls attached to their "members" this would be a cake walk... the improprieties are so blatant.

What ever happened to the "most transparent administration in history"?

Wait... I guess I have seen right thru them from the very start. So maybe Obama wasnt lying after all...

They are transparent. They do what they do and don't care who sees them or who knows they're doing it. They hold themselves above the law and fie on any of us who object.

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