Breaking: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner In IRS Scandel

Tea Party political groups wanted to claim tax breaks because they weren't political.

That's the punchline to this whole fake scandal.

Louis admitted she fast tracked it and used key words like Tea Party...


Well if a group wants non-political status and they identify themselves in some way associated with the 'hot' political movement of the times, which the Tea Party was,

don't you think 'Tea Party' might be relevant key words?

You shouldn't have to even point that out. It goes without saying.
The question is whether her actions and that of some others in the IRS illegal or just unethical. And provable in a court of law. I do believe that there are many in this country who no longer believe justice is blind, the rich or politically connected can get away with things that an ordinary schmuck can't. I think we all pretty much know that injustice can't be totally eliminated, but that doesn't mean a substantial effort shouldn't be made to go after those who have enriched themselves at the expense of others or those in gov't who have betrayed the public trust.
The question is

There is no question. It's been investigated. It's done.

Bullshit. Investigated by the Dems, and Obama came out and told us there was not a smidgen of evidence to suggest wrongdoing before it was over? It ain't done yet, nor should it be.
The question is whether her actions and that of some others in the IRS illegal or just unethical. And provable in a court of law. I do believe that there are many in this country who no longer believe justice is blind, the rich or politically connected can get away with things that an ordinary schmuck can't. I think we all pretty much know that injustice can't be totally eliminated, but that doesn't mean a substantial effort shouldn't be made to go after those who have enriched themselves at the expense of others or those in gov't who have betrayed the public trust.
The question is

There is no question. It's been investigated. It's done.

Bullshit. Investigated by the Dems, and Obama came out and told us there was not a smidgen of evidence to suggest wrongdoing before it was over? It ain't done yet, nor should it be.
Bullshit. Investigated by the Dems

No, dumbass.

The FBI found no criminality.

The report issued by the Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion.
Did this actually happen? Because I've heard nothing about it.

I read some thing about it. It is a poorly written article, they are talking about referring her the DoJ on criminal charges.

Well, that's a start I guess. If true. Call me a pessimist, but I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.
I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.

Or the standing to do it. The possibility of criminality has already been assessed. There was none found.

There was none found by the criminal Obama administration. There's a new sheriff in town, snowflake. Now we will get a more honest evaluation of the evidence.
Tea Party political groups wanted to claim tax breaks because they weren't political.

That's the punchline to this whole fake scandal.

Louis admitted she fast tracked it and used key words like Tea Party...


Well if a group wants non-political status and they identify themselves in some way associated with the 'hot' political movement of the times, which the Tea Party was,

don't you think 'Tea Party' might be relevant key words?

You shouldn't have to even point that out. It goes without saying.
Only to morons like you. Having a political agenda is not a bar to getting 501c3 status. Otherwise how do you numskulls explain 5013C orgs like

You snowflakes are too stupid for words to describe.
Did this actually happen? Because I've heard nothing about it.

I read some thing about it. It is a poorly written article, they are talking about referring her the DoJ on criminal charges.

Well, that's a start I guess. If true. Call me a pessimist, but I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.
I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.

Or the standing to do it. The possibility of criminality has already been assessed. There was none found.

There was none found by the criminal Obama administration. There's a new sheriff in town, snowflake. Now we will get a more honest evaluation of the evidence.
There was none found by the criminal Obama administration.

The FBI found no criminal wrongdoing and the report from the Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion.

Neither is the "Obama administration", dumbass.
Well it's true . What's the big deal, they had to submit extra paperwork! Gasp!!!
Life is so much more than skin color. Your preoccupation with it is sad.

Save that lecture for your conservative buddies. Shit, they literallly have organized groups based solely obviously on their love of racism .

You mean like the BLM,NAACP,CBC,UNCF and the Black Panthers?

Oh yeah . They are so racist that they have white members.
Well it's true . What's the big deal, they had to submit extra paperwork! Gasp!!!
Life is so much more than skin color. Your preoccupation with it is sad.

Save that lecture for your conservative buddies. Shit, they literallly have organized groups based solely obviously on their love of racism .

You mean like the BLM,NAACP,CBC,UNCF and the Black Panthers?

Oh yeah . They are so racist that they have white members.

So Timothy...what do you think the reaction would be if there were white groups of the same nature?
Well it's true . What's the big deal, they had to submit extra paperwork! Gasp!!!
Life is so much more than skin color. Your preoccupation with it is sad.

Save that lecture for your conservative buddies. Shit, they literallly have organized groups based solely obviously on their love of racism .

You mean like the BLM,NAACP,CBC,UNCF and the Black Panthers?

Oh yeah . They are so racist that they have white members.

So Timothy...what do you think the reaction would be if there were white groups of the same nature?
white groups of the same nature?

There could never be white groups of the same nature, dope.
Life is so much more than skin color. Your preoccupation with it is sad.

Save that lecture for your conservative buddies. Shit, they literallly have organized groups based solely obviously on their love of racism .

You mean like the BLM,NAACP,CBC,UNCF and the Black Panthers?

Oh yeah . They are so racist that they have white members.

So Timothy...what do you think the reaction would be if there were white groups of the same nature?
white groups of the same nature?

There could never be white groups of the same nature, dope.

Why? Because liberals say so?
Did this actually happen? Because I've heard nothing about it.

I read some thing about it. It is a poorly written article, they are talking about referring her the DoJ on criminal charges.

Well, that's a start I guess. If true. Call me a pessimist, but I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.
I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.

Or the standing to do it. The possibility of criminality has already been assessed. There was none found.

There was none found by the criminal Obama administration. There's a new sheriff in town, snowflake. Now we will get a more honest evaluation of the evidence.
There was none found by the criminal Obama administration.

The FBI found no criminal wrongdoing and the report from the Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion.

Neither is the "Obama administration", dumbass.

We have no such statement from the FBI. We only have what some Obama flack in the DOJ said about the FBI's investigation, and that was a joke.

DOJ: No Criminal Charges Against IRS's Lois Lerner - Breitbart

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

In a statement responding to the DOJ, Goodlatte
said, “At every turn President Obama and administration officials have repeatedly and publicly undermined the investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups yet today’s announcement from the Department of Justice is still very disturbing.”

The chairman continued:

I repeatedly called on then Attorney General Holder to appoint a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation to ensure a fair and thorough process but instead the investigation was led by a loyal Democratic donor. Even as far back as last year unnamed DOJ officials leaked information to the media suggesting that the Department did not plan to file criminal charges over the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.

The Department of Justice investigation did conclude that the actions of IRS personnel involved in the scandal was “disquieting” and in that we all agree. However, the American people should be concerned that this kind of politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing. You can be sure this will be a major issue during the Committee’s DOJ oversight hearing with Attorney General Lynch next week.

According to
Fox News, Rep. Darrell Issa, who chaired the House Oversight Committee during the hearings that focused on Lerner and the other IRS officials’ activities, said the DOJ’s announcement marks a “low point of accountability” for the Obama administration.

“Giving Lois Lerner a free pass only reinforces the idea that government officials are above the law and that there is no consequence for wrongdoing,” he said.

Democrats, like Rep. Elijah Cummings, chalked up the DOJ announcement as evidence of Republicans’ desire to spend more taxpayer money on witch hunts and “all kinds of investigative rabbit holes.”

When an Inspector General’s audit found that IRS agents had targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections in their applications for tax-exempt status, a firestorm ensued. Multiple investigations by congressional committees focused primarily on Lerner’s part in the activities, with investigators discovering her emails that denigrated Republicans. Subsequently, the House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress in 2014 following her refusal to answer the Oversight Committee’s questions.

In response to the DOJ’s announcement, Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said, “By failing to indict Lois Lerner, the Obama Justice Department – or, should we say, the Obama Injustice Department – is making a mockery of this ‘investigation,’ when countless American citizens, by Ms. Lerner’s own admission, were persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service.”

“This is a woman, after all, who looked into the camera at a national television audience and directly at a congressional committee and refused to answer their questions for fear of incriminating herself,” Martin continued in her statement. “This is just the latest evidence that the Justice Department, whether under Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, has simply become the political hatchet-men for President Obama and his cronies throughout the administration.”

Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Tea Party movement and president of Citizens for Self Governance—a group that continues its class lawsuit against the IRS—said, “Lois Lerner made an entire career out of attacking conservatives and Christians starting with her time at the FEC. There is a reason the majority of Americans fear their government, and Lerner is the poster child for that reason.”

Meckler added that, via the DOJ’s decision not to file charges, Lerner “has been rewarded for abusing her government positions to attack her fellow citizens. And until the Department of Injustice once again becomes the Department of Justice, Americans will live in fear.”
Well it's true . What's the big deal, they had to submit extra paperwork! Gasp!!!
Life is so much more than skin color. Your preoccupation with it is sad.

Save that lecture for your conservative buddies. Shit, they literallly have organized groups based solely obviously on their love of racism .

You mean like the BLM,NAACP,CBC,UNCF and the Black Panthers?

Oh yeah . They are so racist that they have white members.

They have self-hating liberal white members.
Wrong , not their 501c4.
When you call for's free status to be revoked, perhaps people won't believe you're nothing but an dishonest douche bag hypocrite.

Except MoveOn is registered as a political organization and has to disclose its donors.

Most of the Teabagger groups that were trying to abuse the system were registering as "Social Welfare" agencies where they could hide their donors and the fact the Koch Brothers gave them big bags of money.

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